I would think most people know what they are, but if you don't know, here is a short example:
Hello all you people I am a nice person
That one was really bad, but that is just an example.
Rules 1. The poem relates to the theme, so if the theme is life, here is what it would look like L I F E 2. You must use complete sentenses. 3. Only one entry per theme, if you mess up, fix it. 4. You may win twice in a row, just not 3 times. (This might change if a merit is awarded. 5. It must be your own work.
Thats the rules! This theme is Life The deadline is April 18th
I am looking for a judge, and in process of getting a merit for the winner.
Who cares if it doesn't get a merit, although it would be nice... This is just for people who like to write! and Iron Man, You can't put a rule on how long the line is... That is just bull poopie. and @kyo, i don't even think it is one page poetry. the one page that did have all poetry, was multiple poems of the same thing because they failed on the first one. and Yoda, u should judge 2moro. I wanna get this over with. the suspense is killing me! XD and they are realllllllyyyy good. all of them are.
Ahh but is there no one that does it for the fun of the contest sure at the end of the day a reward is nice but does no one just do it for the joy of doing it? *terse silence followed by laughter**
*That last bit was added after I read over what I had written and realized how low the chances that people were that unselfish actually was.