The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because he made the hit song "The World Revolves Around that other guy who isn't Me"
Why have all the mods become a bunch more active?
We want to earn some extra-reputation... you know, santa is coming
A propos santa, why did he wear red?
Because on first his murdering spree he got his nice white clothes bloody, and it sort of clung.
Where is the above moderator's face?
A portal to the land of eternal yellow snow. Everything there has a bladder problem, or something.
Although I live in ohio, it is raining 19 days before Christmas. What Gives Mama Natre??!?!
think mother nature.
Mother Nature is making up for the snow day we got about a month ago.
Why do goats scream?
Because it's stomach is being cut open, by a misguided HP fan, in an attempt to find a bezoar.
How do I know if the color red, looks the same through my eyes, as oppose to everyone else eyes?
Stab yourself in the heart, and if everyone else see's green too, you're fine.
How do I continue to play a game I gave up on, just to get a quest?
You keep playing it to prove the quest system wrong.
How do I know if I'm a good user or not?
Ask an inactive troll if he/she likes you, then go out to dinner with them.
How do I know if this entire forum hates me and wishes I was banned or not?
Coin hate, tails not
Coin Flip = Heads
Why are bananas yellow?
oh. Drat, I should go then. Because they like the Beatles too much and are under water.
Why did Unleashed have to flip for it?
Because they forgot to ask your opinion when they were making them...
Why do trolls exist?
Because, no one else wants to guard the bridge from annoying billy goats.
How do I know you really exist and that you're not all figment of my imagination.
because big foot and the snow man exists.
Why am I so hyper?
Because of the drugs bro.
Who is Barack Obomber?
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