ForumsArt, Music, and WritingCenere's hilarious shenanigans - free tea by the door [locked by request]

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Look, I can art too.
Hydreigon(c)Nintendo, Gamefreak
Kinda my take on it, since I didn't have a ref.
I think I got it wrong.

  • 249 Replies
2 posts

cool picture

13,657 posts

cool picture

Thanks... I think?

Anyway, I bring you art.
I managed to get both the scanner and my parents' computer working at the same time, so here it is:
An idea for the current myth-creature contest on dA. Sadly, the paper kinda ran out, so that will have to be fixed if I can get to a tablet-enhanced computer before the deadline runs out.
I am also aware of the proportion/perspective issue, but paper isn't good for the usual mark-and-move things a computer can do.
Little picture is what I would probably consider some kind of colouring, but we will see.
Another version, because cute sells.

Obligatory dragon on hoard picture.
13,657 posts
All the derp.

Also, please do CC the top one if you find something that ought to be improved.

11,891 posts

nice drawings. did you draw these yourself? how long did it take you? they are good. i like the dragon.

Is your final draft going to be paper and pencil or are you going use a graphics editor? Either way you're going digital. /pun

13,657 posts

nice drawings. did you draw these yourself? how long did it take you? they are good. i like the dragon.
13,657 posts

Okay, that was weird....

3,766 posts

Your always(or so it seems to me) asking about tablets. It makes me sad because I cannot help you or if I did you would end up with one that is a complete piece of sh*t and you would have to hate me. So I cannot help you. But why not just use the mouse? Then you would not have to eat noodles at all.

Is the top one the horse with 1 leg but still has it's head? If not just stop reading. If so keep reading.

Umm..which should I be looking at, the one with color or the one without. I am going to do the color one I guess. The glowing eyes are cool, but they seem to be glowing too much. Try lowering the opacity at least around the edges of the glow. I assume(I am doing a lot of assuming) that this is the aketch and not the final version. Make sure to clean it up. The horse seems to skinny to me. I think you are trying to go skinny but maybe add a little fat behind the rib cage. Everything else looks good to me.

13,657 posts

Well, this time it is tablet PCs, not tablets. I don't tend to ask about graphic tablets, rather, I am often there answering threads about them, but tablet PCs aren't something I know a whole lot about, since they are somewhat expensive and I have no money.
Also, I have come to conclude the computer mouse doesn't do well for digital sketching, since it is quite a different movement and idea from the tablet or the pencil. And I tend to leave my cordless at home when I go travelling. And they kinda need a surface to actually work, which means I just as well could have installed my graphic tablet properly on my laptop, and brought it along.

Either way, I don't think I can afford a tablet PC or an iPad anyway, so no digital sketching for me.

Yes, it was indeed the legless-yet-head-wielding horse I was talking about.
I was generally more interested in what needed to be changed (besides the wonky perspective) in the sketch, rather than any crits on the colour, since it was done on my laptop with my touchpad. It was the just the general feel of the colours, rather than something concrete.
As for the pointers, yes, I am going for skinny. What I have been portraying is the Helhest, the hell horse, which is a bringer of doom and destruction in Denmark, much like other zombie animals tend to be. If it's seen, it spells the death of the observer, and you could hear it walking through the streets at night, picking up the soul of the dead person. It usually misses a leg, sometimes the head (hence the chibi sketch), and if its head is there, the eyes glows, because nothing is as scary as glowing eyes.
Besides that, it is pretty much a broken down, old and ugly horse, skinny beyond the lethal and pretty much as zombie as it gets. It isn't active in its death causing like the kelpie is, and it is, as far as I know, not possible to catch it and use it as a steed, since, well, looking at it means you are going to die over night.

So, that's the Helhest for you. I think I might have made it a bit healthier looking in the sketch than it ought to be, but I didn't have any references around when I drew it, otherwise it would have looked more like the skinned skeleton it really is.
so, a bit more information on that, and I should probably try to redraw it a bit better, if I want to try out for the myth creature contest...

3,766 posts

I think I might have made it a bit healthier looking in the sketch than it ought to be, but I didn't have any references around when I drew it

I Googled Helhest and the pictures I saw mostly had him looking like a normal horse but I would go skinny if that is what it is supposed to be.

