ForumsQuestsRoad of the Dead 2 Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Road of the Dead 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-squishing action game...
Hydroficially Evolved
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Hardness: Easy
Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle.
Hardness: Easy
Death Race
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.
Hardness: Medium
Mutant Sandwich
Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.
Hardness: Mediuim
Heaven Sent
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing.
Hardness: Medium
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Complete story mode.
Hardness: Hard
Mutant Stomp
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown.
Hardness: Hard

  • 144 Replies
697 posts

anyone who didnt get this quest i can help: mutant sandwich can be won by fightting 2 mutants on mutant meltdown and they have to grab both players and then kill the mutants off and youll get the quest hope this helps

636 posts

I wish I could figure out how to pay someone $5 just to play this annoying game and get the quests for me.

3,174 posts

Also this "Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.) Every time my car is on fire and I hit a fire hydrant nothing happens. Hit the hydrants at low and high speeds nothing happens. I put out the fire once with an already burst fire hydrant but apparently that doesn't count."

I had the same problem at first too. You have to shoot the hydrant with your gun and then drive over the water stream, while on fire, to unlock the quest
Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.) and extinguish the flames.

This is the only way that the fire hydrant will extinguish your flame. The in-game survival guide explains that the water jet that shoots out of the hydrants is delayed, so running over them will not put out fires.)
4 posts

youch so much hate, guess we won't bother with road 3. Great list of tips reton8 and PHLHimself!

636 posts

Sick -- My apologies if my own comments have seemed harsh or hateful. I hope you see these comments (no matter the tone) as ways to improve on your obvious programming skills. My two cents' worth is that the core is actually pretty good, but there's too much of a good thing. Regardless of the quests, even the completion of the story ends up being miles and miles of the same creatures, landscape, and general tasks. Also, the difficulty comes not so much in playing the game but in dealing with too many variables -- I think others have mentioned how often it ends up being a matter of luck to get to a quest or the end of a stage. The grinding aspect and the high luck factor end up being an unfortunate combination. (Another complaint seems to be lagging, which I'm just starting to encounter at the 79% mark; that also makes the experience a little negative.)

2,155 posts
Grand Duchess

I had the same problem at first too. You have to shoot the hydrant with your gun and then drive over the water stream, while on fire, to unlock the quest Hydroficially Evolved (Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.) and extinguish the flames.

Thank you for the tip. I would never have guessed that's the way to unlock the quest... Oh, well (-.-)
3,174 posts

youch so much hate, guess we won't bother with road 3. Great list of tips reton8 and PHLHimself!

Why give up on the game and the sequel? I feel like an additional patch could easily fix most the problems people are having with this game and now you know what to avoid, if you choose to make the third game in the series.

People are saying story mode is too long and game is repetitive, add a few more check-points or give the car and driver more health and problem solved or make sure garages appear more often, and problem solved. Players won't have to replay certain sections as much and it will make the game less repetitive and shorter.

People are saying upgrades cost too much. Just make the upgrades a bit cheap or offer more RP for killing zombies and driving x amount of distance.

People are saying too much luck is involved in the mutant meltdown mod, just make it so that a garage appears every 5 km, 7 km, 10 km, something to that effect, or increase car and driver health, problem solved.

Just those few fixes would probably stop most the complaints. Also, the game still has a high rating, 8/10. The people do like this game.
574 posts
Grand Duke

youch so much hate, guess we won't bother with road 3. Great list of tips reton8 and PHLHimself!

Don't be put off by a few negative comments. For issues people have and i have had a few times is, it can get quite laggy but when you refresh it, Seens to fix the issue every-time for me.

People are saying upgrades cost too much. Just make the upgrades a bit cheap or offer more RP for killing zombies and driving x amount of distance.

People are saying too much luck is involved in the mutant meltdown mod, just make it so that a garage appears every 5 km, 7 km, 10 km, something to that effect, or increase car and driver health, problem solved.

Just those few fixes would probably stop most the complaints. Also, the game still has a high rating, 8/10. The people do like this game.

Yeah these are good ideas.
73 posts

To answer my own question, upgrade Cocheta's LMG and Diane's Assault Rifle all the way. Then upgrade the perk Faster Switch all the way. Next get your weapon skills in Cocheta's LMG and Diane's Assault Rifle up as high as you can (I would say maximum, but you can do it sooner and it takes a lot to grind those last few stats even with the faster leveling perk at maximum).

