ForumsArt, Music, and WritingCenere's hilarious shenanigans - free tea by the door [locked by request]

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Look, I can art too.
Hydreigon(c)Nintendo, Gamefreak
Kinda my take on it, since I didn't have a ref.
I think I got it wrong.

  • 249 Replies
4,170 posts

I've tried to post here at least 5 times but I always get errors.

**** Internet.

The kitten dragon reminds me of a young Cen. So naive... So cute... So green... xD

3,766 posts

Cen, I think your problem might be you get sick of doing one drawing so you never really finish it. You seem to have lots of half done pieces of work. I am the same way. What you have to do though is just keep working, or better yet work on something else and get back to it. Maybe have 2 projects going at the same time so when you get bored with one you go to the other. And remember quality over quantity. You seem to think Strop is better then you. I think he just spends more time on each one. Notice that he doesn't post pics much.

Anyway, that might help you get more views and comments. But the comments might still just be, 'Good pic' even if it should be 'O Cen. Your drawing is amazing. I wish I could draw that well. I will practice so I can be as good as you. Do you have any tips?'. Some people are just lazy. Also the title is weird.

O ya, I am supposed to be commenting on your art...OK then.

The assume dragon first. I like the dragon. I don't like the skin that connects across the jaw. It would make it hard for the dragon to open it's mouth all the way. The background is OK. The top half is really good. Got the shine of the moon on the clouds and all that. Then the bottom half I don't like. It looks streaky. The sky is not streaky. Get rid of the streaks.

The kittendragon is good. Nice and simple. One part I don't like but that is just a personal thing.

Finish the last drawing and I will comment on it. Right now you would hate my comment.

3,766 posts

Sorry for the double post here. But I think that is my longest post.

When I was talking about the title I meant the title of the thread. Just wanted to clear that up.

And it should be 'awesome' not 'assume' when talking about the first dragon.

13,657 posts

The kitten dragon reminds me of a young Cen. So naive... So cute... So green... xD

I don't think I have ever been cute. I guess that is something you need to ask my parents about.
Otherwise I am sure I have essentially been a kitten dragon.

Cen, I think your problem might be you get sick of doing one drawing so you never really finish it. You seem to have lots of half done pieces of work. I am the same way. What you have to do though is just keep working, or better yet work on something else and get back to it. Maybe have 2 projects going at the same time so when you get bored with one you go to the other. And remember quality over quantity. You seem to think Strop is better then you. I think he just spends more time on each one. Notice that he doesn't post pics much.

Nah, Strop just has a better understanding of dynamics than I have. Action poses and the like, while I am more technically skilled.
And I have a patience as a ferret on a sugar high. not so much that I get bored with drawing, as much as I lose interest in the idea, or stop thinking it looks good. Which is probably the same.
I am trying to do something about it.

Also the title is weird.

It is. I wasn't going to use this beyond the first two pictures anyway, but I guess it kinda escalated.
Any ideas for something better?
As for the comments, well... Crits are always welcome, unless otherwise stated, like with the penguin. Which was well received.

The assume dragon first

Which is actually more accurate than 'awesome dragon'. The background isn't finished at all (and I am regretting I am drawing on one layer because it will make it hell to correct. Oh well, hindsight), and they, uh, it is actually inside an abandoned warehouse. It will be apparent as soon as I bother actually correcting the background, and not just do those streaks you don't like... Whenever that will be.
As for the skin, thanks for the crit, but they are going to stay. I know it's a crap excuse, but he's a demonthing, he don't care much about such things as "reality" and "it's gonna hurt if you open your mouth". It just looks cool... Yeah, bad excuse, blame Cen (not me, the other one).

The kittendragon is good. Nice and simple. One part I don't like but that is just a personal thing.

Tell meeeeee.

Finish the last drawing and I will comment on it. Right now you would hate my comment.

