ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
1,627 posts
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

You are truly blind if you think that this is the case.

Then in that case, how can you accuse the UN to be highly biased against Israel when it itself can't control its participants? Hmm?

I will say partly yes, because Israel has not committed THAT many gross crimes over its existence! Nowhere near enough to constitute over 40% of all country specific resolutions passed. If the U.N. was truly equal then China would be condemned, Russia would have been condemned, Syria would have been condemned by the Security Council. The list goes on and on and on and on and on. The U.N. is completely obsessed with Israel, and it needs to stop violating its own charter.

Let's see.

It has driven out hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Killed civilians in the name of attacking militants.
Gross humans rights abuse to women and children.
Illegally occupied land for the past 60 years.

Syria is condemned by the Security Council. It just hasn't been able to past resolutions,, just like the SC is largely unable to pass resolutions on Israel, because the US has vetoed them. Russia and China have all been condemned but the SC hasn't passed resos on them because they're from the P5, which is the same case for the USA vetoing Israeli based resolutions. Hence, I fail to see any biasness against Israel that doesn't swing elsewhere, in fact, it only shows biasness in favour of Israel.

How the U.N. would be violating its Charter if Palestine was accepted as a full-member state.

Just an example.

By recognizing a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, the U.N. would be an accomplice to a fundamental breach of the Oslo Accords

Israel has already breached the Accords by itself multiple times.

The accepted international criteria for statehood are laid out in the Montevideo Convention of 1933: a permanent population, a defined territory, government and capacity to enter into relations with the other states. The West Bank and Gaza Strip clearly fail to meet these criteria.

The PLO actually has ALL of these criteria in the area Israel has spared it. In either case, if it's still not recognised, it's because Israel has refused to allow the PLO the WB or GS which are rightfully theirs, thus by a combination of Israeli stubborness leading to no Palestinian State in some people's eyes, Israel itself, by refusing to budge, is the reason why the PLO is not a state.

Any declaration of independence on 1967 lines leaves the most populous city in the new Palestinian âstateâ in the hands of Hamas, a terrorist organization at open war with Israel. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have declared an intention to form a unity government, leaving the whole of Palestinian territory under at least partial control of terrorists.

We have already shown that Hamas has waning support. Furthermore, the same argument can be thrown back at Israel; the Knesset has far right parties who argue for Eretz Israel, essentially arguing for the destruction of any semblance of a Palestinian state now. So why are these Israeli terrorists who partially govern the country allowed a state when they too seek Palestinian destruction?
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Would also like to point out that none of your arguments has shown that the UN condemns Isrsel because it's Jewish.

31 posts

At first when I knew about the Israel attacking Palestinians( at a small age, when I was about 8) I felt it was justified as according to the prophecy in the Bible, it was foretold that the Palestinians would suffer for their crimes in the olden days.
As i grew older I learnt about the Zionite meeting in Basle,Swizerland and the Israelites planning on taking back their old land which now belonged to the Palestinians.
Then i felt sorry for them as Israel had attacked the defenceless people for no wrong,the UN did support their actions at first but later it went haywire as Israel started to displace a large amount of Palestinians and attack them.

Now Im not saying I hate the Israelites or anything, I just think that what they are doing is wrong and that they should stop with this bloodshed and give back some portion of land for the people to live in. Everyday I pray that this bloodshed ends and that the Israelites and Palestinians live together in peace

1,773 posts

Its very nice to see peoples from far USA knowing bertter than me what happen in Israel.

