The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
gambling? how should I know? maybe you have no life at all and you're bored.
What do you do when you'r bored?
Stop being bored?
Whats the best thing to do in mass effect? (1,2 or 3)
not play mass effect. That's actually the best.
nutella?!? Why U no Make Me UNhungry?
Because it is a secret plot to sell you more.
Have you had any snow?
Yes, if water vapor counts.
Is this a stupid question?
How are you yesterday?
I am brilliant yesterday, but I will be very cold.
Why can't I sleep?
Because a cat, a man in armor staring at the sun, and a female wannabe link are playing catch in your room with an eyeball.
Why can't I breathe?
Because those eyes ended up down your throat after an unfortunate miss
Why can't I have breakfast?
Because you don't have a mouth.
Why aren't forks made of mercury?
Because that's a planet.
Why is metal harder than rock?
Because physics.
Why ask such a stupid question?
To get a dumb answer.
Why is physics physically possible?
Because Einstein's brain squared Steve Jobs by E=MC small 2.
Why did I ever join the post tournament?
Because you have too little postcount and wanted a reason to post all the time.
Why can't i innovate?
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