ForumsArt, Music, and Writing*Zophinfestedwriting*

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Just because I felt like annoying all of you with a third thread of mine.
*random Zoph infested art thread*

It is time for my writing to terrorize AG~

Everything withers, everything fades
when no one sees It, It eats up the days
Nothing left to quench It, darkness fell so fast
It awaits, aint gonna quit till it has killed the last

The hopes died, all was wasted
the truth revealed, though never tasted
As blood was spilled by those who loved none
the trails of time knew It was not gone

It saw the sun set and the night fall
a new dawn came, tried to save it all
The ones who fought It fell and died
as Its chaos left them terrified

A creature never seen before
took down the world, took down its Core
It grabbed the sun, It tore it down
It howled and threw it to the ground

Things were twisted, lives were spent
It had just started, so on It went

The rigid horrors, all the fears
those few alive cried frightened tears
It raged in silence, thrashing, breaking
a new world order - something awaking?

From deep within an ancient cave
a Dragon rose from its old grave
The Dragon spread its wings in silence
watching, thinking, planning vengeance

To find It, who destroyed the dawn
who slaughtered lights and ate their spawn

Must be a year and a half old. I know it's bad.
More to come...

  • 137 Replies
9,821 posts

No girls in that bit, btw. Way too many males, though. Issed is so effing gay that it's annoying. >_> Why do I have that character, why...


Still, I think you'd need to go to a strange bar and buy some stuff there to introduce the possibility of not noticing being pantsed in a public place, lol.

Wouldn't you like to know~ No, srsly, the AG censor is incredibly easy to circumvent, and when it's in a proper context I find it alright to do so (except with the rough swear words, because they're not PG13).

Hmmmmmmm . . . .

*tries, prolly fails*


*fails oine way or another*

Well, in it there's one character who comically dies in pretty much every episode - his name is Kenny - and whenever he dies, his friends shout "You killed Kenny! You BASTARDS!"

So yesh, slightly random. xD

Yessssss . . . moar snippetz~~~~~~
9,434 posts

Still, I think you'd need to go to a strange bar and buy some stuff there to introduce the possibility of not noticing being pantsed in a public place, lol.
Quite possibly. I left a lot of details out of that one, you know. Like what his muzzle's filled with.

So yesh, slightly random. xD

Oh, and random testings of the censor is spam in here, so say bye to your posts, guy.

Yessssss . . . moar snippetz~~~~~~

Her long white tail curling lightly around her mistress' waist, Kitten watched as Wennah negotiated with the owner of that shiny long piece of metal. Her mistress usually called such pieces "swords", but Kitten had never gotten used to using the proper nouns for objects like that. They were made of metal, that was really all she cared to know. And the sharp and shiny long ones were oh so fun to play with, the material reluctant to leave its set shape, but so beautiful when it finally agreed to dance to her will...
She reached out towards the shiny surface, eager to get to know it, but her mistress softly placed a hand over her clawless fingers. Her way of saying "not now", Kitten knew it, but...
"Kyiii?" she asked, sad that she couldn't play yet. She craned her neck until she could look at Wennah's face. Clinging onto her shoulder, her tail-tuft wafting at her mistress' midriff.
"Not yet, sweety. You oughta fix the last one before you wanna break a new one, you know? I need to have a *functional* sword with me when we travel."
The thanatus scratched her pet's chin, eliciting a happy purr from the white qiiny. She still wanted to play, but she didn't want to be disobedient to her beloved mistress.


Greenish black fur wafted in the calm evening wind. The daylight had just departed, Fréya relishing in the growing darkness. The mazzelh wandered along the alley towards the street. She'd been restless all day, wanting to go out, wanting to hunt, but the light had kept her imprisoned in the shadows of the buildings and there had been nowhere for her to sneak to.
As she got out on the street the sky started to delve from reddish to a deep indigo. Soon it would be a deep blackish blue.
She loved how dark it got in this part of the world. The darkness was her home, her playground.
She ran along the street, people going about their usual business, no one paying more attention to her than one would to a common rodent. That was what she like best about being a mazzelh. So common most places that no one wondered particularly why one would be running around in the streets. So known that no one suspected that one had come to prey upon them. She smiled quietly, eyes darting around, looking for a suitable victim. She settled on a young boy, unnoticeably following him as he headed back home, back to what he probably assumed was the safety of his family...
9,821 posts

Yessss . . . I like the snippets, especially the first one with the kitten.

