ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Competition: Fire and Water (page 56)

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Welcome to the Art Skills Competition.

As always, there are a few rules that needs to be followed for proper judging, viewing and general fairness.

Competition Rules
- All major parts of the entry must be original material, unless otherwise stated. Heavy references, sources and other visible influences should be credited as per normal forum courtesy.
- Submissions must follow the current theme to be judged, and must be drawn for that theme specifically. You cannot submit something you drew prior to the theme being announced
- Please do not post entries larger than 670 pixels in width. If your art is larger, post a thumbnail and link to the larger version.
- Artists cannot win in subsequent rounds, but are allowed to enter said rounds.
- Entries can be drawn in any medium available.

  • 565 Replies
3,766 posts

You have to the end of Wednesday killersup. And ChromeDeathRazor, the picture is fine.

13,344 posts

Well, I did make something as it turns out using RCT2. Unfortunately, I can't find my RCT2 screenshots, so I'm currently unable to upload it at this time.

There goes that idea.

1,612 posts

You will still accept an entry if I post it after the deadline, but before you post the judgings, right?? I have scanner problems and they won't be solved before tomorrow...

2,739 posts

WAIT! HOLD THE PHONE! Killersup drew a picture and he will upload it later today!

3,766 posts

You will still accept an entry if I post it after the deadline, but before you post the judgings, right?

Normally no, but because you notified me that you are having problems I will judge yours if you get it in before I judge.
2,739 posts

slender baby,a different kind of fairy tale then most,but still considered a fairy tale.Most of what was done was on purpose to show how everything can become disorted when you see slenderman.

1,612 posts

Here is my picture! The drawing is mine, but the idea is GhostOfPain's. So I'll share the glory with him if I win.
As always bad scanning and no color. Seriously, scanners today.
Thanks a lot for putting up with my scanning incompetence, though.

1,612 posts

Though if you prefer, I made a darkened version and a sharpened version.

437 posts

LoL... O.O Killersup's Slendy drawing reminds me of the pages in the Game... If I ever find this drawing in the woods, I am really gonna have a heart attack...

5,061 posts

Gaboloth, I think your sharpened version came out on top overall, although I have to say, your scanner is complete crap mate.

1,828 posts

Well when did this get revived? 8|. It looks like the deadlines past...guess I'll wait for the next round. :P who was here when the original thread got killed? just for kicks may I suggest something a bit more specific on the 'killer half beasts' or ' rock n' roll superstars in undeath', just saying if you say 'Oceans' everyone will get stumped on what to draw.

3,766 posts

Well when did this get revived?

When did you get revived?

Anyway, no more entrees. I will get judging done as soon as I can.
2,739 posts

LoL... O.O Killersup's Slendy drawing reminds me of the pages in the Game... If I ever find this drawing in the woods, I am really gonna have a heart attack

thats the point,it wasn't ment to be a cut clean picture.Its purpose was too crawl deep into the minds of those that do not understand....
13,657 posts

So, uh, I assume I don't have to come online Sunday to judge, right? Since, well, it's Friday, there's no new theme, and so on, so forth, don't gonna lengthen the deadline, all that stuff?


Instead, notes and answers on stuff, yay!
On tools of trade for this contest: If you are going to be alternative and use a programme where you are not actually creating the majority of what is on the picture (that is, using a custom brush you downloaded to draw stuff, or use rage faces or something), you really need something extraordinary and awesome to not get shrugged at an ignored from my side. It is an art contest, after all, you ought to be creating something with your own hands, even if it's the concept and presentation first.
Everyone is welcome to try, but, as with 3d art, don't count on me being completely unbiased when judging.

Would not have allowed the rage comic, considering there is NO source credits for anything, not the rage builder, not the pictures used. (And I think I have seen it elsewhere anyway, and I would not have been comfortable judging something that might not be the original work of the submitter.)
Might have allowed the RCT2 art, if it was awesome.

On the topic of the themes:
Would never use Oceans as a theme. It's vague and specific at the same time, not to say rather a setting than a conceptual idea to work by.
And I disagree that the themes need to be more specific. If people can't think up something for something as broad and loaded as Fairy Tales, they are going to have a really bad time making up hybrids or rock stars. Not to mention it defeats the purpose of what I have been pointing out since the start: This is you guys' time to shine, make up some awesome concept and show what you've got. I don't want art that looks alike, which a specific theme would most likely result in.

As for the deadline:
This here is why I have a set deadline. People know when to put it in, what to count on. Not to mention I have time to do it consistently (sans the more important obligations).
And why they are a week instead of two? Well, people have had almost two weeks now, and if the theme was as bad as they say, they would have been better off with the round ending, and a new theme chosen.

