Ok, there has recently been an uprising of sorts of contests, whether it be animation or writing, you'll find it here. So then, I'm also gonna see if I can get this stickied, so that newer people around here would be able to navigate through and see what they want to compete in.
First, is the Art Skills Competition. Even though it says "Art Skills", keep in mind that it's intended for drawings, not writings. and here is the Art Skills Competition
Second, is the infamous MWT, Which stand for the Mixed World Tournament. It's currently not able to enter, but it's a dang good read. Also, there's several drawn entries. It's been a while since I've been there, but the next one is gonna be coming soon, so keep a good eye out. Here's the Mixed World Tournament.
Third, is a nice contest hosted by Zophia (who co-hosts with Cenere on the Art Skills Comp, and Cenere hosts the MWT), where you, as it states, make an animation. The animation can be done in any way, whether it's .gif or .piv or .swf. You're free to come and go as you please. Here's the Animation Competition
Fourth, is a nice little contest for all you paint and pokemon lovers out there. It's the "Draw That Pokemon!" contest, where you actually MUST use paint, or any other photo program, so long as it's made by microsoft. I don't enter, because I absolutely FAIL at paint and paint.net. But anyways, here's the Draw That Pokemon (pokeman) Contest
5th, is something that seems to be a Contest, but I'm not sure if it is. It's called the rap arena, and if you like to rap, are cunning at rap, or like rap music, you should stop by. Anyways, here's the Rap Arena
6th, well, I can't quite find one for writing, since pretty much NONE of them are good. If you really are intent on having a writing contest, make an organized one of your own, or go into one of the few that are composed of vigilante judges, and bad organization.
I think that's all of the competitions, if you see one that I didn't find, please post them here. I'll also see if I can get this stikckied, and I hope this helped you at least by a little bit. This is thoad, ending a hopefully good thread. heh.
I almost forgot, as well: The poetry contest is popular, and if you like limmericks, free verse, or any type of poetry really, stop by there and you'll definetly havea good time. It's stickied, but here's the link to it anyways, here's the poetry contest
All of these contests have been around for quite some time though haven't they.Anyways nice to see them all collected together,and it only proves all of the contests truly are in this section of the AG Forums...
All of these contests have been around for quite some time though haven't they.Anyways nice to see them all collected together,and it only proves all of the contests truly are in this section of the AG Forums...
Well, the main purpose of this thread was for if any of the contests die (like the pokeman and animation comp does, as normal), along as for the few newcomers here.
Next contest hosted by AG is a writers contest, hosted by me. I made it to be organised and hopefully follow in the other contest's footstpes. Anyways, here's the Writers Contest
Note about the contests: There are currently three- no, a lot of "writers contests" being started up on the forums, like some fad or something. This might make things messy, so if people want to run writing contests, could they at least come to some formal organisation which distinguishes them from each other?
I don't really know if I have full control over the competition...I suppose it would get more entries if it wasn't just MS Paint...for example Strop and Zoph never enter, neither do you Thoad...or Crimson...
Seriously...I have no really affiliation with Pokemon...and I'm the judge....
So I will just have to BBcode the links for what I want to do....
@kingryan, actually I remember that contest started from user shotty2theface making a spoof thread about drawing mudkips in MS Paint...and there was that infamous butt-rash joke...and after that Carlie, John and even McNeely himself joined in. So it actually had a pretty big introduction.
I would like to come back to that contest one day though I haven't submitted a piece since then, good times good times.