ForumsQuestsRoad of the Dead 2 Quests

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This thread is a place to discuss quests for Road of the Dead 2. Here is a list of the current quests available for this zombie-squishing action game...
Hydroficially Evolved
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Hardness: Easy
Blunt Force Trauma
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle.
Hardness: Easy
Death Race
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km.
Hardness: Medium
Mutant Sandwich
Survive 2 mutants side grappling both characters.
Hardness: Mediuim
Heaven Sent
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing.
Hardness: Medium
Into the Wild Blue Yonder
Complete story mode.
Hardness: Hard
Mutant Stomp
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown.
Hardness: Hard

  • 144 Replies
76 posts

Personally, love the road of the dead games and was ecstatic to see a second one. any quests that I get tend to be on accident( I got really unlucky with a pack of four mutants, Voila mutant sandwich + two on the hood). I don't plan on even attempting the mutant meltdown one as the name of the game mode just sounds stupidly hard. I play games for fun, not the frustration over achievements, and I'm happy to say this game Is giving me a great run.

26 posts

Was doing really well on Mutant Meltdown but it got laggier the further I got.. then at 11km my gun aim was 5 seconds behind and I couldn't shoot the mines. I couldn't brake either. I drove right into the mines and died ;\\

Took me over 30 minutes to get to even 11km.. Time for me to stop playing and wait for this horrible lag to be fixed. Do AG admins even try the quests themselves? Such difficult quests is what promotes cheating/hacking..

650 posts

@vanerosa - no, why would you need to hack? The game isn't that difficult.

If you need RP and have beaten the story, play a few rounds of Rescue Op. Every civilian is worth 20 RP, and it is very easy to get 30 or so every time (it only starts to get a little hard when mutants start spawning in the 30-40 range). If you get an average of 30 each time, that's 600 RP plus probably another 100ish from killing zombies, so you can get 700 in just a few minutes.

I used Cocheta as the gunner. I didn't even bother upgrading Diane's weapons, you shouldn't need to switch driver/gunner ever. Make sure your reloading skill is at maximum for SMG/LMG.

Here are the things you need to do to win easily:

1) Before starting, buy 5 each of the med kit items. This should let you never stop to get more. Use the heal instantly every time you start pulsing red. If you somehow get stuck in a bombing run or mine, use the invincibility to prevent the damage.

2) When you stop at any point, DO NOT STOP ON THE ROAD. Pull off to the side, in front of whatever you are stopping at. This means that bombing runs can't hit you while you are stopped. If you stop directly in front of a building, this also has the added benefit of the mutants that spawn getting hung up on the building and not being able to make it to your car. When you're done just go through the building - it doesn't do much damage

3) Stop at every garage, regardless of how much damage you may have taken. Repair to full each time.

4) Hitting ANYTHING is better than hitting a fuel truck, mine, or bombing run, even a building (which does surprisingly little damage).

5) You should only need ammo every couple thousand meters. I think I stopped for ammo 5 or 6 times total in my 20k run. If you have to stop much more, you are wasting way too much ammo. HOWEVER, don't wait until you run out of ammo to stop for more. I usually stopped when I had about 50 rounds left in my LMG.

6) Don't bother shooting at any mutant that isn't on your hood. Most of the mutants will die from bombing runs/fuel trucks/mines. If you are shooting at mutants on the road you are wasting ammo,

7) Learn how much ammo it takes to get a mutant off your hood. It honestly only takes a few shots from a fully upgraded SMG/LMG. I forget exactly - I want to say it takes 6 shots from either of them to get rid of a mutant, it certainly doesn't take more than 10. Any shots taken after they start the jump animation are wasted - they stop taking damage as soon as the animation begins. Focus on getting rid of them, not killing them.

8) If your armor is gone, make sure you hit the blue water barrels and shoot/run over fire hydrants. They restore a bit of health to your engine and let you go further, hopefully to the next garage.

9) If your weapon is completely empty, when you refill at an ammo point it automatically loads a new clip without the reload animation. So if you have like 10 rounds left in your LMG, fire them out just before the ammo point refill finishes and you get a free reload (it doesn't look like it, but pull the trigger and you start shooting on a fresh mag).

10) Don't use the shotgun or pistol EVER. They both are terrible, their fire rate/reload rate (shotgun) and damage (pistol), respectively, are so poor that you're better off just reloading the SMG rather than switching to either of them. If you have run out of ammo on both the SMG and LMG, then you're probably screwed, stop for ammo earlier next time.

