ForumsQuestsRoad of the Dead 2 Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Road of the Dead 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-squishing action game...
Hydroficially Evolved
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Hardness: Easy
Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle.
Hardness: Easy
Death Race
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.
Hardness: Medium
Mutant Sandwich
Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.
Hardness: Mediuim
Heaven Sent
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing.
Hardness: Medium
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Complete story mode.
Hardness: Hard
Mutant Stomp
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown.
Hardness: Hard

  • 144 Replies
6,737 posts

I'm also curious about the max speed for 1/2 kilometer. Wish they had more gauges (health of engine, bumper, tires, people, etc.).

That would make the game 10x easier...

Also, I don't really like this game as the graphics are pretty sloppy and the lag is insane even with zombie tints off and low quality.
Thanks for all the tips guys. (DayCee, bakkart, Reton)
650 posts

Well, did Mutant Meltdown for the first time, got 9k before lag finally did me in.

Good lord if possible that is even MORE boring than the normal story. It's just the same thing over and over. Seriously, 20k is just stupid and ridiculous. It took me nearly 30 minutes to get that 9k, so even maintaining near max speed it will take at least an HOUR to get 20k. If you're good enough to get past about 5k, you're good enough to get to 20 because at that point everything spawns. Another boring grind achievement.

3,174 posts

One additional tip, once you complete story mode, the challenge mode Rescue Op will become unlocked. I find that you gain RP from this mode at a decent pace.

3,174 posts

Anyone have any tips for the quest Heaven Sent (Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing)?

574 posts
Grand Duke

Great more quests always good. Just some grinding again we know the drill now :P

Currently half way through the story 2 quests.

Yeah with these games i normally always get the things to lower costs first. Then leveling things then a weapon. I didn't realize though how good the pistol can be when upgraded. Saves me stopping or running out of ammo so mutants don't kill me as much anymore :-).

3,174 posts

Anyone have any tips for the quest Heaven Sent (Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing)?

To answer my own question, upgrade Cocheta's LMG and Diane's Assault Rifle all the way. Then upgrade the perk Faster Switch all the way. Next get your weapon skills in Cocheta's LMG and Diane's Assault Rifle up as high as you can (I would say maximum, but you can do it sooner and it takes a lot to grind those last few stats even with the faster leveling perk at maximum).

Now, when you play you can start each round off as Diane and use the Assualt Rifle until it runs out, then quickly switch to Cocheta and finish off the round with the LMG. Also, it is very helpful to switch to Cocheta or Diane (whoever may have a full clip) when you see the mutant zombie. You can then just blast away at it with your powerful gun and full clip.

I got this quest by only using Cocheta and his LMG, but I had to max the weapon first and get his skills high. I found Diane's assault rifle has much better accuracy, but can run out of bullets right when the mutant zombie is running toward you.

Another method might be to use the Diane's Compact SMG during the start of a level and then switch to the Assault Rifle when the mutant zombie starts running at you. Or, use Cocheta's Assualt SMG during the start and then switch to the LMG when the mutant zombie is running toward you.

I suppose any combination of the above tactics should work. When your handling is high for a weapon I believe that allows you to switch weapons more quickly and I think that happens faster than reloading. Also, when the Faster Switch Perk is at maximum you switch between players very quickly, faster than a reload. So in my opinion it's better to switch weapons and character before reload. Rescue OP rounds are short and all your guns are reloaded in between them, so when you max out all gun upgrades (and have a solid amount of skill on all of them) it's better to switch than reload. Top Guns are LMG, Assualt Rifle, Assault SMG, and Compact SMG. They all do decent to heavy damage when fully upgraded, have a solid range, and are pretty accurate. Shotguns have too much spread and not enough range (although some may find them usable in this mode) and pistols are too slow and too weak for this mode (although it can be used as well).
3,174 posts

You can zoom in your web browser (with the mouse wheel) and make the game larger on your screen. It might help in aiming, although I didn't notice much of a difference. The game offers a fullscreen mode, but when I turned it on nothing happened, I must have missed something or the feature has yet to be implemented.

