The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
He his Barack Nomama
Why aren't people so active these days?
Because they eat more vegetables.
Why is the sky blue and not rose?
Because all the roses were given to Aphrodite, Leaving Zeus with sunflowers, and Poseidon with seaweed.
How do you tell the difference between smart and smarter?
Flip a coin.
How do you mathematically find a good game?
Bales of cotton.
How do you know when an apple is ripe?
Knock on the front door.
How can I use GIMP?
How do I stay away when I'm asleep?
Take a cold shower and drink three cups of coffee (black, no milk, no sugar) afterwards. Then sit in your favorite chair, Take a painkiller and stab your index finger with a knive. You can trust me I am a random dude on the internet.
What is the meaning of life?
What game does theuser above me remind me of?
How high are you?
50 feet
Is this a question.
Was that soda, or rubbing alcohol that I just drank?
My pee.
Did i just eat a sandwich of ant meat?
Pant meat? I didn't know such a thing existed.
When I close my eyes why do I see glowing circle floating thing and no I have not ingested anything of a questionable nature.
because the lord. and the light of life.
Why isn't there masculinism? Or why Havent i heard of it?
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