ForumsWEPR[necro] For all the Israel haters...

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1,627 posts

I dare you to claim that this is not a clear example of U.N. bias against Israel. This sort of stuff has been seen time after time after time in events like the Goldstone Report, the Zionism equals Racism vote, and the Durban Conferences. The U.N. needs to seriously reexamine what it stands for, because it has now become a sound-off board for those who wish to condemn Israel at every opportunity.

Discuss whether or not you think that the U.N. is biased against Israel.

  • 181 Replies
1,826 posts

- Gazza people live in a dark age, wher women can get shot for beign a women, wher beign a gay is a crime and wher supporting another ideaoligy than the one of Hamas its a sin. Is they are the normal peoples, or us, Israel, who just want to live our life?!
I realy starting to piss off here.
Peopels dont die in gaza by a regulary base because the IDF. setteler dont shoot arabs like wild west cowboys on indians. if they do, they get to JAIL. like any other murdurer. the only one who shoot is the arabs, on refuges from africa who try to flee to israel, live a better life. but, who care when its not the jewish heh?

and back to history, most of the arabs came to Israel because it was developed by the pilgrims who built this countery. its was a wasteland before. yes, ther were more arabs, but yet, ther were more indians or more british peoples? ther were more africans or more south-africa british/dutchs?

Two wrongs don't make a right
and for the last time - NO. ther is no massive killing. if we wanna to, we could kill them all. all of them. in no more then two plainse. boom boom boom and no more gaza.

and yea, if it was up you, the arabs will live here, and ther will be peace and they will not try to take over europe and then on usa. sure. they just fight for freedom! as we seen in 9/11 and on the subway of london and on 100k other places! they are just a peacefull peoples, shiny happy peoples!

Now that's called stereotyping.
9,439 posts

if we wanna to, we could kill them all. all of them. in no more then two plainse. boom boom boom and no more gaza.

If. Any other militarized nation, even Canada, could wipe out Israel in the same way if they really wanted to. Russia has almost three times as many people in its military reserves than the entire population of Israel. Heck, if Russia or the US really wanted to wipe out life all over the world, they could. It just wouldn't be politically favorable.
474 posts

Russia has almost three times as many people in its military reserves than the entire population of Israel

Don't forget that every single man and woman are forced to serve in the Israeli military.

Heck, if Russia or the US really wanted to wipe out life all over the world, they could

Your forgetting China, Pakistan, India, and a bunch of other places that have nuclear capability.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Settlers do randomly kill people in the West Bank. Read up on Gush Emunim.

No, you guys don't regularly kill Palestinians with the IDF, but the blockades are killing many via starvation and lack of medical care. Also, there are lone wolf Israeli terrorists, such as the Cave of Patriachs massacre. You shot your own PM, Rabin for goodness' sake. I don't know where you get such a rosy image of the IDF but all you have done is claim without evidence.

And to answer your question, it's a domestic issue. You don't and you can't dump your own citizens that you dot want to in a foreign land. If I wanted to do that, then I can dump all the Syrian people Assad doesn't want into Israel. How does that feel? That stealing and no amount of "oh Holocaust, pity them!" is going to chane the fact that Israel stole land to form itself. Your own leaders acknowledge so.

And oh, the Gaza is living in the "dark aes" because of the IDF blockades.

1,773 posts

yea, just because ot that... so every other arabic nation is a place of harmony and human rights?

and again - you all live in a lie. they dont sturve to death! its just a lie that the Volunteers Convinced themselves, because of a post-colonialist sight, that said that the arabs and the africans and the asians are the poor ones.
The Settlers, Although I oppose their ways, are not a canibals nazis! they dont just travel and shoot arabs! its just hypocrisy to say it. i didnt saw you get angry about arabs get into a village and killing an entire family.
and again - why is ther a blockade? because in 1990, yuo could drive by a car from gaza to tel-aviv without any problmes. but then, in 1991, the first intifada, they start to send suicide bombers from gaza. and terrorist. peoples who shot a school bus, just because they are the "enemy"! peoples who kill a 17 girl, becaue she is "jewish"!
after what we got in 1942, we ddont gonna let it happen again! we wont just sit in the corner and cry {usa, can you tell them to stop pleaes?" we will react for anything that danger our peoples! and if Hypocrites like you belive that we need to Disappear, and that how the problme will Resolved, you are living in a walt diseny movie. we try to talk to them. how many Left-wing activists ther in Israel, and how many in gaza?
adn no, Hamas is not a left-wing, its a terrorist group who kidnnape peoples, shot ther rivals

tehy have only 1 mission - to kill us all! no matter how or in what cost.

and again, here some pictures showing the hard starve you saw in hamas... [url=] ... poor peoples... but i guese its all plastics?



here [url=]

and for the last - here is you! [url=]
what you think?

poor peoples, they just want to live free... and the bad bad Jews who want to control all of Israel!

and, please tell me how many arabic/muslims counteries ther are in the world, and how many jewish counteries ther is?
or we, the jews, nneed to stay Foreigners everywher?
1,773 posts

well, i dont realy know how to use the "link" yet... sorry

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

We're talking about Israel, why talk about the Arab nations and divert?

