


I'm very very very very very very VVEEERRRYYYYY humble.

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Recent Forum Replies

  • Ferret Strike Force Heroes 2 Quests
    432 270772
    Made 11 years ago
    Quests don't work for me, could you fix that JuiceTin?
  • Omnihero10 Make a religion.
    92 27629
    Made 13 years ago
    My thought for a good religion (at least in my eyes) is that there is no "ruler or god of gods" but more of a democracy were the gods inclu…
  • Gantic [FAQ] What is a Merit?
    305 54042
    Newcomers Forum
    Made 13 years ago
    Thx!!! :P You wouldn't believe how long it took me to find this site!
  • SubZero007 Skyrim!
    1122 228403
    Made 13 years ago
    Dovahkiin ui almighty vur versel. Thric darastrix geou rinov intuil ekess jacida janik, vur shio geou qe gjahalla. Alduin, wer jennu treskr…
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