*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
And I believe I already commented on that on dA~ Shiny hair. *_*
It actually did go quite well. And that... That is what happens if he cared enough to brush the hair after washing it, instead of tying it up in a know and wait for it to dry > >...
I didn't expect you to actually use that title. XD
Dude. Though from behind, he could be an extremely curveless chick.
Better than nothing, am I right?
Yes, it's horribly difficult to access threads with an invalid name.
It actually did go quite well. And that... That is what happens if he cared enough to brush the hair after washing it, instead of tying it up in a know and wait for it to dry > >...
They hair is extremely good, elbow looks like it could cut me, but other than that it is extremely good.
Actually weighted for and again of correcting it a bit, but I kinda like it as it is. I would not be worried about getting cut by an elbow, though, not with that hammer > >
You use 2.2? Early version, Cenneh.
Zophia gave it to me for my... nineteenth birthday, I think it was. Because she could not use it. Irony is that the version she has is new (because she actually spend money on it) and has many of the features I am missing > >
And look you got comments.
I wonder how long that will last > >...
I like it. Cen is menacing with a sledgehammer, lol.
If you just knew the story behind it... Involving hitting someone. Hard. Multiple times. With a sledgehammer. While yelling.
Though from behind, he could be an extremely curveless chick.
Yup... Would be sad to be that chick.
actually it looks kinda like crab65's armatar but with a body.
It is not. At all. Not even based on it. Forgot it was there. Also comparing the design of OCs (you do not know) with other characters and/or designs are rather rude.
Have you thought about adding a blood splatters on it?
I actually was thinking about it, but since it is for a dA id, I thought I better not. At least this is better than the white depression I had before. Though both the id has him standing/sitting with his back turned towards the viewer, and I have no idea why > >