No critique of Daleks, I am rather happy he would take over this round, since I had no way of knowing if I would have had time or internet. Hopefully I will be able to resume the judgings properly, when the ASC gets back on track.

Well when did this get revived?

Check the first post. They still have dates.

who was here when the original thread got killed?

It was never killed. It stopped being proper, with no judge, entries that was just never good enough, and people almost only joining for the merit.
If anything, it was put down out of mercy rather than killed off violently.

just for kicks may I suggest something a bit more specific on the 'killer half beasts' or ' rock n' roll superstars in undeath', just saying if you say 'Oceans' everyone will get stumped on what to draw.

No, they won't.
If people can't think up something for Oceans (which is still a crappy theme, but for the sake of example), they are either stumped on inspiration, which is fair and something I can relate to, or stumped on creativity, which means they should stop entering all together.
I can understand artists' blocks and lack of inspiration, I might even understand a lack of time to do the awesome idea they have, and not wanting to do it half-butted, because it's really that good an idea, but lack of creativity to do something relating to Oceans... No.
And why is that? Because oceans are vast and different. They are a fluid mass, and anyone that has ever been out by the ocean, been on the beach, went swimming or sailed or watched any programme featuring the sea will know there are plenty of material in the theme. You could draw it calm and entirely still, like the Pacific can be, where not a wind is blowing and the water is like a mirror. Or there's a storm blowing, a ship is caught in the rage of nature, and they would most likely never get to harbour ever again. The Flying Dutchman is out there, someone sees it from shore. The colourful painting of the water, when the sun sets and rises, the small differences between the water and the air, the horizon almost disappearing in the scenery.
So, vague themes are the way to test the participants.
A theme like this, well, there are the fair tales of HC Andersen, of the ugly duckling, or the living items, the Christmas tree. Brothers Grimm had collected plenty of dark tales of girls in red, and wolves waiting in the forest, where they should not go.
Disney illustrated quite a few tales as well, making them happier and lighter, but the original tales can be translated to more adult themes.
Pan's Labyrinth is a fairy tale, for an example, dark and scary, but tempting, magical and promising.
Then there's where some have gone, into the fairies telling stories, the ideas of elven people having tales themselves, inspiration from A Midsummer Night's Dream, which is not too far fetched for something like this. Steampunk and Gaslamp Fantasy are also fine examples of something inspired by the Victorian fairy tradition, of the wonders and marvel of magic and the unspeakable.
The dictionary describe it as a story for children, of magic and dragons and elves. Lord of the Rings are thus a fairy tale (and I think Tolkien might agree, or so his "On Fairy Stories" might suggest), and most fantastical literature might be related, suggestible to this theme, and something that would be fine to submit for a judging.
And then there are modern takes, or drawing fairies or what else might be thought up seeing the theme.

So, to me, there are plenty of opportunities for marvellous art and stunning concepts.
And while it might be fun to take a more specific theme and try it out, it would not be fun for me, the judge, to look at something where the most basic concept for the art is already found. There might be a great diversity in what people could draw up hearing the words "Killer Half Beast", but the result is, to me, already in the moment I would make the round. It would not be a challenge in the same way, it would not be interesting, and people might not even struggle with it, or have that "Ooooh" feeling, when inspiration hits.

I have great hopes in everyone posting, to take up the challenge and do something new.

@Chrome: It is a nice looking piece of art, and a fine concept for the theme. The drawing is a little static and inconsistent, but it does have a fairy tale feel to it.

@Kegau: It looks cute, that. Like an illustration out of a children's book. It's simple, quite literal on the theme and gets the point across well.

@Killer: It's a little sad with the lines, but otherwise you are doing well, especially on using the photograph and the darkened quality to get a more sinister concept. But, hah, now you can't use Slenderman for any upcoming horror themes!

@Gabo: I like it, it's another alternative take on the theme, it's very Shakespearian, and would most likely have told a great story as well. The mirror image in the water is a little badly angled, but otherwise an interesting piece and with your delightful detailed atmosphere.

437 posts

[quote]@Chrome: It is a nice looking piece of art, and a fine concept for the theme. The drawing is a little static and inconsistent, but it does have a fairy tale feel to it.

Hey! Thanks mate! I know its a bit sketchy and stuff... (Did it in within 2 hours and handed in before the extended deadline...) But thanks, Cen.

BTW... When is the judging going to take place? I am itching for the next theme...

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