*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Eh traditional versus digital, mediums don't matter, btw didn't Bronze do all of his stuff in traditional mediums, I just think those who use a traditional medium have a harder time uploading it to the internet.
So, apparently people drawing traditional art is a rare occurrence here on AG, so... Have a Terror.
(Puts hand up) Hiiiiiii!!!
I like the dragon. It has a lovely shade of blue, and the pink edges look like cotton-candy. It looks pretty similar to what I've seen of the movie 'Dragons' (that the name?).
But not real. The colors are too bright and cheerful, it would look way more realistic if you had darkened it, and added more faults to it (Scratches, trunk texture, dark patches etc). And the eyes are really yellow(I wish my vocabulary were bigger (There's another lame word!) tonight, but apparently sports takes that out of my).
Derp. It's a dragon. You could say it doesn't look realistic, but... >_> Derp.
It looks pretty similar to what I've seen of the movie 'Dragons' (that the name?).
It is a Terrible Terror from "How To Train Your Dragon" (which some just call 'Dragon', because that's in large red font as opposed to the smaller white font of the rest).
The colors are too bright and cheerful, it would look way more realistic if you had darkened it, and added more faults to it (Scratches, trunk texture, dark patches etc).
I strongly disagree on the "too bright and cheerful" (again, DRAGON), but the rest is true - for the background. Which Cen said was halfassed anyway. By the looks of it, that drawing wasn't intended to be realistic per se. More of a toony thing, where all them textures aren't commonly seen.
And the eyes are really yellow
This is part of how Terrors look. It's also not that uncommon of a design trait in other critters.
Nya. I think it's awesome that you try to give constructive crits, but "it's not realistic" on an obviously toony drawing is... A wee bit misplaced, in my opinion.
Sorry for half-rant, but got Cen's permission to post this because it... Irked me a bit.
I strongly disagree on the "too bright and cheerful" (again, DRAGON), but the rest is true - for the background. Which Cen said was halfassed anyway. By the looks of it, that drawing wasn't intended to be realistic per se. More of a toony thing, where all them textures aren't commonly seen.
Yeah, but you have to calculate my biased opinion of dragons (Due to reading too much Eragon, Lord Of the Rings and my vivid imagination). I see dragons as intelligent, ferocious beings that do as they please. Not as little cute cuddly toys.
Yeah, that little dragons does sort of look like from a TV-cartoon.
I'm just gonna say that I don't do realism, because I suck at that.
Welcome to my world: Sometimes I dream through school, and my imagination haunts me at night. Oh yeah, and if you ask my to draw an animal I will make kiddies cry and shudder.
To make it short Cen, I like the new version more than the old one (Due to my bias). But the smiley eyes don't fit more than they did with the blue one.
Welcome to my world: Sometimes I dream through school, and my imagination haunts me at night. Oh yeah, and if you ask my to draw an animal I will make kiddies cry and shudder
This is not what is meant by realism in the context here. You're comparing realism to fantasy. Dragons are fantasy, although they can be portrayed with some level of realism (I personally strive towards that with my own dragon designs). But, the realism referred to here is the realism you set up against a cartoon-like style. It is not meant to look photo-realistic or even have realistic proportions. It is a cartoon dragon.
Yeah, but you have to calculate my biased opinion of dragons (Due to reading too much Eragon, Lord Of the Rings and my vivid imagination). I see dragons as intelligent, ferocious beings that do as they please. Not as little cute cuddly toys.
Don't give criticism with a biased opinion. It just doesn't work. It's like saying "Oh, you made a chocolate cake... Well that's, uhm, fine I guess, but you know you should have made an apple pie (because I like that)." Asking someone to do something in a completely different way because you prefer it... Doesn't work. Constructive tips on what to do with a drawing should be geared towards what the drawing is, not what you, as a viewer, would have liked it to be.
Opinionated, of course, but nya.
But the smiley eyes don't fit more than they did with the blue one.
It's a cartoon dragon with a huge smile. How do they not fit?? >_>
Ah, but see, if it was just "I don't like the design of this thing", then it's fine and just an expression of personal opinion, although somewhat useless as a comment on fanart.
Trying to criticize it out from that is where it goes wrong.
What ulimitedpower is actually saying: "I don't like the dragons from How To Train Your Dragon."
That didn't occur to me. But you have a point... Strop knows more about me than I know about meeeeee!
Dragons are fantasy, although they can be portrayed with some level of realism (I personally strive towards that with my own dragon designs).
Mmmh, that must be how I see my dragons. Not like Cen or you do it seems. Everyone sees their fantasy topics differently...
It's a cartoon dragon with a huge smile. How do they not fit?? >_>
Do you want me to explain my bias again...?
Plus, I like to argue on the internet. :<
I disagree... Lol.
Ok, to more criticism to the new drawing by Cenere (You know you want it): Personal opinion, so you don't have to listen to it.
The outline of the dragon is fine. The thing might look a bit skinny on the front leg compared to the other (Perhaps you tried to give it the appearance of tissue and bone).
The background could be a bit darker, the dragon sort of looks like it's floating, which is because...
You cut off it's tail! Give in Cenere, you didn't use the eraser enough, we sort of see the outline from one side. Add it, maybe change it so it curls around the trunk, then you don't have to do more shading for the background.
And I don't think I've ever seen pictures of luminescent dragon wings. Give the green tips a darker shade...