ForumsArt, Music, and Writing*Zophinfestedwriting*

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9,434 posts

Just because I felt like annoying all of you with a third thread of mine.
*random Zoph infested art thread*

It is time for my writing to terrorize AG~

Everything withers, everything fades
when no one sees It, It eats up the days
Nothing left to quench It, darkness fell so fast
It awaits, aint gonna quit till it has killed the last

The hopes died, all was wasted
the truth revealed, though never tasted
As blood was spilled by those who loved none
the trails of time knew It was not gone

It saw the sun set and the night fall
a new dawn came, tried to save it all
The ones who fought It fell and died
as Its chaos left them terrified

A creature never seen before
took down the world, took down its Core
It grabbed the sun, It tore it down
It howled and threw it to the ground

Things were twisted, lives were spent
It had just started, so on It went

The rigid horrors, all the fears
those few alive cried frightened tears
It raged in silence, thrashing, breaking
a new world order - something awaking?

From deep within an ancient cave
a Dragon rose from its old grave
The Dragon spread its wings in silence
watching, thinking, planning vengeance

To find It, who destroyed the dawn
who slaughtered lights and ate their spawn

Must be a year and a half old. I know it's bad.
More to come...

  • 137 Replies
2,636 posts

Comment when you have? *sad pwuppy eyes*


I hate poems, it's a stupid way of hiding our true feelings.

As for the stories I'm still reading them
2,636 posts


But your poems were good tough.

And go to your profile, I left you a message.

9,434 posts

Lol! Nice save. XD

Poems are a lot more than that, though.

Already deleted that thread you reported, btw. Still procrastinating on the other thing, but I'll get to it.

Continuing that one, though no one probably cares. >_>
"It began in me old hometown, this, this longing... I still am not quite sure how to describe it, but it was the most invasive, insisting feeling I have ever experienced...
I do still not know how to truly describe it. A powerful yearning for something quite undefined... And I felt certain that I would not find anything to satiate this desire near me home.
So I packed the most important of me things, a little sketch book, a net for fishing, little useful tools and what else you need for travels of undefined length, and told me brother to look after our home while I was gone. I believe I expected the trip to take a few months. Maybe half a year. I could've never known..."

2,636 posts

Lol! Nice save. XD

Poems are a lot more than that, though.

Thankies :3!

And that's the only way I see poems.
Still procrastinating on the other thing, but I'll get to it.

9,434 posts



I have 27 little story snippets. I figured I'd post them here if anyone wants me to, but uhm... The general interest for writing seems to be rather... Not here?

13,657 posts

Unless someone sees the chance of getting featured (read: Their name is used in the story, often paired with a hero or villain that most likely is not their character anyway).

9,434 posts

True that. > >

9,821 posts

*is interested in writingz*

9,434 posts

Three pieces for Alt, then:

"Nyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiahhhhh..." Fukru lashed out with his tail as he finished the stretching that accompanied his yawn. He then blinked a few times, his amber coloured eyes adjusting to the bright light of midday and soon scanning his surroundings for a suitable breakfast. They found none.
He sighed, elegantly jumping to his claws, lashing his tail again, his bright red hide glittering in the daylight. He bend his head back, scratching his hip with one of his horns, getting rid of an imaginary itch between his scales. Snapping his jaws together a few times, the young drake decided that this really hadn't been a good place to nest. Not enough critters around, edible or otherwise. He nipped at a flower distractedly.


Tightening the last knot and clipping the string, Xalia looked satisfied at her newly finished belt. It was long and made from soft reddish leather, quite pleasant to hold. A smile spread across her muzzle as she got up from the floor and walked into her storage room. She cocked her head lightly, her hand reaching out to gently touch some of the many belts and harnesses hanging in there. She loved her "job", enjoyed shaping the hides from Sroh's hunts into smooth leather straps.
Walking deeper into the room, she finally found the place for the new belt; among the others of creenai leather, their soft texture and reddish colour always a pleasure to work with. She swished her tail around, brushing it lightly against a bundled up harness, purring lightly as she sniffed the air. Most of her house smelled of various kinds of leather, and it always made her feel safe despite the luring association with death.


A shrill shriek broke the crisp night air as a young rodent's heart made its last stroke. The little corpse, torn through by sharp, black owl talons, was swept into the air as Stika flapped his shiny black wings to gain altitude again. The silvery tips of his feathers glimmered as tiny red stains appeared on the grass below. He could feel the warm red fluid drip from his claws, wanting it to drip into his beak instead, but needing to get back to his burrow first. Back to the little one so it could have some too.