Try me.
Because I haven't even started on it yet, as much as abusing the sketch because I was bored and wanted to try getting better at the rough-and-tumble art style some concept artists uses so well. I don't think I succeeded, nor do I think I did particularly well with the colours and the lighting.
Most of the dragon ought to be the greenish red like the wing, because of the overall light from the cave, the shine from the gold should be a lot weaker, just as the dragon should shine back onto the coins. The eye probably should not be glowing anyway, but I just wanted to add another light source. I would probably have to add a primary light source from something in front of it to make the gold shine a bit, instead of having a ghastly green colour as well...

Anyway, instead of doing any of that, I am working on my ASC entry, because I can, except apparently I can't. Never have I felt more annoyed with Kai's semi-suicidal behaviour.
572 posts

it slightly pisses me off when I see other people's drawings. I suck BADLY at drawing.

3,766 posts

Well at least you start stuff. I am more of, 'I have this idea. But it will be lots of work and probably turn out like ****. I will do it tomorrow (tomorrow=never).

I cannot quote easily on my phone so hopefully you can figure out what I am responding to.

Ferret on a sugar high? O God that sounds horrible. Maybe you should learn to play possum. But in the sense that the possum is focusing on acting dead and you should focus on your art when you have time.

Umm...I was always a fan of Cen's Art Thread. Clear and to the point. But you could change it a little but make it clear what it is. Or you can piss people off by calling it something like WoM II just to get more views. Depends what you want really.

Well the dragon is good but the background....ya. ummm. How are you going to make that a warehouse? Good luck with that. Obviously(at least to me) the streaks are the lines in the background that seem out of place. Like the lines right in front of the dragons nose. Hopefully you know what I am talking about or I will have to show it to you. AND ALL ONE LAYER! Actually I would have probably done the same thing. But I would advise duplicating the layer now. Eh, it is your picture. You don't have to make excuses. Just say that you like it that way and I will not bug you any more.

But if I tell you what I don't like you will probably try and fix it. Knowing my luckn(and combined with yours it cannot be much better) it will just turn out worse. Then you would be slightly mad and I would have to go jump off a cliff. But if you must know I will tell you.
OK, I guess you are probably reading this, seeing how I know you almost as well as some of my friends. I don't like how the spikes on the head/neck seem like they are not whole. They look like arm bands in the shape of spikes. It bugs me.

I cannot. I would feel like a jerk for commenting on it.

ASC? Never heard of it. Is Kai the redhaired dude?

13,657 posts

it slightly pisses me off when I see other people's drawings. I suck BADLY at drawing.

I suck at poetry, we all have something we are not good at.

Maybe you should learn to play possum.

Perhaps, perhaps. I am at least trying to get better patience, since it's pretty vital, should I ever track down the road of animation. At least I am pretty stubborn as well, so I think it's just a matter of turning that towards something practical, and not whether I can live for less than 10 dollars a week.

Cen's Art Thread

If Strop gets online sometime soon, I will ask him to change it, then. Because I honestly do not have anything better.

Well the dragon is good but the background....ya. ummm.

If the demon-thing is okay, then everything is okay. As mentioned, I don't bother much with the background, currently it's just there so I remember what highlights and shadows I need to include, and nothing more. The streaks are not there for any other reason than a weak attempt to do something about it. When it's done, the "moon" will be a row of windows, and the streaks won't be there anymore.

I don't like how the spikes on the head/neck seem like they are not whole.

Oh. Lol. That's nothing. It's not looking whole because they aren't. As mentioned, I got pretty bored with it, and this a long time before I even moved to the eye. The spikes are just outlined, because they should have been included, and I couldn't be bothered to either actually draw them in, or, for that matter, erase them from the drawing.
So, if it is looking a bit unfinished, it's because it is.
Which I guess would bug anyone, but Lazy Mc'Lazy...

I cannot. I would feel like a jerk for commenting on it.

Well, either it's the sketch you are going to comment on, in which case there were good opportunity to do that when I posted it without colour, or you are going to comment on the colours, and they are not going to look like that anyway, so there should be nothing holding you back from commenting on it.

ASC? Never heard of it. Is Kai the redhaired dude?

Art Skill Comp, now newly revived. Not that I can enter it myself, but I like the challenge.
And yes, Kai is the redhead both Strop and I draw in sometimes. He's a bit of a partycrasher, or, in this case, a "let's get you to draw all the stuff you are bad at, lol!"-kind-of-guy.
13,657 posts

Post dedicated to Zophia for the title change that was a lot more creative than what I could think up.

