I would think most people know what they are, but if you don't know, here is a short example:
Hello all you people I am a nice person
That one was really bad, but that is just an example.
Rules 1. The poem relates to the theme, so if the theme is life, here is what it would look like L I F E 2. You must use complete sentenses. 3. Only one entry per theme, if you mess up, fix it. 4. You may win twice in a row, just not 3 times. (This might change if a merit is awarded. 5. It must be your own work.
Thats the rules! This theme is Life The deadline is April 18th
I am looking for a judge, and in process of getting a merit for the winner.
death is always a subject evade it we can not avoiding it is impossible and depressing it may be the agent is unknown and unforgiving hope is all we can do, but it may not do a thing
death is always a subject evade it we can not avoiding it is impossible and depressing it may be the agent is unknown and unforgiving hope is all we can do, but it may not do a thing
Deavestation of one's life even though your not expecting it a danger is always lurking about the evils searching for sacrifices happiness is not always a gold
I'll judge, however I might have hockey on Tuesday, btw I get on at night so if the judging is late DO NOT WORRY! Beastahayes, you judge if I don't post at all on Tuesday.
If we wait for more entries the contest may never be judged just stick by the deadline and hopefully it'll keep picking up contestants. If we let it stagnate it'll just join the hundreds of other dead threads.
Death just feeds da liiiiiving. eating it plain is no funnnn. attach the limbs, *raise voice* look alive! ta. ta. ta. ta. *sounding off to metronome* *gasp* hey, they need sommore salt!
imagine this in song form like Repo the Genetic Opera.