I think SMG is quite better than LMG for this, with LMG is harder to aim and they are far on the beggining to hit them, and on the end when you run of time/space, just bursting as hell won't help to aiming.
4 posts

sorry to hear you didn't like the game, although compared to road 1's same location (highway) road 2 has that plus 5 new addition location types and scenery flavor, plus unique events and new hazards/enemy types in the progression.Story length is actually the same, maybe slightly longer than road 1(finale). If you die a lot I can see it feeling like a drag though, which sucks i guess. It's also a challenging game so its not for everyone But If its not fun for you then its not fun oh well. we tried our bestest!

I give up on any more road games in flash, but not in general. Apparently too many people can't run it for some reason, or just don't like the game play, such as Bakkart.

Your first point I don't really agree with, the story length feels pretty good to me.However I think the problem with that is the skill requirement.It can feel too long and frustrating if you die over and over on the same level for sure. A difficulty setting would have been the answer for that I think, but its too late to add such a big feature.

As for RP costs, we are reducing those and removing/lowering civilian death penalties in an update, REJOICE!

Challenge modes are meant to get impossibly hard after awhile. I honestly don't know why they made mutant meltdown a AG quest lol. Thats hard as balls.
ps: you can unlock John's mustang which is faster/lower health by completing story mode and watching until the end cutscene after the credits.

650 posts

@sickdeathfiend - you're missing the entire point of the people complaining.

The mutant meltdown quest isn't hard. I did it in on the 3rd try - and I only lost the first because my browser crashed (other one I got driver grappled right into a bombing run). It's BORING. Its just the same thing over and over again for nearly an hour - same enemies, random scenery that doesn't really affect anything you do. And that's on a successful run. The only thing that really affects whether you win or not is how far apart garages are.

The biggest problem with the story mode is that it was long and boring, and there was no actual STORY involved. Adding in hust a couple cutscenes with some dialog between Cocheta and Diane at like the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 points would have broken it up nicely and probably silenced a lot of the complaints.

The other major problem is that, at least initially it takes way too long to get RP. I didn't have much of a problem because I drove VERY slow initially, stopped and rescued every single civilian I saw, purposefully did a couple of the internal achievements for the RP bonus, and ONLY upgraded one person's weapons. And I STILL felt like my weapons were too weak/too little ammo for where I was for a good portion of the early-mid game. If you actually drive at a decently fast clip (like the game intends), you quickly reach a point where you simply don't have the weapons to continue on. The gameplay just needs to flow better.

4 posts

If you find the game play to be so BORING then why do you play it? Play games to have fun no? BORING? No story? wut..? As I said, the story mode is literally the same length as road 1 not counting the chopper finale, and has more story dialogue than road 1 etc etc etc. If you found road 1 boring then road 2 will be a snooze fest I guess. what were you expecting?
If you don't appreciate the game play that a road of the dead game offers, then your not gonna like it yeah?

Road 1 had zero 'garages' so you just had to die, road 2 offers you optional garages etc to stop if you want/need to, or you can play like in road 1 and just die and pick up your desired upgrades. you actually have more options now.

Rp costs and stuff are being tweaked to be less grindy in the next update as i also mentioned in my last post. Being able to get upgrades faster is needed I think.

Again I don't know why mutant meltdown is a quest because its a 'see how far you can make it in impossible difficulty' thing. so its gonna be the same thing getting harder yeah, so BORING yeah ok don't play it? lol whatever. I find it strange you play a game you find BORING and seem to hate, just for an achievement/quest. why?

73 posts

The mutant meltdown quest isn't hard. I did it in on the 3rd try - and I only lost the first because my browser crashed (other one I got driver grappled right into a bombing run)

You used some hack yes or yes..
73 posts


Some people could find this game boring or just excelent, that's something that nobody could change. The problem that i have is lag, i made all that checks you ppl put on the information but i think that the quality could be lowered more, i practically don't notice any difference between low and high Q, I think it could not to render some details like the texture of the houses or the blood jumping on the screen?

4 posts


Very true, impossible to please everyone
Flash doesn't really like multi core cpus and doesn't benefit much from gpu's I don't think. Have you tried setting your cpu affinity to flash? Make sure all other tabs/programs are closed? Disable hardware acceleration in flash?
Tried on a different browser, like IE? If you tried all those and they don't help, I'm out of ideas sorry

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