*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Haven't you seen the episode where that same Charmander, evolved to a Charizard by then, is ducked completely under water and comes up unscathed? ^
No. I only watched two old episodes. And because Ash is weird (He keeps training strong Pokemon, and then leaves them with Professor Oak) I haven't seen much in the last few years... The manga strips though, were totally awesome. I wish I could've read the last few, I only got my hands on the first three before they were stolen.
Anything else coming up, Cen? We're hungry for more art...
Anything else coming up, Cen? We're hungry for more art...
Perhaps later.
At a fly on a wall you didn't draw.
Planning to have a moth pokemon flying by, actually. I was just a bit too lazy to draw it in yesterday. Might not get it done.
Oh, I thought you meant you rarely draw dwagons. I guess it is also uncommon for Cen to dance...
Nah, it's just rarely seen, since he doesn't do it in public. That would ruin that little cool he has.
Why did you make the Quilava so sad....?
It's more just tired. Probably up against a rock pokemon that decided to take a nap in the forest.
And creeped out by both the Victreebel and Cen dancing....
I did my job well.
@Firepokemon vs rain: The charmander was weak and probably beaten up as well, which made it rather hard for it to keep itself warm. As far as I remember the trainer considered it to be useless, so he left it, and with a pokemon that young, I doubt it would have been able to keep it going for much longer. To take and example of ponyta and rapidash: They live in fields and grasslands, where there is no shelter for the rain. They do it just fine, though I can imagine that newly... uhm, hatched ponyta would be more safe somewhere where the rain can't hit it, since it is young and still a bit weak. Many other fire pokemon live in caverns and on mountains where they can seek shelter in caves and underground, but I don't think they would run for shelter anyway. It's like idk, grass pokemon living in deserty areas, or water pokemon sneaking about on a field. Or rock pokemon that live by the ocean, or go there to have the sand clean them. Yes, I think a lot about those things - -;
Is it just me or do the horses eyes make them look Asian(is not racist at all, racism is thinking one race is better than another, but I make fun of all races, therefore, not racist)? Anyway, really nice. You really like making your pictures slightly blurry don't you Cen?
Dude... Put the Pinto in Front. The PINTO in FRONT! D:
I will now (well, not now now, but when I get to draw again) make you a pinto. Just for you.
Not exactly sure what we're supposed to be looking for.
Cute ponies you did there.. you.
Thank... You.
Is it just me or do the horses eyes make them look Asian(is not racist at all, racism is thinking one race is better than another, but I make fun of all races, therefore, not racist)?
It's just you.
Anyway, really nice. You really like making your pictures slightly blurry don't you Cen?
I am practising lineless art. I have basically nowhere to start it from, I don't know what to do, and no one to teach me. And I have a patience of a Sururrian child (it's not very big). So, I try to not make them blurry, but in this case, most of it had to be out of focus, to focus on Strop. Likewise with the Victreebel.