well firstly, ther is no "bloodshed". unlike other invasions in modern history {after 1945}, the IDF care alot about humans life. Belive me, if we wanted to, gaza was a desert now. But onlike our democratic and humanitaric friend in Hamas and Hizbhalla, we want peace, to live our life.
Secondly, you shouldd know that after 1945, living in europe was a tabbo for the jewish. After the good and nice peoples of europe, even if not all of them, killed most of the members of ther family, they had to find a new home, wher no one will kill them for ther religion or "race".
Israel was the obviuse place. our ancient homeland who start to enveloped by the jewish emegrants. {just for say - from the year 1000 to 1900 the population almost didnt changed at all, not to say technolegy}. In 1948, after the U"N voted that the country should be splitted to a jewish state and an arab state, the arabs attacked. and you can check it everywher. they attacked a bus traveling from jerusalem to tel-aviv. only 1 women survived. and in the end we won. and now, in 2012, they go crieng to the U"N and say "ummm, well, lets start again, we want the splitt again". its nice that they remmeber to accept it.
The IDF dont just blow houses who are known to have terrorist inside them. they firstly inform the residents, even if the terrorist will heard and run away too.
secondly, its a known fact that hamas bring with his squads littel kids, grabed from school, to be used as human shields, because they know that its Prohibited by the IDF standard to shot on them.

i can keep like this for a full page. Belive me, we are the democracy who accept human rights, freedom and justice.
And if you disagree, lets make a bet - wher you will survive more, in gaza or in tel-aviv? i can ensure you that no Israeli solider will shoot you, but gaza peoples - i dont sure.

1,303 posts

danielo try to watch this

I am not saying arabs are all good, but neither are jews

1,773 posts

And this is the problem!

I am not saying arabs are all good, but neither are jews

Its not "the jews". Do you know the say "when you cuttdown wood, ther are splinters".
How much dead civilians in the invasion of the amreican army to Bagdad? Iraq-Iran wars? Fokland/malvinas Invasion by england? Do not preach morality to us!
you know, that most of these kids are getting transfered after it to hospitals in Israel, wher they are taken care for free? that Operations are getting cancled because they use kinder-garden as bases?
Its had to save our Peoples from Terrorist who shoot from hospitals without hurting some Innocent civilians. But the diffrunte is that we dont him on them. we just focus on terrorist who shoot at us. they shoot ther rockets on cities, himing to kill Innocent civilians. when ther are peoples hurt in a Targeted prevention, we taqke them to hospitals, give them Compensation. when Hamas hit a house and hurt peoples, he give candies in the street.

Israel is the only democracy in the middle-east. THE ONLY ONE. The only place wher you can protest without afraid that the police will shoot you. only here in the middle-east you can be Satirical and not make your show canceled.
Members of Congress go to jjail for bribery, and here you can belive in whatever you want.
Ther are sad stories, its true, but its not like we are bombing gazza on a daily bases. its not the blits. and tanks dont patrol ther. Its just what they sell to you.
and again, if we wanted, we could flat gaza. but this is not what we wanted.

PS- jsut as i wrote, ther was an alarm, which said that hamas shoot rocket on us. and lets just said {i cant tell you wher i think it hit}, it was close to wher i am now. and its no military base around or anything. can you explain?
1,303 posts

How much dead civilians in the invasion of the amreican army to Bagdad? Iraq-Iran wars? Fokland/malvinas Invasion by england? Do not preach morality to us!

can you highlight in which of my comments I said those wars are good actions? 2 wrongs doesnt make 1 right

you know, that most of these kids are getting transfered after it to hospitals in Israel, wher they are taken care for free?

they get transfered to hospitals after the army kills the entire family, I see now Israelis are good...

But the diffrunte is that we dont him on them. we just focus on terrorist who shoot at us

by using arabs as human shield?
Israeli army uses 2 arabs as human shield

they shoot ther rockets on cities, himing to kill Innocent civilians.

so do the Israeli army

Israel is the only democracy in the middle-east.

what about Lebanon?

[quote]and again, if we wanted, we could flat gaza. but this is not what we wanted.