Oh, and random testings of the censor is spam in here, so say bye to your posts, guy.

Arw. Oh well, lol.

I still remembah~~~~~~~~~

I notice a distinct lack of mazzelhs in these snippets D:

Like what his muzzle's filled with.

Enough of an acid creation to scare Kid Charlemagne?
9,434 posts

Stupid AG. Read that as Freya. There's supposed to be an ´ above the e...

Meant that to be plural, guys.
Anyway, enough with typos.

I notice a distinct lack of mazzelhs in these snippets D:
Did you read the two I just posted.......? Specifically the second one?

Enough of an acid creation to scare Kid Charlemagne?
Wow, I really did manage to tone the dirty of that one down.
9,821 posts

Wow, I really did manage to tone the dirty of that one down.


Liek . . . is the urm level as high as I think it is?

Stupid AG. Read that as Freya. There's supposed to be an ô above the e...

Scandinavian name!

Anyway, enough with typod.

Zooooooooph >.>


Did you read the two I just posted.......? Specifically the second one?

I didn't mean a complete lack >.>

There be only one mazzelh snippet insofar!
9,434 posts

Zooooooooph >.>
Yeah, you know, my post is right above yours. I can see I didn't make that typo.

Scandinavian name!
Twist of it, anyway. Freja is the regular Danish form of the name...

Liek . . . is the urm level as high as I think it is?

I didn't mean a complete lack >.>

There be only one mazzelh snippet insofar!
Well, I do have a lot of characters who aren't mazzelhs, you know...


Flames that had been roaring high suddenly quieted, the rage that had been fueling them slowly dying.
"I've bloody well had enough of you idiots;" Fagash snarled, her fire still smoldering visible in her stripes.
The two anthros, a cat and an iguana, huddled before her, frightened of the large tiger.
"You do NOT question the authority of us. It will cost you more than your lives if you decide to be so foolish."
Her eyes glowed with her inner fire, the scared duo making squeaky attempts at apologizing.
She scoffed at them. Trying to deny the authority of the Caaní she served was dumb, even if it was often a seemingly distant authority. She would not let her mate or his line of heirs have disobedient pawns. Never.


Trilling, playing with its tail orb, 12 twirled around in the inner sphere of Hrowan. It was quite happy; no one was currently causing imbalances to the chaotic world, and thus it had a lot of free time. It spent some of it creating new isles, occasionally joined by 13 to make them come to life. The amount of living isles had been diminished greatly, not even the Reawakening helping much - so they were allowed to make new ones. This pleased the Hrulohn, as isles always seemed to be a pleasant challenge to shape. They had to be rather big, many times bigger than the black little critter itself. And it was fun to make them, a pleasure to let the energy flow into the stone as it slowly accepted to form the shapes. 12 batted at its orb, a small amount of rubble appearing at its fingertips. It laughed, bouncing happily.


Qoyh was falling. There was nothing unusual in this, the metallic horse had a bad habit of hurling himself off of random isles and other tall things. But he'd been falling for quite a while now, and he was getting utterly bored. He had reached his maximum velocity yesterday, and yet he still hadn't hid anything. His silvery fur was getting cold, and his mane and tail felt too windblown for his liking. Maybe he'd already fallen up and was now falling down again... He didn't quite know.
For a brief moment he wished he could remove the cloth from his head and actually see where he was. He hadn't sensed any isles for a long ...
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he had a fraction of a second to register that there was solid rock directly below him, before his body smashed hard into the stony ground. It made a horribly amount of breaking and cracking noises, then silence spread again.
Half an hour later he had managed to wrench his hoofless legs from the rock they had so swiftly been embedded in. It annoyed him to no end when he got stuck in a surface like that. It annoyed him even more that it never hurt him.
He stood up straight, shook his mane back into place. Swished his tail a little. Then he lifted his head and tried to get a sense of what direction to head in for the next damages he'd test his invulnerability with.
9,821 posts

*responds to post*

Yeah, you know, my post is right above yours. I can see I didn't make that typo.

Uh, are you sure? You may need to get your eyes checked . . . .


Twist of it, anyway. Freja is the regular Danish form of the name...

Yesh. Isn't it derived from the name of the Scandinavian god Freyja or something? *knows lots about Norse Mythology*



Well, I do have a lot of characters who aren't mazzelhs, you know...

Oh, I know. I was just remarking on it, is all.

Nice snippets. MY favorite of this batch is the first one. My only question is . . . .


