ForumsArt, Music, and Writing*Zophinfestedwriting*

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Just because I felt like annoying all of you with a third thread of mine.
*random Zoph infested art thread*

It is time for my writing to terrorize AG~

Everything withers, everything fades
when no one sees It, It eats up the days
Nothing left to quench It, darkness fell so fast
It awaits, aint gonna quit till it has killed the last

The hopes died, all was wasted
the truth revealed, though never tasted
As blood was spilled by those who loved none
the trails of time knew It was not gone

It saw the sun set and the night fall
a new dawn came, tried to save it all
The ones who fought It fell and died
as Its chaos left them terrified

A creature never seen before
took down the world, took down its Core
It grabbed the sun, It tore it down
It howled and threw it to the ground

Things were twisted, lives were spent
It had just started, so on It went

The rigid horrors, all the fears
those few alive cried frightened tears
It raged in silence, thrashing, breaking
a new world order - something awaking?

From deep within an ancient cave
a Dragon rose from its old grave
The Dragon spread its wings in silence
watching, thinking, planning vengeance

To find It, who destroyed the dawn
who slaughtered lights and ate their spawn

Must be a year and a half old. I know it's bad.
More to come...

  • 137 Replies
9,821 posts

Honestly, from that, I think I know more than you do. > >

Yeah, you prolly do. >.<

I mostly have trouble with spelling stuffs in that department.

I studies it for a few months for a competition. My team got 1st in our division out of the state, so we did good

*slaps you*


Your characters have interesting names, lol. Ayanla, Vae, etc.

Post more than three at a time :<
9,434 posts

Post more than three at a time :<
I just posted four. T T

Your characters have interesting names, lol.
Actually most of them are fairly ordinary names in that world~
9,821 posts

I just posted four. T T

I meant post more than three consistently . . . .

Sawwy D:

Actually most of them are fairly ordinary names in that world~

Eh, true~
9,434 posts

More, then.

Closing the last buckle on the saddle he was strapping onto his caaní, Leion smiled. They were in for a long ride, but he always enjoyed how Lea dove and rose through the air, her tan wings elegantly keeping her aloft. He nuzzled her chin, the large feline giving him a rasping, affectionate lick in return.
"Looking forward to the flight, kitty?"
He patted her firm flight muscles as she meowed and spread her draconic wings. The cat/horse crossbred anthro placed a hoof in one of the straps of the saddle and climbed up, his caaní eliciting more excited mews and purring lightly.
"Up we go!~"
He grabbed hold of the front of the saddle, clinging on tightly as she took off in a bouncing run along the ground, her wingbeats growing in strength and frequency until they were lifted off the ground, and soon they flew over the edge of the isle, the roaring depth of the endless reaches of Hrowan stretching down below them.


The swamp dragon sighed. He missed her. He still missed her. His poor mate...
Hallow raised his head, blinking his white eyes. He tilted his head, pondering - if he was of a different species, would he be crying for her now?
He shrugged, shifting his weight and flopping onto his other side. He was tired of these sleepless nights. He needed to sleep. He needed to have his strength ready. He needed to be prepared if something like that ever happened again.
A ghostly image of purple flames eating away at a darkness flicked across his inner eye. Too late. Much too late.
He rolled over again, gradually merging his wings into his body as they seemed to make his rest more uneasy than it needed to be. Maybe he'd feel better without them tonight, despite how he generally enjoyed the blankety comfort they offered.


Happiness. Bliss, maybe even. A thin tail wagging wildly as soft hands patted the gray furred body which the tail was attached to. Long fleshy ears bouncing softly against its owner's legs. It never wanted it to end, content to just get the tiniest bit of attention, and thoroughly enjoying the luxury of actually getting pats and strokes.
And so it whined rather pathetically when she put it down, tail falling to the ground with the tip still wagging in hope that it would only be a short break from the attention. But it was disappointed. She'd gotten up, patted it once more, but now it seemed she - and her friendly ones - were preparing to leave. It didn't want to leave. It wanted her to sit down so it could at least be close to her.
*Hnnn?* it squeaked, begging for more attention.


M'bii writhed, squirming a few of its tentacles around. It felt lazy, full. Not like it was supposed to be awake. Why was it awake, it wondered. Then it realized that there were bony hands around its bulbous body, and that it was no longer in contact with the ground. It wondered for a brief moment why D had woken it up so soon, it needed more time to digest the last meal she'd given it.
It slithered a tentacle into a questioning pose, curious. But the demoness remained silent.

9,821 posts

What exactly is a caaní supposoed to look like?

9,434 posts


Caani. Thingy above the i doesn't work on AG. There's a thingy above the i in Leion too, but that one I noticed and exchanged.
9,821 posts

Is it an umlaut/trema, or something else?


9,434 posts

"i-acute", according to Wikipedia.

And this in Leion.