What your point? USA could flat the entire planet. Russia, China and some European countries. There is so many countries who have strong military. Every one of them could bring hell to earth if they wanted.
That why, I dont understand your point.
1,303 posts

PS- jsut as i wrote, ther was an alarm, which said that hamas shoot rocket on us. and lets just said {i cant tell you wher i think it hit}, it was close to wher i am now. and its no military base around or anything. can you explain?

first of all, I am not an all knowing god who can tell you why everything is happening, but I still try to explain it anyway.

they dont have an army, so they cant join a army who can fight back. so when the Israeli army kills they children and woman, I doubt they will just stand by and watch. and that what makes them do those thing.
1,826 posts

PS- jsut as i wrote, ther was an alarm, which said that hamas shoot rocket on us. and lets just said {i cant tell you wher i think it hit}, it was close to wher i am now. and its no military base around or anything. can you explain?

If I lose my family to IDF I will do every thing in my power to hurt Israel no matter what the consequences are.
Same goes here.
8,257 posts

I won't hate on anyone for what a few people have done, and I don't want to accuse single people of what has been done by others. I don't know any palestinians or Israeli personally; but here's someone who does. Here's someone who writes about what he and other people of both sides think about the conflict and specifically about the wall built by Israel at the West Bank.
Here's something for partisans of both sides to read; it's long, it's two pages, but it's definitely worth it. And even the strong Israeli partisans around here should be able, after the read, to recognize that something's wrong somewhere...

Wall: A Monologue by David Hare

1,773 posts

1- Its a known fact that hamas {not like you, i dony speak about "Israek" or "arabs", i know the factions and ther Ideology} and hizballa Fabricating pictures and movies.
heres one - - what you see here is how they fake a movvie. the baby is completly fine.
and here another one-

Secondely, its not africa militias. We dont enter villgaes and kill them all! as you saw, we only shot if ther is no dangre of hurting civilians. Afcours if soliders are at danger themselve, they have to protect themselve, but they wont shoot at the civilians!
oh, and your movie - what you see is completly fake. 2 guys are standing there and the film crew is screaming that they are human shields! dosent mean anything! soliders are duged and go to jail for less than that! you can visit them if you want {something that in gaza you wont be able}.

for the last time - we dont do it! i didnt saw you asking "why they killed bin-laden? what about is childrens? how much people died in his assasination?".
Its very easy to blame the jews, like you did so far. why the kid died? the jews did it! why ther is so much snow? the jew did it? why ther is an economic problmes? the JEWS!"

Look at yourself firstly. do you want some exmples?

1,773 posts

oh and about your "Wall: A Monologue by David Hare" - they will have normal life, when they stop sending suicide bombers on us! here an exmple - [url=] this is way we need a wall.

1,826 posts

Its very easy to blame the jews, like you did so far. why the kid died? the jews did it! why ther is so much snow? the jew did it? why ther is an economic problmes? the JEWS!"

All of the above are wrong but I know one fact
Why so much blood shed in Middle East?
The JEWS.(or more precisely Israelis)
17 posts

I used to support the Palestinians until about 28 years of age. I had many Lebanese Muslim friends & the TV made quite a sympathetic story for the Palestinians.

Ten years down the track & my view has changed completely (but logically on information available).

Israel is a buffer stone, between the West & Islam.

The Koran mentions the JEWS specifically(along with Christians & Atheists) as BASICALLY horrible people who should either,,,
*Pay 10%+ extra Jizya tax(for people of the book)
*Be converted
*Be killed

If you think the Muslims don't believe this then you should also believe Christians don't think Jesus died on the cross( it's a fundamental teaching)

So basically you had Israel who was created by the U.N & GBR in 1948, & the majority of inhabitants(of what became Israel) & surrounding inhabitants were very ANTI ZIONIST (Israeli) by religion as taught in the KOran.

ALl the problems stem from the original facts concerning the creation of Israel.


If Muslims were given equal rights in Israel then muslims would become the majority, votes the Jews out, with Synagogue destruction soon to follow & the elimination of all Jews (bar some tiny minority).

Thinking about who bombed who yesterday or last week, is just time wasting rubbish. The problem goes back to Mohammed overtaking Jerusalem through violence & force over 1,000 years ago.

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