This is a topic for all of those hidden musicians out there to show armorgames what you rock out on! Either it be drums, guitar, bass, it does not matter! This topic was created by me to show off and discuss members instruments of choice! I look forward to seeing some cool instruments out there!
Rules for thread When you post, you must include: -Pictures if you can. (Use photobucket -Description of the instrument -Why chosen -Features -The pros/the cons
*NO* illegal or stolen images in this thread! images that are not original will be taken off by the administration pronto! Yes, i will be checking the URL of ALL images submitted. So do not think you can get away with it!
*NO* obscene material! That being, offensive, political, nudity, blood and gore etc...
lastly, do not judge others instruments. It is there own and does not need your rude input about it. If it is something positive, then feel free to say it otherwise don't!
So, I play the guitar and I have three guitars: two electric and one acoustic. The first one of the electric guitars is a fender squire strat, just a really cheap guitar, but it sounds okay thre other electric guitar is a yamaha eg112c, which costed me about 2-300 euros, not really that much either, but it sounds a little better than the other. The acoustic is a guitar I bought in Germany, it only costed 120 euro, and it's a children's guitar. It works for me though,,, Thats some of my equipment... (I know I did'nt say anything about my amps)
I have a Fender Stratacaster, custom, with Orange-Black Sunburst and a white pick-protector. That's my main guitar and my best. It cost $ 2750.00 because it's custom. I also have a 40 year old guitar but it sounds bad and it's paint is faded and I don't know what brand it is. I also have a kid size guitar from when I was around 4 or 5. (That's when I started playing.) And I have played for 8 years. I like to play metal and hardcore rock.
I play the piano but I don't actually own a real one, instead I just have my Yamaha P-60 electronic piano. Oh, I also still have my custom Bach cornet but I haven't played that in some years.
I scream for a sludge band down in the swamps ....this ev mic works just as good as a 58 and it has alot less handle noise ..though noise does not matter in what we do does when others borrow it lol