9,434 posts

*sips tea*

Most excellent.

Keep up the good work. :3

1,044 posts

I like looking at abtm (arts by the mods) because it makes me happy to see someone who is better at drawing than me. (I am happy all the time, btw... and you know the reason why...)

also pretty good tea. Got any cream?

3,766 posts

=O Zoph just nailed the title. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks Zoph!

So tea, makes me want to come to this thread more.

Ummm..ya. colors. Just post it when you are finished with it.

Is it bad that I have pictured Zoph as a 6ish year old girl splashing in water? I blame her About for that image. And nice sketch for Zoph there.

3,386 posts

We all know you can art you buttface (u___u)


10,816 posts

ASC? ASC? Oh my it's back! oh wait this is not the ASC, it's Cen's thread.

Nah, Strop just has a better understanding of dynamics than I have. Action poses and the like, while I am more technically skilled.
And I have a patience as a ferret on a sugar high. not so much that I get bored with drawing, as much as I lose interest in the idea, or stop thinking it looks good. Which is probably the same.

That's about right, if only I had Cen's understanding of brushes and colours. And hair. And I have the opposite problem to Cen, often I end up spending too much time on a single pic, even if it's a crappy sketch, and it cuts into my work or sleep >_
1,388 posts

Where's my free tea?????
*runs around in circles*
I was expecting some free tea!!!
By the way, nice art, people.

13,657 posts

Amusing what a title change can do, huh...

In order of appearance:
@Zophia: Always, M'Lady.
@Light_Chaser: Yet, I am no longer a mod. Doesn't it ruin the happy? Also, milk, cream and sugar is on the tray to the other side of the door.
@Daleks: Zophia is nothing but overly creative. As for age, well. Childishness is a good thing.
@Moon: Because I'm... worth it? Uh.
@Strop: YOU DARN RIGHT IT'S MY THREAD SO NO NAKED HORSIES HERE AGAIN! But yeah, Strop's pretty much highlighting the point entirely. We have widely different styles and talents, and of course we end up admiring each other for our skills. Circle of envy, go.
@Murasaki: People? Since when did I turn plural?

I also come with art!
Art of which I have been almost entirely unable to keep from posting and bragging about for the last three days, but here it is!

Yes, the background has been blur-abused horribly, and so have the fore-foreground, but I kinda ended up really tired and fighting the deadline for the ASC, even if I am not officially entering anyway. It's probably one of the most elaborate background I have ever done on my own, which I am going to feel proud about no matter how little is seen of it properly and how basic it really is.
As for Kai. That... That picture is pretty much showcasing stuff I can't do. Dynamics, action poses, weird angles, secondary shine/light, proper lightening based on surroundings and said surroundings. I think it went well. Better than I had hoped. So much that I don't feel good looking too much at it in case I see something that could have been improved or looks wrong, because I don't think the crash from this art-high will do anything good to my confidence, but that is another matter, and I am only rambling because of that high.
Anyway. Took me since Monday to do this. The thumbnail alone took around an hour, and then adding on the sketching over time. So, there have been a lot of hours invested in this. The original is a 2000x2500 type of deal, and I am considering posting it on dA just because.
As for the scene, it's inspired by the Air Gear crossover Strop and I have been toying with. There is a whole lot of story related to that, because I generate stories automatically (it's a curse...), but all you need to know is that the guy in the hoodie is crossovered version of Cen, which is a lot more awesome than the one you might know from the WoM, and he is most likely yelling obscenities at Kai, the redhead with the bruises and the weird outfit. And outfit that, now that I remember, was designed mainly by Strop, so all the weird hazards of loose bandage and such was his idea. He also suggested adding chains to the belts, but I had gone past the colouring stage by then and didn't want to do more.
Marks under the sneakerskates is also courtesy of Strop, who mentioned they were missing, so I managed to draw them in anyway.
Oh, and he is probably going to fail the jump and break something.

No one read all this, do they...

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