*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
That should be Strop's official look from now on. Captures the ditziness perfectly~
Mmmh, that must be how I see my dragons. Not like Cen or you do it seems. Everyone sees their fantasy topics differently...
I'm confused here, please clarify: Are you agreeing with me at the same time you're disagreeing with me, or what are you saying?
Do you want me to explain my bias again...?
Do you want me to restate you shouldn't critique with a stylistic bias? If you don't like the style but are aware it's a style and not inadequacy from the artist, just shut up about it (this is why I very rarely critique art - if I'm not sure what the artist is trying to achieve, I won't try to give advice, because I could be looking at it way wrong). Telling a realistic portrait painter their paintings of married couples or children aren't funny enough would be equally misplaced.
Uhm, the new...?? You know, I just changed the colours with Sai, right? It's the same as before?
And I don't think I've ever seen pictures of luminescent dragon wings.
I knew I should've refreshed the page. And said 'dragon sketch' as well...
But... Why didn't you just say it with the blue? It's not like it's a new sketch?
1. His lips are the shape of a heart
2. He looks like a finger-puppet.
Chibies. I don't draw them, so I make my own version. The heart in the mouth is something many manga artists do to either illustrate that the mouth is fully open or to illustrate the happiness even more. I don't know which, I just found it to fit.
On another note, the first was inspired by a drawing Zophia is drawing, the second was requested by Strop.
I'd like to hear your opinion of my dragon OC, ulimited. Also, possibly toss the argument about dwagons out of Cen's thread. >.> I'm trying to understand your viewpoint, so I'd hate to just end it for the sake of stopping an argument.
And the object lesson of the day is don't talk **** unless you know what's behind the **** :P
The charcoal looks, well, like what charcoal looks like in your style Cen, haha. Which is perfectly fine in itself but I know how you feel about not knowing how to most effectively use charcoals. Maybe DDX might have some tips...
OO arguing what dragons are hmm well I don't know much about if the need intelligence or anything but usually it has to do with that they are reptilian in some manner and breath some sort of fire, except theres alot of myths out there some can have feathers and others swim and spit out boiling water.
Actually I kinda thought you were arguing the taste, while commenting the art. Because otherwise it is just budding into a conversation for no reason since it is mostly between Uli, Zoph and I.... But I might be mistaken, who knows.
I lack a fundamental understanding of charcoal. And it know it, and mock me with it.
Come on, we're not that mean...
Actually those heads look pretty nice. If you put time, you could put detail in them (Although as charcoal is like chalk, I bet it's pretty hard) and be careful not to make everything too dark. Otherwise I think you'll draw with coal as good as normal (Which is pretty good).
Hect, we're not arguing what dragons are. We're arguing a matter of taste in dragon designs.
Of which is more based on Medieval-Europeanmonster that burns houses and eats princesses. Like this pretty much:
Of which is more based on Medieval-Europeanmonster that burns houses and eats princesses. Like this pretty much:
Those are kinda awesome, although I dislike how they're said to symbolize the devil and stuff. But yeah, they're cool and such.
My point all this time, though: Don't tell someone who is drawing a ninja pony to stop and draw a photo-realistic fjord horse instead. Don't tell someone who's drawing a toony dragon that they're not doing it right because dragons don't look like that. Which was what you ended up doing.
I like a wide variety of dragon designs. The typical western ones (monstrous reptilians, usually with four legs and two wings) are my favorite draconic template (largely because of DnD monster manuals), but it is faaaaaaaar from the only or right one.
Give me my money You said that you would We both signed that contract I've done what I could It's be all too long And I quite know what's been going on So give me my money And leave me with that.
"Hey, you wanna cyber??! You look hooot!" "I have no interrest having rrelations wiz leetle men like yoo. Go away leetle man, you can not please me. Do svidanya."