The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
Because no one believes in you.
Why is my hand sticky?
Because you just touched a lot of melting candies.
Why is Frank_Frooton Frank?
I-er- because mind your franking business!
Why was that question asked?
Because i want to.
Because you want to.
There are things in life that shouldn't be explained. What's one of them?
Why time goes quicker when you're asleep
Why cant I see properly?
It's inherited. Go have a genetic scan
Why do we celebrate the New Year?
Because there must be a new celebration each time there's a new year.
Why is my username on almost every thread in the first page of forum games?
It is, because everyone has gone to bed.
Why has the rum gone?
All of the Knights, Mods, and Admins drank it with toast.
Why is toast burned?
cuz you burned it by overtoasting it...
why is this not a question?
Because this is not an answer?
If pie's squared, which museum does Einstein's brain work in?
My mom's basement. Well... it's more like a zoo.
Question my answer.
Sure, once you answer my question.
When is time irrelevant yet also of the essence?
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