9,821 posts

Snippets now have the official Alt's Assorted Stamp of Approval.

Moar snippets?

404 posts


fuuk u ?
9,434 posts

Fu-kru. Emphasis lies kinda like in shoe-lace.

No fuk. Fu - kru.

Moar snippets?

WARNING: Sexually suggestive stuff in one of these. It's pretty mild and non-descriptive, though. At least it seems pretty mild to me. >_>

Bubbles rose up from the scales of the long, slender water anezhill as she glided through the cool water around her isle. Soothed by the tranquility of the clear blueness of the bowl of water, Iza dove around in a spiraling pattern before she made her way back towards the surface. She laughed as a school of fish scattered with fear in front of her.
"I wouldn't hurt you, silly little ones;" she thought, as her azure blue snout broke through to the warm air above, quickly followed by her head and horns, her fins, her long neck, arms, claws, and the rest of her snakelike and shimmering blue body, only her tail fin remaining under water, dragged behind her as she happily floated towards the lair of her and her mate.


Issed shivered as clawed hands sifted through his purple fur. Maybe he shouldn't have gone to this specific bar. Maybe there really were too many wolves here. Then again, didn't he like that?
Gasping as tongues started caressing him, stimulating him softly, betraying the roughness of what was to come, he realized his top was gone. He hadn't noticed they'd taken it off of him. He hadn't noticed they'd taken his pants off either, but then again, the tongues and hands and his filled muzzle did provide sufficient distractions from most things...


"Caaaaa! Caaah!"
"Caaht? Caaa, caaaaaah!"
Their discussion had been going back and forth for a while. Corax and Corone always seemed to be arguing. For no real reason. Maybe they just liked to feel the vibrations going through their throats. Karasu blinked, then drove its beak down in a vicious stabbing of Corax' head.
"Caaaht." 'Enough.' "Caah, caahtaah, caah." 'We have work to do.'
The two Crows looked at the third, all six blank white eyes expressing some bizarre mixture of the perpetual indifference of their species and annoyance. Karasu naturally did not care that they were annoyed with it; their senseless bickering had already delayed them too much. It pecked at Corone's neck, hard enough to draw blood if it had been a truly living creature.


"Oh come on, I offered you a good deal!"
The zazuaesjn continued his protests as the guards carried him towards the city gate.
"At least let me fetch my wagon! You can't just steal my stuff! Seriously, it's not..."
Boshon's ranting was cut off as his face got a firm introduction to a muddy puddle, his continuously blabbering mouth filled with the gooey dirt.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!" He sputtered and continued to spit the greenish brown substance out as he sat up and wiped his face, mostly only succeeding to spread the mud further in his rough brown fur.
He got to his feet, his mind focused on finding the most appropriate insults for the imbeciles who dared treat him like this, and thus failed to notice that his backpack was flung directly at his face. It hit him square on, toppling him over and sending him back on another visit to the puddle.
9,821 posts

He hadn't noticed they'd taken his pants off either

Whaaaaaa? Tough not to notice if a girl pantses you in a public place . . . .

gone to this specific bar

Ahhhhhhhh. It makes sense now.


You killed Kenny . . . .


/obliged South Park joke


Anyways, nice snippets. How many do ya have total?
9,821 posts

Zoph, how come the word 'BA$TARDS' is blocked in my post but not yours? Some sort of moderator exemption? >.>

9,434 posts

Whaaaaaa? Tough not to notice if a girl pantses you in a public place . . . .

[quote]gone to this specific bar

Ahhhhhhhh. It makes sense now.[/quote]Glad it makes sense~
No girls in that bit, btw. Way too many males, though. Issed is so effing gay that it's annoying. >_> Why do I have that character, why...

Anyways, nice snippets. How many do ya have total?
So there's 20 left~

Zoph, how come the word 'BA$TARDS' is blocked in my post but not yours? Some sort of moderator exemption? >.>
Wouldn't you like to know~ No, srsly, the AG censor is incredibly easy to circumvent, and when it's in a proper context I find it alright to do so (except with the rough swear words, because they're not PG13).

*doesn't know South Park well enough to get reference*

More snippets?
Showing 76-90 of 137