I started writing Biohazard Nation on September 9th, 2009 and posted it on ign. I don;t know how he got a hold of it, but he's claiming it as his own. My username on ign is zombiehunter121, and I can't believe he would try claiming it as his own.
Mods, is there any way you can ban him? I'm pretty upset over this, trying to take credit for something I spent countless hours on.
Ok, I don't know how to link properly. But Google "ign resident evil board" and click on the link that pops up for the board. On it is Biohazard Nation, which I wrote. Or, just copy and paste this link. It's my thread, and my story. I'm steamed that this jackass tried claiming it as his own.
Would KoS really plagiarize? Maybe... But maybe it's a coincidence... But I doubt it.... But he seemed like such a nice guy... I don't know! I'll have to talk to him.... but is it my place?.. maybe not... whatever...
Ahhhhh... so that's how ShintetsuWA was banned... I miss him... or her...LOL. Anyway, I have to agree then. KoS will have to be banned. It's a sad day for AG... I'll miss him. I guess it's time to alert the mods...
Just comment on a mod's profile. Here's a list of active ones: Zophia, Strop, Cenere, Gantic and Carlie(administrator). The others aren't too reliable...
Also, zombiehunter, we know this is serious, but there's a lot of offtopicness in this forum, because everybody knows all artists and writers procrastinate a ton~