*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
I will recommend you don't hear the rest of the songs, nor go and see the musical, then.
You have read the WoM, right?
Uhm yeah. But I'm pretty stupid at this kind of thing.
I'm guessing it's an abstract version of Strop going 'Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (Sound of a guy being sucked into a black hole)... -Insert abstract screech here-' into Kirby's mouth. And now he's gone for a bit.
"Hey, you wanna cyber??! You look hooot!" "I have no interrest having rrelations wiz leetle men like yoo. Go away leetle man, you can not please me. Do svidanya."
:O You see spammers as...
"Buz itz be funz, iz garuenteez" "Go away leetle man, you cannot please me"
As visualized by Zophia:
Nothing like a pixelated, cyber babe... With a spooky background.
The beginning of the WoM. Strop goes "Hey, you can come help! I will pay you!" Let's just say Cen is never going to ever see the money.
You should've known then Cenere, Strop is not to be trusted with cash and cheques. He pays in cuts and bruises, and if he's nice, a medical cure to them.
Playing a Russian dominatric/villain fits those words better, spaseebo.
I thought you wrrr playingz Italiano.
I want to play that game:<
Don't we all...
I knew I shouldn't have done that. Sigh... Now to criticism.
The top background is very nice. Not too dark, and visible, but also not too light to give the impression kitty is in the blank world of Limbo.
Underwater is also pretty well done, I'm in a hurry, so I'll say it's fine.
About the ground where the land turns to water (The brown stuff): It sort of looks like there is a layer between the top and bottom. I'd suggest the arm going farther down, touching the water, or extending the brown ground to the other front foot.
... Comments regarding oooold work always baffle me...
I don't see a... Oh. Renegade, we're 32 pages and half a year ahead of that.
You should've known then Cenere, Strop is not to be trusted with cash and cheques. He pays in cuts and bruises, and if he's nice, a medical cure to them.
You don't say... Full body cast, bruises, cuts, black eyes, blisters... Hot suit that is boiling hot, and shoes that break feet...
I thought you wrrr playingz Italiano.
Referring to kreceevoy Miss Dominatrix on the other page.
Don't we all...
I don't know, you said the background was creepy looking...?
but also not too light to give the impression kitty is in the blank world of Limbo.
*is just about to start a elaborate description of Limbo, concludes you don't care and/or wouldn't know anyway*
About the ground where the land turns to water (The brown stuff): It sort of looks like there is a layer between the top and bottom. I'd suggest the arm going farther down, touching the water, or extending the brown ground to the other front foot.
Could be. It would probably be a lot better if actually drawn. That, and I would want the sky and the pond/water to extend further up and down, having the shifter kittens to be somewhere in the middle as some sort of conversion or bridge between the two elements.
Just curious, but what program do you use for just sketching such as seen above?
Easy paint tool Sai. A favourite programme of mine. It is not really like Photoshop or anything, but it works well, and the lines look rather good.
A question: what are those things in the second pic that look like demon deer?
Assuming you mean the above image, and not the deer (otherwise, please link to the one you talk about?) It's shapeshifters. Or rather, shaper kittens. The above ones are some OCs of mine, the one sitting is Charon, who will end up dead, necroed and evil, and really wanting to eat Akuma's (the one lying down) humin. They are brothers, Charon is the oldest of the two. But basic reply: A species of mine.
I really like the program so far, very easy to use and opens in seconds. It's very focused on drawing, which is also something I like. Thanks for telling me about it.
Go spread the news. It is a rather good programme, and I have seen amazing results from it.
On another note: Duh duhduh! I got my grabby hands on Deathly Hollows last week, so read it through again. Also spawned this when I got back home to my tablet.
(the Harry Potter universe along with house colours is (C) J.K.Rowling)