That's pretty much it I used the LMG almost exclusively - even without reloading, with full damage and ammo you can peel somewhere around 20 mutants off your hood without reloading, which you should do every chance you think you can get away with it. If you get caught in the middle of a reload, just switch to the SMG and blow them off. The SMG likewise ought to get around 7-10 mutants off your hood without reloading. As long as a mutant isn't on your hood or leaping onto it when you start the animation, you have time to finish a LMG reload and peel them off. If you aren't sure you are going to make it, just swap to the SMG. With the SMG, even if a mutant just leaped on your hood, you have time to reload and THEN hit them.

Then it's just a boring grind of driving along, peeling mutants off your hood, and avoiding explosive obstacles.

650 posts

@Tristurbed - if you're lagging try lowering the quality and turning off the sound, music, and turn off Zombie Tints. That completely eliminated lag for me.

574 posts
Grand Duke

a few points.

It is nice how people used similar method to me in Survival op. I used LMG and Assault rifle Assault rifle when they are at a distance. Lmg when they are close but don't just hold it in. I find tapping it makes them more accurate and less laggy.

Mutant Meltdown isn't all that hard, I think it is 5 shots of a fully leveled pistol gets them off and when they back on another 5 kills them. When there is alot of them, the other weps work really great aswell. I only got to 10k but i died because i gong a bit fast trying to get the Top speed quest, i am sure i did this and it didn't work but i will try another day. Cant emphasize how much stopping at garages are.

Survival ops is best to make RP i make around 1.5-2.5k each run of it. Leveled most weapons skills in this.

73 posts

@Olinser thanks for the guide.

I don´t understand why you don´t like shotgun, in my opinion is the best. 2 shots for a mutant, 3 for a supermutant, so you can count them and forget about thinking if the burst has been enough. If i died by a mutant, is because of lag, not because the weapon. Btw the LMG reloading takes 2 o 3 days.

I already knew all these points, however i never passed from 9 kms and i usually make 5 kms average, and 90% of the times I died because the car explodes. Maybe because you used to drive at half of top speed or you drove always with the "W" pressed?

650 posts

You're dying because you're using the shotgun and not paying enough attention to driving.

I'll say it again. The shotgun sucks. The fire rate and reload speed are absolutely terrible. In the time it takes to get a single mutant off your hood I could have used the SMG or LMG to blow TWO off. And a full shotgun reload takes an absolutely stupid amount of time because it goes 1 shot at a time, while a fully upgraded LMG reload only takes about 2 seconds.

In the extra time you're focusing on a mutant waiting for the crappy shotgun to get him off, you obviously aren't avoiding obstacles. I drove at basically full speed the entire time, and the only time I really hit obstacles was when I had 2 mutants on my hood and couldn't see very well, or it gave me a configuration where I just couldn't avoid hitting something. You shouldn't really be hitting many obstacles - at one point I went 5k without even getting a garage. If your car is dying that easily you either haven't upgraded it fully or are just plain hitting too much stuff.

73 posts

There is no way. LMG used and my car went on fire twice, i stop on the garage three times, and when there is 4 mutants on the road i begun to lag badly. Km reached: 4,5

73 posts

And I have everything leveled up to the max.

636 posts

I'm having problems even completing the story. The lag, which just started at 78% for me, is even more problematic in the 85% level. I might have to break into my friend's room and use his super computer just to get that quest done.

73 posts

My computer runs OK, is not a super computer but it can run all games without lag, except this one. On km 6 I´m rendering at 1 frame per second because of the 4 mutants and is not possible to survive. Because of the game save´s himself on the browser cache or whatever, i cannot even change the browser so basically maybe i could continue playing when i had a super computer and with the reset data. So I suposse i can´t clean the browser either because I will lose my game data?

636 posts

I hadn't thought of that -- the game probably won't transfer data, right?

I agree on the lagging; even after minimizing all the possible options, this is the only game on Armorgames where I've experienced lagging. My computer is a pretty good one, so ... well, there you go.

574 posts
Grand Duke

I hadn't thought of that -- the game probably won't transfer data, right?

It is saved locally on the computer. To transfare it i am not sure if possible. If you hit run and go on cache you can see the file but they are named by numbers so pinpoint the exact file might be hard. Then of course you could send or upload it a usb and swap. This is based on limited knowledge of this and take into fact of what i do when i swap media files to such Mp3.

I would try to stick it out as annoying it may seem you will eventfully get through it (Hopefully).
636 posts

I'll try a few more times, but I might just cut my losses here. No offense to the game makers, but the game just isn't worth the energy for the quests.

73 posts

Here is a important trick based on what Olinser says, the mutants becomes more numerous as much you are killing them so as he said, focus on remove them from the car shooting at his belly instead of killing them, in this way i could reach 17 kms until the 5th mutant kills me because of lag. Otherwise you will have 6 mutants at km 8 what is becoming impossible because of lag.

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