The wysinwyg, or perhaps Wysinwyg, drifted through the solid wall of a random castle quite nonchalantly. The guards had tried to stab and slice him with their weapons, but had quickly realized that their attacks had no effect, soon panicking and shouting something about a ghost. It amused him. Or her. Honestly he'd forgotten, so she kinda altered between thinking of herself as a male and a female. It didn't really matter to him either way, but she didn't like to think of herself as completely undefined. Even though that would probably be correct.
A grin spread through her thoughts, and he resumed the shape of his departed Hawk. Maybe departed was rude to say. It hadn't actually died. If it had died, the Hrulohns would have had its form. But instead he had it. He liked it. In fact, it was the form she most often assumed. Drifting around as a shapeless rift in reality wasn't all the fun it was cracked up to be. Was it cracked up to be fun to be a rift?
She tilted her white feathered Hawk head, preening some feathers.
Maybe it wasn't. Maybe she was insane. Maybe he was the only one really dead alive and sane. She didn't know. Where was he going again? Oh yes. The tower. More commotions to cause, more confusion. It was fun to upset the Guardians. Always fun. Banishment. Fun is all to drift for.
She took off from the outer wall of the castle, having quietly seeped through most of it for no real reason at all.

9,821 posts

I really like the 2nd paragraph.

'a grin spread across her thoughts' is awesome figurative language.

9,434 posts

I actually wrote 'through', but since that's mostly the same sentence, I'm just gonna take your compliment and nom on it~ *noms* Tasty~

9,821 posts

Oh noes . . . .

*points to current tiredness and illnessness*

Still, quite like it.

9,434 posts

Glad ya do~

Here's more:

The young nenchiss yawned, then stretched his thin gray arms above his head, arching his back in an attempt to rid it of the ache that was slowly creeping into his muscles. He pushed his glasses up a bit, scratching his snout absentmindedly. Then dropped his forehead hard onto the table in front of him.
"Jo. Pay attention."
Jo grabbed his purple hair and "dramatically" pulled himself back up into a sitting position.
"I din't get 'nough sleep last nite, I dun wanna write more t'day..."
"You should have thought of that before you decided to stay up late. Now, continuing ..."


"Sir, I did it, sir, look!!"
Bouncing up and down with excitement, the young mage pointed wildly at a flickering ice blue flame hovering in the air in front of him. Beneath the flame, on a mossy rock, was a complex symbol that the nenchiss boy had just finished scribing moments before.
The older nenchiss looked at it and smiled gently.
"Good job, kid. Now be careful with that jumping, or ..."
The brief sound of sizzling fur was heard before the flame died out.
"My haaaaand!" he cried, tears pouring down his furry cheeks.
Qunaii sighed, holding his own hand to his forehead for a moment.
"I told you to be careful. Even if you're always careful you will still get burned."
He spoke sternly and with concern, yet a certain cheerfulness was ever present in his voice. The cub sniffed, attempting to stop his crying.
"But it bit me... It was dancing for me;" He paused, sobbing; "and then it bit me."

72 posts

Lol, the 2nd one is gold.


9,434 posts

Alright then~

Kiillon swept through the air, her keen bird-of-prey eyes scanning the field below her for "snacks". But her focus was abruptly broken when a fellow tatian collided with her midair. Both of the gryphon-like creatures fell towards the tall grass and ended up in a tangled pile of feline and avian limbs.
"Watch where you're flying!" she shouted angrily, trying to figure out which of the paws and claws she should be attempting to move.
"Hey, I could say the same to you, pretty thing;" the male's voice was gentle and flirtatious, and he seemed completely unaffected by the twenty feet fall they'd both suffered. Then again, tatians were build to be sturdy enough to stuff like that.
"Don't give me that smart-ass attitude after taking me down from a nice hunting;" she huffed.
"Oh come one, there's other things that are nicer than a hunt~"
He trilled enthusiastically, nudging her cheek softly with his beak as they had finally disentangled themselves from each other.
"Not in the mood, brat."
She lolled her tongue at him, then crouched and leapt off into the air, leaving the hopeful male to merely stare longingly after her tail.


"But, why are we going there?"
The young mazzelh curled her tail more tightly around the dryohr's neck, nervous.
"Because it's a city and therefore has food, and Crest thinks it's a good idea..." Zyarrihl replied.
"It's not my idea;" she added defensively, casting a side glance at the blue wolf walking beside her.
"Why does he always get to decide......"
Yazz pouted, clinging more tightly to the dryohrs shoulder and neck.
The Hawk glanced up at them with his orange wolf eyes, sending a grin through their minds.
>You know very well why you follow my advice;< he thought to them.
"Don't get too cheeky about it, mutt."
He'd previously been annoyed with the mazzelh when she called him names, but was getting used to it. Much to Yazz' displeasure, as it left her no way to truly annoy him. Zyarrihl usually ended up sighing at both of them, petting the fluffball into a content purring and leaving the Hawk to his own thoughts.

Only two more left now.

9,821 posts

Post them please?

Omg, the last one has lots of names I recognize.

Also . . . are all male tatians mean like that? It's not nice to collide with someone in the air just to try to seduce them, lol

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