3,174 posts

Don't like triple posting, but I should make a correction zoom-in or zoom-out is CTRL and Mouse Wheel (not just mouse wheel).

3,174 posts

One last tip for the Heaven Sent quest. It helps to shoot in small burst (kind of like how it would be done in real life). It reduces recoil and helps with aim.

Also, another tip turn off the music. The music fits with the game well and It helps set the mood and all, but it sort of puts you on edge and makes it harder to focus. I found that it would wear on me too. The game is much more calm without it.

Lastly, in Rescue OP, when you kill the last zombie for a round, you can then turn your gun on the civilians and mow them down while they run toward your helicopter. Do this especially right after you say, "You can come out it's safe now." This will make you feel very bad though and you will lose the round.

300 posts

A tip for death race. I've got it in 4 tries, so I think it's pretty effective

I've noticed the opposition of zombies and props on the road are at it's minimum in (regular) story mode. So when you've beaten the story mode, it's best to erase it and start from the beginning. The challenges will stay open, so don't worry about that.

1) You've got to upgrade your Hummer to it's max, otherwise you won't be able to reach max speed. Also pick the character that has max driving skills.

2) Imo, you don't need Hellfire for this, so don't upgrade on it. You can upgrade it but my tactic doesn't allow Hellfire to help you, since it's story mode

3) Just start driving, you'll notice the roads aren't that filled around in the beginning and you'll have 1km before you reach the first backalley. If you reach this alley before you get the medal, start over (via pause or let a zombie kill you). The alley is full with things that will slow you down.

4) Don't hit anything, and I mean anything! There are some few props that won't affect your speed but when driving it's best to avoid things than running over them.

5) Since we're going for speed here, you don't need your mouse to aim for zombies on your hood. Like I said, don't hit anything, so keep your extra hand on the horn button. This will help with alarming civilians to get out of your way.

6) Focus on the road and anticipate things. Don't watch and calculate how much you've still got to drive (like I sometimes do).

I hope it helps

300 posts

Just got Mutant Stomp and got a record of 27km.

Here's some tips:

1) Make sure your driver has max driving and toughness and the other person has at least 2 weapons set to max (with preferably high levels on reloading and handling...)
In my case I used the guys' both automatic guns.

2) The hummer must be set to maximum as well

3) Buy 5 steroids and 5 medicine before you begin.

4) Don't switch characters while driving (it takes time and could mean your end), but you can do this if you have everything on both characters set to max, but I doubt that will be the case.

5) make sure you can perform tasks as quickly as possible too, so try to set those to max as well

6) the rest of you points, you can spend on Hellfire.

7) but the graphics to a minimum and put the zombie colour thingy off. You will need as much of your computer's power to avoid lag.

Actual gameplay

1) I've noticed that the game has difficulty algoritms each 5km, not sure if this is a fact but I noticed several stages in this
0-5 km is pretty "calm"
5-10 km increase of mines + mutants and air assault is becoming active
10-15 mutants come in groups of 5-6
15-20 somewhat similar to phase 3 but air assault attacks even more

2) when you have time to reload -> reload! It should become a basic routine to reload when there's no danger on the road.

3) use explosive trucks and mines to your advantage when a group of mutants walk over it.

4) if you see an explosive truck on the road, it's best to shoot it. Better be safe instead of crashing into it (which CAN be fatal)

5) don't stop at police stations or weapon slots (they ask 50 points for ammo). You'll notice that there's plenty of ammo boxes around.

6) Don't drive as fast as you can, drive safe and take your time. Prolly the most important tip here! It will take a bit longer, but better do one long run than 10 tries that don't work eh.

7) Before going into an alley, make sure you've reloaded. It's the only part where other zombies will try to get on your hood and it's dangerous to run out of ammo there.

