The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
OMG THAT IS CORRECT!Whyuknoanswertoimpossibletoanswerquestion?!?!?!?
bcaziisanaweumpursun!!!!!!Why do dictionaries exist?
Because of paper.How can I fly?
First, you flap your arms, then you make a funny face, last you fly until the wall hits your head.Are bananas blue?
Possibly.Is an elephant actually a llama?
Not unless the llama is a penguin.Why don't birds have hands?
Yes they do, we call it wings.What makes metal float on water?
Holes. Lots of them.Why are Ghostbusters the first people you call?
Because the second people you call are usually busters, and you need to ghost them.Why is this in italics?
Because this would look weird How do you throw yourself at the ground and miss?
Riptizoid, nice post!!!Snag: By being outside the atmosphere at the timeWhy does metal plastic have a wooden ship for an armatar?
Because it was a sink or swim situation.What causes gravity?
Graveness.What is the proper way to address an Icelandic walrus?
Graveness causes gravity!!! Man! Nice thoughtHello sirWhy is everyone around here a retard?
Koala bears.What's the oldest trick in the book?
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