The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Triangle, I think.Where is Scotland?
Somewhere in UranusWhat is an anus?
Your mom.Mom where is?
Inside an elephant.What are numbers?
They're letters, but not the words kind.Who is Steve?
Who isn't Steve?What makes up 'not down'?
The all around energy that is mojos.'Leaves', is it a verb or a noun?
It's a plants partWhat is a jackal?
A tree without leaves.Why do birds fly?
Because they flap.Why do computers whir
They don't, they just compute.Why is ice cubed?
Because it's square. What a nerd.Why are black sheep so different?
Because they are sheepWhy am I snag?
Because if you werent, the purple loea***atiuahtfjhg would come and eat you.Derp? (anything you say to answer this will be wrong >)
Wherefore is Romao?
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