I don't see how the Nobel Prize comes in useful, in fact the majority of "Jewish" prizes were won not by Israeli Jews but Jews of other nations.

The First Intifada comprised of civilian actions such as stone throwing Palestinian youths and the IDF shooting them bak so I don't know why yu think of suicide bombers. Perhaps you're mixin it up with the second one.

Before calling me a hyprocrite read my bloody sentences since I have never said the Jews should be liquidated. I dot support racist policies but I don't support Israel. If Israelis adopt such an attitude that shows in land grabbing, then why are you ao pissed when the Palestinians are merely to do the same thing as your post 1942 Jews, trying to survive?

Also if you're going to obstinately refuse all evidence and call it colonialist then I'm not going to debate with such an obstinate buffoon.

1,773 posts

I know that you are not racist or anything like this. sorry if you got it wrong.
what i meant was - now what? what you want us to do? saing "you are all Illegal" not gonna move us anywher.
i know, ther were some Errors in the past. but im just get angry by the attitude of "give them back the land". its our only home. our only places. its not like we have more than Quarter of the world, we just have this little piece of land, that befor us was nothing. befor my grandmotehr mother, the place i live in was a tiny hill, sorrunded by swamps. now its a fully modern suburban. ashdod, stay as it was when jesus walk in jerusalem, until my grand grandfather came and brouth more modern building technichs from czech. we built it. we wont just say "oh ok.. i didnt knew that the arabic here are so poor, here, take my house".

we want to share. ther are a large group who wnat to make 2 counteries, 1 arabic adn 1 Israelist. but the strong voice {i dont say major On purpose} in gaza and in the west bank and around the world, like in Iran and eygept now, call for fully exermination of Israel.

and now for some explination - the first Intifada was a shock. suddenly, driving to gaza could make you be dead.
suddenly, the road to jerusalem was full with angry youngser who stoned cars, even molotovs sometime. thuse raioteers murdured poeples. you said it like it was a bunch of kids with water-guns. so yea, ther was panic and yea, Bad judgment, when the Minister of Defense thought that the only Solution was "we need to break ther bones". i didnt liked it too. it was a terrible move. but it dosent say that we are Tyrants. its was a bad moves of a man who Thought that he is still in 1948, when ther were a civil war, wher the 'alestinians' {plus the armies of eygept, Iraq, Iran, jurdan,syria,morocco} fought against the Israelis {plus refuges from the Holocaust who had to fight, and some Volunteers from around the free world}.
and yes, ther were some bad things that happend than. but all of thats dont make the Existence of a countery "Illegal".

here is a site of Israelis who belive in 2 state for 2 peoples - [url=]
please find me one of palestinians.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke


And here:

I am stating by my guns by saying Israel is illegal; but we cannot move all the people out that is right. But the Israelis have got to give back at least the 1967 borders to have a viable long lasting solution. I've made my stand pretty clear throughout this thread and the other one. Go search it out. If you want my other views and arguments, go seek them out in the other thread. A few pages back. I'm not going to re-state them for the tenth time.

1,627 posts

Like I've said in the previous thread, if the Pals want Israel, than Israel has the right to turn the land back into the desert and swamp it was before they were there...

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Continue such a petulant and irrational vein of argument if you want to.

1,627 posts

Continue such a petulant and irrational vein of argument if you want to.

Irrational? Who built the land from swamp? Who made life spring from the desert? Who created the cities? It might have been the Palestinians land before Israel came, but now Israel has claim to the land as the developer.
1,303 posts

Who built the land from swamp? Who made life spring from the desert? Who created the cities?

Were did Israel get all the money from?
1,627 posts

Were did Israel get all the money from?

The settlers who came in the early 1900s. They didn't exactly rely on the U.S. for a paltry 3 billion in foreign aid.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Irrational? Who built the land from swamp? Who made life spring from the desert? Who created the cities? It might have been the Palestinians land before Israel came, but now Israel has claim to the land as the developer.

The irrationality and childishness stems from your claim of ''If the Pals want it back, Israel will just turn it all back into a swamp'', much like a child destroying a toy when another child wants it, just to prevent it from falling to the other. That's childish.
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