13,657 posts

Yesh. Isn't it derived from the name of the Scandinavian god Freyja or something? *knows lots about Norse Mythology*

Freja, sister of Frej, both ... Their dad being the god for the sea, who married a .... who missed the mountains. They love and miss each other but do not see each other often. These three was taken hostages for what's-his-name who sadly got chopped his head of, so they could never come back, but they instead became gods.
2,417 posts


And she did it with a dwarf, then all the other gods made fun of her.
2,906 posts

write a story about me!

9,434 posts

I have a character named Fagash, I forgot her name would be censored.

It's pronounced Fa-gash, btw, stress on last syllable.

Uh, are you sure? You may need to get your eyes checked . . . .
*slaps you*

Yesh. Isn't it derived from the name of the Scandinavian god Freyja or something? *knows lots about Norse Mythology*
Honestly, from that, I think I know more than you do. > >
Freja, As (dunno the English word) goddess of love (and fertility, maybe).
13,657 posts

write a story about me, please.

9,434 posts

How did I get ninja'd that badly? I only saw Alt's reply before I posted...

But yeah, Cen knows stuff.

write a story about me!
2,417 posts

Ah, were should I (probably won't) start a Norse Mythos thread, s I can flaunt my knowledge

write a story about me!

The only dialouge would be, "When do I judge?"
9,434 posts

Now where was I... Oh right, more snippets.

Feathery green wings paddling swiftly through the air on either side of the funaran, Namiel stared ahead and occasionally to the sides, wanting to see the tower quite soon - but not sure where it would be. Pinubi seemed self confident in the direction she'd chosen, though. Maybe the petbird knew better than him.
>Are we there yet?<
His Hawk's voice echoed through Namiel's mind again.
"No;" he replied with suppressed annoyance, quickly returning his focus to the scouting.
Only a few minutes later Talon's thought cut through the funaran's focus again.
>Are we there yet?<
Namiel rolled his eyes.
"For the millionth time, NO! And could you stop asking every other minute?" He glared at the purple bird across his glasses, a sort of stern annoyance radiating towards the bird.
A chuckle tickled through his mind, the Hawk clearly amused in its own weird way.
"Not funny."
>Very funny. You should see your expression.<


"But moooooOOOM!!"
"No. I'm giving it back to your brother."
The young dryohr desperately tried to look adorable, hoping her mom would let her keep the yoyo.
"No, Vae. It's his. If you want your own, you could just try asking for one."
Zoph tried to explain it patiently, though she knew it really wasn't working.
"But is more fun when it's his!"
Vaelinn flapped her wings with frustration, giving up her adorable-face for a sincere pouting. Her mom patted her head, placed the yoyo in her own back pocket, then swooped the little dryohr up.
"Don't give me that face, dear. You have your own toys, you don't have to steal Thort's."
She nosed at her cheek, carrying her back towards their family's room.


A snarling voice echoed through the chilly cave, mumbling in an indecipherable tongue, though the tone indicated that it was most likely swearing quite severely. Ice worms crawled across the stone walls, scuffling away from the beast that was having a minor rage fit. Many of them had already died to serve as icky meals for the creature, but Mudd was growing increasingly restless and had been trapped in the cave for too long. It wished to be let out. It wished to roam the plains again. But the shadows who had locked it in there seemed to have forgotten about the failed experiment.
It growled, howling at a passing worm which fell off the frozen wall in shock.
It was lonely...


Sitting with the two fluffy petbirds in her lap, Ayanla hummed quietly as she watched the orange petals from a blossoming forhn tree falling gently towards the ground. Qyii, her own petbird, nuzzled his beak softly at Quix's, enjoying the funarans soft touches of his feathers. She stroked both of them while they groomed each other, happy with every touch and every contact. Hzalia was out plucking berries in the nearby wood with Namiel and his birds, but her petbird's relaxation assured Aya that she was alright. Aya had stayed behind to look after their equipment and the fire. She wasn't paying much attention to that, though.
As she stroked the soft downs of the two birds, her thoughts drifted back to the sweet caresses Lia and her had shared last night, when they had finally stayed at an inn again... Without Namiel's ever watching presence constantly hovering over them.
She smirked at the memory, and Qyii responded to her feelings by cuddling closer to the other bird, raising his tail feathers lightly. Hopefully Lia ... and, uhm, the others ... would be back before long.

Only 11 more left.

Showing 91-105 of 137