ForumsForum GamesBretwalda (English Dark Ages RPG)

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Oh vassal, who is your lord? Be you Pict? Briton? Irish? Perhaps even a Northman? Are you a virtuous Christian or a Pagan fluent in the rituals and sacrifices?

You are a vassal lord in the realm of Britain around the late 7th early 8th century. Your duties include raising armies to fight when war comes and keeping peace around the realm, and by that it means brutalizing the peasants and killing bandits.

Name:Irish, Celtic, Breton, Welsh will work
Physical Desc.: Please know a lot of people (as in 90%) in the dark ages weren't tall or really muscled
Bio: At least a paragraph
People: (i.e. Germanic, Breton, Irish, Welsh, Pict, Scandinavian...)
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:
Condition: Nil

That should be it, unless i left something out.

  • 370 Replies
435 posts

Could you give an example character sheet? I don't know much about the dark ages, and I'm pretty sure most people don't know much about it either, so a character sheet showing what's expected would be nice.

16,287 posts

well i fill in the complex history stuff, you just deal with name, age, description, bio might be tricky, and people

Bio: Winoc Loïc, son of the Bailiff of middelsburh, was already mildly influential when he was raised, glad he wasn't a villein (unfree serf). When he was old enough he traveled out to an abbot to learn the words of god, and to help vanquish the dirty pagans that infested a forest nearby, worshiping their heathen gods. He set out with some warrior monks, armed with cudgels and staves they drove away the pagans, and killed a few. He proved to be an able bodied man so he was eventually levied to fight some of the mysterious men up north, the Picts. When they attacked and looted a village on the border. He noticed how fat and uninspiring the commander was, content with lazing around and collecting his taxes from, the peasants. Winoc wanted to set an example for a devout and pious nobleman, so he used his families connections to convince the lord to enlist him as a nobleman, though with no fief of his own and on bad terms for being the 'noble in pauper rags'.
People: Breton

^this is a very good example, of a norther British nobleman

2,188 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Steel sword
Ranged Weapons:Javelin
Armor & Possessions:Small shield,Leather armor,Helmet,
Condition: Nil

16,287 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Steel sword
Ranged Weapons:Javelin
Armor & Possessions:Small shield,Leather armor,Helmet,
Condition: Nil

I'll start when we get some more players
16,287 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

nevermind i'll start with you.

You are a nobleman for a local Jarl, and it's raiding season. Normally you'd go out and simply ready troops yourself, but the Jarl sends for you and the other lesser nobles. You enter the hall with the others and he addresses everyone: "Men, I will be sending most of you east as usual, to raid for plunder. But i need volunteers to do something different." He pauses for a second, "To raid to the west"

This causes many of the men to call out in protests "It's a death sentence!"
"There's nothing to the west!"
"There is only monsters out there!"

18 posts

Name: Tanay Sishodia (can't help it)
Age: 28
Physical Desc.: Black hair, Black eyes with a hard gaunt face and medium build of 5,9"
Bio: The younger son, from a once mighty family brought down by betrayals and calamities, currently a guardian of an outlook of his father's lands.
People: Welsh
Hand Weapons: Two handed Steel Greatsword
Ranged Weapons: Oak longbow
Armor & Possessions: Boiled leather jerkin and a wooden shield
Condition: Nil

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:
Condition: Nil

Kinda wanted a M&B-like character.

16,287 posts

Name: Tanay Sishodia (can't help it)
Age: 28
Physical Desc.: Black hair, Black eyes with a hard gaunt face and medium build of 5,9"
Bio: The younger son, from a once mighty family brought down by betrayals and calamities, currently a guardian of an outlook of his father's lands.
People: Welsh
Hand Weapons: Short Spear
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions: Small Square Shield, Tunic
Condition: Nil

You are in the large hall of Llan, where you preside over the village,: A messenger arrives wearing the the local lord's coat of arms on his dirty, worn tunic. He comes with a message, "Our ruler of this province, Lord Hier, is requiring all villages to have a defensive militia of at least 6 men, reports of heavy raider activity from the Franks, and Irish are ever increasing, and as a precautionary measure you will personally recruit and lead these men in patrols." He quietly waits for your response.

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Traveling through the village you preside over, Dofras, Well within Suth Seaxe lands and on the coast, it is prosperous and enjoys a fair amount of peace. Though lately reports of sighting strange ships of the coast has put many citizens on edge. The village has no militia and no armory, leaving it indeed vulnerable to raids.

2,188 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

"Whose land is located in the west, and why are you so afraid of them?"

16,287 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

"I'd like to explore the to see if there is even anything there, and if there is, to see what there is to plunder."

2,188 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

"I will volunter then,but it will be dangerous trip and i will need more and beeter trained man and equipmen then usually"

16,287 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

"You will take who you can levy, and i will fund to have them equipped in the manner i see fit."

2,188 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

Go to my castle and send messangers to all villages to gather solders

16,287 posts

Name:Sigurd Njáll
Physical Desc.: Black hair,blue eyes,Scar on left cheek,The average height,average build
Bio: His father was minor nobleman he owned some land and little castle when father died his brother supose to inherit evrything but one day when they where alone he killed his brother and make it look like a accident since then he rule with iron fist
Hand Weapons:Heavy Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Round Shield, Leather Skullcap, Cloth Tunic
Condition: Nil

think less castles and villages, and more long halls and you, and village being singular and not plural

2,316 posts

Name: Yannic Gwallter Cecil
Age: 16
Physical Desc.: Brown-hair, pale, dark-brown eyes, 5'8, scrawny.
Bio: No one really knows who Yannic was born unto. He was found as naught but a babe on the side of the road by a minor Nobleman who had business in Germany. One of his guards made a snarky comment about the &quotoor peasant child in the side of the road" and the Nobleman ordered the carriage to stop. A soldier brought Yannic forth, and he was wrapped in soft blankets with a House's symbol, too muddled to identify. The Nobleman returned to England, bringing with him a Fosterling. He rose Yannic as his youngest son, teaching him the ways of Honor, Chivalry, and the Code of Battle.
People: Germanic
Hand Weapons:Hatchet
Ranged Weapons:
Armor & Possessions:Tunic, Small Round Shield
Condition: Nil

Hm. I will have someone who is influential and loyal to me in the village to take volunteers for that defensive militia. I will personally look for the blacksmith and ask him if he would like to make weapons for the militia. I'll tell him any surplus weapons will be maintained and stored in the soon-to-be built armory.

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