Make the ribs more visible and it will look skinnier.
13,657 posts

I suspect Danish Google might be biased on more regional art:

Or, well, biased towards Danish sites, obviously.
I should probably wait till I get home and find my reference book for animal skeletons, it might help out better.

3,766 posts

Hrm...I should have thought about Danish Google.

Slight rant now nothing to do with your art.
I cannot believe that this thread doesn't have more views. As hard as you are on yourself Cen you are good. You could probably throw up color on a piece of paper and somehow make it look amazing. I don't see why more people don't come to this thread. Maybe it has to do with the title.
That seemed to turn into something about your art. Sorry.

Anyway, I would redraw it making it more boney. Not as boney as the pictures though. That makes it look like skeletons walking around. So go skinny. Make the ribs more visible and define where bones are. I would advise having a layer of skin on though. I don't like the whole bare bone look. You could do a peeling skin look. I think that would look cool.

But what the hell do I know. While I am not the worst drawer on the planet unless I have something to look at it will be ****. So this is just a few ideas. You don't even have to try them if you don't want. Just do what looks good to you.

13,657 posts

Perhaps people just don't like my art. Or it's really not that great?
My own theory tend to assume that people stick to those that are worse/the same skill level as them, because then they don't feel bad, or stick to the real excellent artists to feel superior, because said artist thanks them and talks to them. If you are mid-range in skills, then you will get nothing, because you are better than the enthusiasts, but not good enough to be worth the time.

I should probably revisit the helhest now that I have my glorious tablet back (now, if it was just working properly...), and see if I could get something acceptable out of it, bony and gloomy as it is.

Now, for something else, as mentioned, my tablet is in my possession again, so let's have some mentally unstable work-in-progress.
Obviously, the first thing I have to draw is a demon. Which is being violent outside the frame, but I didn't bother trying to finish that.
Also, it makes a lot of sense in its own context, but you guys usually don't care amount my headspawn.

Oh, and since I can't be bothered to suggest this to the community project, because they stopped responding to me:
How to make a makeshift base plot and characters real fast.
A young man has started as an apprentice in a big city. He has never been outside of his small village before now, and everything is new and wonderful and weird, though he is portraying an instant acceptance of all this weird, perhaps to not stand out that much against the city people. Obviously, the poor guy will be put on a journey soon after due to a misunderstanding.
His master will be described in detail from early on, even though she will not be mentioned for the majority of the story, since the apprentice leaves early on, but as she will be significant, and probably also powerful later on, let's put her in as a Chekhov's one-man army.
Elsewhere a mercenary is in big trouble, as the big bad commissioned him to pick up a seemingly uninteresting and common something, apparently while a bigger search party was out to find the "item of doom" that will "destroy the big bad". Obviously, the real item of doom is the one in the possession of the mercenary, and it's all shiny and crap, and the mercenary decided to go 'screw that' and not return it to the big bad, making him the most wanted man, dead or dead, in the country.
Somewhere else, a female paladin is kicking some evil butt, and hears about how the evil, evil big bad is out to kill some poor man somewhere, so she will try to find him. She will also be savvy enough to know what she is standing with, when the mundane item of doom is presented to her.
Random accidents leads all these characters to a specific spot, where an old, but oddly athletic man will present them with a bigger goal, including saving the world. Neither of these characters will at all be interested in this, and walks out on the old dude.
Two minutes later, he is visited by another group of heros, that take up the quest, much to his delight. These characters will contain the usual warrior, sorcerer, rogue combo of adventuring. The protagonists will meet them not much later, when these characters are horribly killed by an orc woman, that ends up forcing them to join her on her own quest, which coincides with some grand plan the big bad doesn't want to get spoiled.
The end.

Or something.

13,657 posts

Perhaps people just don't like my art. Or it's really not that great?

I think the point has been made.

Might as well update before I log for the night:

I think this is a pretty good example on how focused I can get on specific areas, to the point where it no longer match properly. I'll probably correct it tomorrow when I am trying to finish the crown/horns anyway.
3,766 posts

I still post here, when I see that you have updated it.

My theory is that only awesome people can post on this thread. So I guess only you and I can post here.

I would review your pic but it takes 5 minutes just for a sentance to type out on my phone. So I will wait until I get home in a few days.

13,657 posts

I wish more people were awesome, though, but it's all well.

Kittendragon of the day:
I got bored with it.

Coloured sketch of the I-can't-be-bothered-to-start-it-properly:
Mainly because I should be lining my ASC try.

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