8) When in an alley and air assaults fly over you, click the protective gear. You can't dodge the bombs in there

9) When you have hellfire available, call him in, he's a big help for a short amount of time BUT only call him in when you're in towns. The highway has a double amount of roads and it's easier to dodge stuff there. Calling in for help on a highway would be a waste of help.

10 a) When you see a garage, stop in front of it. And I don't mean the road. Literally go as far away as possible from the road and stop in front of the wall. You will still be able to repair your car but you'll stay out of reach for a possible air assault.

10 b) When low on Med or steroids, apply the same tactic at a church.

10 c) Even though you're think you're fine, just stop over at a garage! phase 3 and 4 will kick your car's *** HARD

11) When groups of 5-7 mutants appear it will most likely be that they will gang up on your hood one after another. So shoot them in the head and when you feel the need to reload, but there are still mutants on it, just switch weapons asap and start shooting again. Worry about reloading after that assault. I've noticed that you'll be able to shoot off 4 mutants with the LMG (it think that's the name) and you'll be able to finish off the rest with the other rifle. I know they won't be dead yet, but reloading while 2 and more mutants are ganging up on your hood can be your end!

12) I've noticed that especially in phase 4, it's a good thing to wait till air assault has passed through an alley first before I drive into it. It will take care of obstacles, zombies and mutants for you in it, just wait a bit on the side before driving in.

13) There are only a few in case you start to see smoke coming from your truck, play it safe and slow down. Looking for water hydrants and take it easy.

14) When a mutant is grabbing the driver, hit space and shoot him in the head as well to get rid of it more quickly.


Good luck

1,417 posts

Based on the description, I thought this was really hard XD
But in reality it is not so hard at all. 20 kilometers is
piece of cake. The only problem is slowing (lag) after 25km.
The amount of LAG is so huge that it prevents any further play.
On the super-fast computer, I would easily reached 100km.
I'll try it later XD.

650 posts

Well finished them all. I was right, a 20k Mutant Meltdown run took nearly an hour to finish. That's a long time to run into a near unwinnable situation (I came close when I got driver grappled just as a jet was coming overhead, if I hadn't JUST visited a garage I would have been dead).

The Rescue Op was stupidly luck-based, but at least it was short (and a great way to grind RP, even a failed run should get you 500-1k in just a few minutes). I ran into a COUPLE of situations that were just plain unwinnable. One a zombie apparently started just off my vision right on top of me, because I died before the screen even finished fading in. The other time 3 high-level zombies started about 5 meters away from a civilian hideout that only had 3 in it, I simply could not do enough damage to kill more than 1 before the other 2 killed the civilians. There are also some borderline unwinnable spawns, like when a fire truck is practically right in front of you when a mutant is around.

All in all, a boring grind. I never felt like any of these achievements were legitimately TOUGH, if you're good enough to go to about 10k on Mutant Meltdown, you're good enough to go to 20k. Yet I failed once at 9k and once at 14k before winning the very next time - and I pretty much could have gone on as long as I wanted, but what would be the point?

26 posts

Difficult quests :\\ but I'll get them done!

Very much agreed with Olinser on page 1.

Also this "Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.)
Every time my car is on fire and I hit a fire hydrant nothing happens. Hit the hydrants at low and high speeds nothing happens. I put out the fire once with an already burst fire hydrant but apparently that doesn't count."

Same problem here :S I'll just max all of my perks and stuff before I focus on quests.. hopefully unlock a couple by then.

14,745 posts

I have to be honest, the extensive grinding in this game simply takes out the fun of achieving the Quests... the lagging becomes extremely heavy when you reach Chinatown and unless you are lucky to steer clear of obstacles on the highway, you are slowed down significantly because of the lagging. =/

The graphics, story and gameplay are all great fun, but the levelling up and with that, the Quest unlocking, might have been better alligned throughout the game in my opinion. Shame...

But I won't sleep untill I got them all! Even if it means taking a long time to achieve them... =)

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