The Skywolves wore mostly trousers, a white shirt and a large, brown leather coat lined with sheepskin. They carried an assortment of rifles, swords, daggers and pistols. 10 or so had barged into the room, weapons ready, only to find crying, wailing children. One, at the head, wearing a dark green bandanna shouted for everyone to be quiet, then noticed the hole in the wall, still smoking from the beam that had seared through it. He smelt the scent of burned flesh, and his face, hardened and callused by the skies, softened, and he spoke in a quiet voice to one of the other Skywolves. The man nodded and ran back out, his boots clanging on the metal. The leader then started to speak;
"Hello, my name is Carnassus Seldon. We were sent to chase down this ship after its crew stole you kids from your homes. I am afraid that your fair city, Gull Wing, has bee destroyed."
Gasps came from everyone in the room, no matter what age. Gillia felt tears flow, and Garrett and Emily both fell down, as if the news had been an immense weight put on top of them. People started to cry, softly, unwilling to be shouted at.
"No one could escape," continued Carnassus, "This ship fired a salvo at the city as they left. I am sorry, but we must leave here." He flicked his hand at the men behind him, and with what devices of destruction they carried, they battered down the doors to the cells.
When Gillia and Garrett were free, they ran over to Carnassus, who was talking to one of the men.
"Sir" began Gillia, "Garrett and I want the fighting kids given weapons. There must still be men on this ship, and we want to hit them a couple times, say thirty"
All of Gillia's sorrow was gone. She would not dwell on it. The men on this ship were the cause, and she intended to make them pay.
"But you're just kids-" began Carnassus.
"Shut up. I do not care of age. Age didn't stop us when we made the Tree Village. Age didn't stop us when we trained with swords. Age didn't stop us when we threw Doyle from the upper platform, and it didn't stop us when we watched his body fall down and break its horrible neck on the ground. So, if you please. WEAPONS."
Carrnassus, to his credit, was a bit frightened by this fierce, iron-hearted girl, so he snapped at the man he was talking to.
"You, bring me thirty or so swords. And be quick about it."
Garrett was mustering up the sorrowful kids.
"Listen guys! I know it's horrible to have lost our city, our homes, our parents, but we must get out of here, so that we may give them a proper funeral. So that their legacies may continue, not stop on this overgrown hunk of flying metal. Now, we can take revenge on those who killed our mums and dads, older friends and family. Now, we can drive swords through their evil hearts, just as they drove bullets through our families! Now is the time we will fight!"
Everyone cheered, a massive, ear-splitting cheer, and the kids surged forward, eager to destroy something. The Skywolves dived to the sides, desperate not to be flattened.
The kids were given swords, as they were all between 9 and 15, and were no stranger to violence and could all fight if they had to, especially the Watch, Garrett and Gillia. They stormed through the strange, metal ship, through large rooms, tight corridors, dismantling any who stood in their path. They didn't kil anyone, only injured them, but the crew of the metal skyship were more afraid of these armed kids than they were of the Skywolves, and paled as they saw the gangs of yelling, overcharged kids.
Phew, can't write anymore. I'll continue later