Hello and welcome to my theoretical living room :P I hope you are sitting comfortably. In this thread, I will post my ideas, concepts and random pictures and stuff, feel free to post because I do want your opinions of course .
I'll start off with one of my game ideas. Quite a while back, I started making mazes, but not just any ordinary mazes! No.. a color maze!
Well what is a color maze you ask? A color maze is a maze where there are different colored walls that you can walk through if you pick up the corresponding colored circle by walking over one. So in short you can go through a maze to one spot, then the spot opens up new opportunities and a whole new maze! Well I'm sure there are lots of people who have already thought of this idea... but I don't think many people see the potential of this!
Part 1 - Introduction Rule 1: You start at the point labeled 'S' and the objective of the game is to get to 'F' Rule 2: When you start the maze, you cannot go through any wall. Once you have walked over a spot, a red spot for example you become that spots color and you can then walk through walls of the spots corresponding color, red walls on this example. You cannot be two colors at the same time, you can be blue or red, but not blue and red, or purple for that matter. Rule 3: The mazes I will post will clearly be divided into squares, if you go inside a square with a spot in it, you have to walk over the spot. You cannot 'dodge' the spot even if there is a few pixels of space. Rule 4:There are black walls that you can never go through, you can never go through black walls because black spots don't exist in this game.
Summary: -Here, you start at S, when you go right, you become red. Now that you are red, you can go through the red wall and into F. You have finished this maze! Give yourself a pat in the back. -Note that you cannot go right and dodge the red spot and bash yourself against the red wall, neither can you even get to the blue spot because you would need to walk over a black spot to get there, there is no black spot in the game.
These are very easy puzzles I know, but they take a surprisingly long amount of time to design >.<, I'll post bigger and more complex mazes when I have the time to make them.
Next in my idea list is: teleporters, teleporting around a big maze to solve it should be interesting...
hey, i get the thing that this is a thread where YOU post your ideas. but, can others post their ideas as well because no one will come here just to look at your ideas.
feel free to post because I do want your opinions of course
I guess I didn't make it clear enough. If you think you've got a good idea to add to my ideas then you can say it and I'll consider, this isn't supposed to be just me posting ideas but chatting to people about what they like about them and what can be made better and how. I hope that clarifies everything
hmm, alot of my friends said mazes are boring as well, I'll still make them though. Im thinking about the cartoons too, I'll do both its not like theres a post limit right? What software would you recommend for drawing pictures? I don't have a digital camera that works atm so I can't take pictures of real life drawings
hey, i get the thing that this is a thread where YOU post your ideas. but, can others post their ideas as well because no one will come here just to look at your id
learn to read...well.
good work driejen, lookin forward to more complex ones.
I drew the next part of my series of mazes on paper while I was in college , it has teleporters in it. I'll post it as soon as I finish drawing it on computer
I used to have a notepad full of these kind of mazes and huge ordinary mazes too but I don't know where they went , well I long forgot about how those mazes are laid out so I wouldn't be able to solve them myself If I got them back lol
Part 2 - Teleporting In addition to the rules posting in part 1; Rule 5: When you are standing on a portal you can teleport to any other portals that you have already touched, but you don't have to. Rule 6: Your color stays the same when you teleport
You finished the maze already? 0.0. Glad you liked it , I wonder what I could add to the mazes though, I suppose I could just make it bigger and put more portals to useless places to confuse people, mwahaha!
Hmmm, maybe you could build one with floors? Then you can have stairs that you can go up or down, holes that you can only drop down through, and lifts that you can only ride up. Then you can incorporate several mazes into one big monster.