*sigh* Concluded a good time ago that reviving/necroing my old thread would be rather stupid and unnecessary, especially since it never really got commented on. This basically meant I decided not to post images unless it had a purpose (contest, WoM, and so on). Blah.
Only thing I am going to reply to just yet (since I am tired from work, and stuff):
It's beautiful, and I find flawless, except that the eye (It's closed, but still) is a bit small. And the sun (unless that was done on purpose) is a bit uneven.
Actually it is Ho-oh flying overhead, though un-referenced because I was tired and it was somewhere around 5am.
That's a Ho-oh? I can recognize it sort of now, but only since you've said it. Perhaps make the funny line a more wing shape so people can recognize it.
Sketchyness/it being 5am/just done with exam assignment. It happens. I just wanted to draw what was on my mind before going to sleep.
@Others: Thanks.
@Uli: Well, his design is to be looking nothing like a villain. He is basically supposed to be the type of guy that lives next door, you borrow sugar from, have a beer with, and likes. Until of course the cops suspects him for a violent murder. Everyone will be nooooo, can't be true. Like having a hero with mismatching eyes and a rebelious, chaotic mind, and an antihero, who looks like superman (the last one isn't a character of mine). Just looking regular. Be nothing but ordinary.
And yeah, I could have worked more on the lugia one. But I didn't.
Euurggghhh. Did you submit that to Ryan's pokemon contest? Its vury good. But its a bit creepy that none of the other's have eyes. Unless that victreebel is hiding among normal plants?
Of course I did. > >; And it is. Some of them lack the leaf by the mouth as well. I bet it pulled up the original plant to have its spot. Best camouflage ever.
Pokemon abuse! How could you leave a poor Quilava out in the rain!!! And look, it seems o have a bloody gash as well. *Pats Head* Ouch!
The Victreebell is, as Jezz pointed out, a rather creepy motive. I now know why plant-growing is not very popular in the land of 'OMG- It's a friggin giant plant Pokemon'.
Otherwise, drawn pretty good. It surely looks like a Victreebell, with your bit of art signature. Plus a nice background and other motives (like the plants around it).
I'm not participating again... Because of lazinessssssss...
A rarely seen side.
A baby dragon defending itself from awestricken viewers! Right?
A baby dragon defending itself from awestricken viewers!
Cen dancing. And I forgot to Night Fury (C) Dreamworks and awesome staff that drawing, but .. now it's done.
And it is not as much abuse as having it up against someone with a hydro pump. Generally I believe most firepokemon, if healthy, would be able to wander around in rain, at leas for so long. And some might be able to swim too, but doesn't do it, because it feels wrong. /rant As for the Victreebel. It stares.
Generally I believe most firepokemon, if healthy, would be able to wander around in rain, at leas for so long.
Haven't you seen that old episode where the Charmander gets left out in the rain and gets very sick? OK, I guess you have a point. If you left Charizard in the rain, it might live, but it's not something you want to chat with for some time...
Cen dancing.
Oh, I thought you meant you rarely draw dwagons. I guess it is also uncommon for Cen to dance...