ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWolfTeam: The book.

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715 posts

this was inspired by one of meh favorite first person shoooter games, wolfteam. if anybody plays wolfteam, tell meh and i'll add you. i already have a plot in mind for this book, and it'll be written in Present Tense. More to come soon! Cheers, HooRah!

  • 55 Replies
715 posts

oh yeah, and i forgot to change the places, they're still in Pennsylvania, but he's at the WolfTeam Training and Research Facility.

3,386 posts

took a little while for me to read through it, but it is good.
A good job on describing the characters within your time limit, but I look forward to them becomng cleareer with the next update.
Also, PRESS ENTER WHEN YOUR DONE WITH A PARAGRAPH! please. It would make it alot easier to read

Hope some action starts next update! >

3,337 posts

Haven't read it yet but heres a quick word of advice; never write in Word! Word always replaces the punctuation, especially speechmarks, with little boxes and symbols. C/p'ing from Word doesn't work here because the forums only use simple code or summat. I always write in Notepad because I don't need to use spellcheck, but if spellcheck is your friend then write it in Notepad or Wordpad and c/p it to Word just to check it.

Oh, also, same as what MoonFairy said. The chapter's looking a bit wall'o'texty. Add extra lines for paragraphs and dialogue if you will

Will read it in a sec~

715 posts

thank you!

715 posts

sorry if this isn't this good mates... i wrote this when i was really tired. if you read this, or even glance at it, give me a quick review, especially critiscization please. thanks!

National Guard Fort, Pennsylvania, 2014, August 17th, 2:00 P.M.

Michael returns to Mr. Winters at the landing zone, and he sees that the soldiers are gone, and Mr. Winters has a small jeep. "Michael, we're going to skip initial testing and show you what were all about, go call the other members." he tells Michael. Michael answers, "yessir," then he races back inside to tell the other men. He goes inside, tells them, and soon he, Lee, Glass, Calvert, Salvador, and Johnson are all making there way acrost the underground complex in the cramped jeep.

After awhile they all pull to a stop as they reach a dark gray building set in the corner of the cavern. Mr. Winters loudly proclaims, "Welcome to my section of this all, the Wolfteam research and laboratories!" All of Michael other squadmates look around boredly, and when Mr. Winters turns his back to get out, the man on his left, Salvador whispers, "He brings us here every other week to explain the "marvels" of genetics." "Oh," is all Michael says back as he dismounts the jeep and files after Mr. Winters into the building.

Inside, the walls of the building are the same uniform gray as the outside. a crisp looking woman sits behind a desk. Behind the woman are two doors. The woman apparently recognizes Mr. Winters and she stands up hurridly and quickly tells him, "Dr. Winters, so glad you're here we've come so far with subject two while you were away." "Dr." Winters smiles at her and leads the group into the right-side door. Michael sees a dark hallway leading down, with multiple doors set in them. As Michael walks by one room he could almost swear he hears a snarl and sees a dark form flash in front of his eyes. Many of the doors have windows in them, but there are always iron bars set into them. From one room on Michael's left comes a whimper. It is as this door that Mr. Winters stops and pulls out a set of keys. aftr unlocking the door, Mr. Winters ushers everybody inside and leaves the keys hanging in the door. As soon as he flicks a light switch, brightness floods the room. Michael shudders at what he sees.

The light reveals a clear box where a man lies inside. the man is naked to his waist and it is evident that he is malnourished. the man looks up at them, and his bloodshot red eyes meet Michael's. The man has a wide assortment of scratches and bruises all acrost him, seemingly over-sharp nails and teeth, and his hair is falling out. "This," Mr. Winters begins, "is subject two, one of our first two specimens to be treated with the WolfTeam virus." "What's wrong with him..." Michael stops as an Salvador's elbow nudges him to be quiet. "well ahhh, you see, Subject two was not quite as succesful as some of the others." "there's others like this!?" Michael cries out. Salvator's elbow connects lightly to his side again. "Yes," Mr. Winters tell him with a glare. "There are many others like him, but they are able to control the virus easier, we are mutating the virus to make it so that anyone infected can control the virus easier, and transform on demand, unfortunately subject two only can transorm when angered, and he loses all control." Mr. Winters takes a breath after his long speech. Michael thinks for a moment then speaks up, "What is the point of all this?" "My dear boy," Mr. Winters says, "do you not understand?" "We are making the perfect soldier!"

The room goes quiet as Michael talks again, "look at him, why can't you let him go?" This time Salvator and the others back away. Mr. Winter's eyes go into sharp slits as he answers with a simple word, "Infection." "Infection?" Questions Michael. "yes infection, if he were to scratch, bite, anybody and they should survive, he spreads the virus." "What is so bad about this virus, that you would keep people in boxes and mistreat them like this!" Michaels voice raises with every word.

"You want to see?" "You want to see why?" Mr. Winters says as he walks over to grab a metal rod that is hanging off the wall, never taking his eyes off of Michael. He grabs the rod and presses a switch, and instantly the air fills with the hum of electricity. "Mr Winters..." Michael begins but he stops as Mr. Winters open a small hatch near the top of the cage and slides the stick in until it touches the man inside.

As the stick hits, sparks go flying and the man screams in pain. Mr. Winters pokes him with the stick again, prodding harder this time. The mans skin burns a bright red as he crys out in pain, falling against the side of the cage. Mr. Winters continues to stab him, as Michael watches horrified. Suddenly, the man begins to rise up, and Mr. Winters withdraws the electro-stick. Michael sees a change go on in the poor, burned, man.

The man releases a low feral growl as his muscles begin to bulge. Michael sees the man's skin shifting and moving sickeningly as bones are moved in and out of place beneath. the man's nose elongates as his face becomes more angular and sharp. At the last moment a puff of blue mist emits from the man's body, and the box goes hazy. As the mist clears Michael looks terrified at what is now in the box.

a 7 foot tall cross between a man and a wolf hulks inside the cage. "This is why we cannot allow him out!" cries Mr. Winters over the growing roars from the man-wolf. Salvator whispers to Michael from behind, "basically, a werewolf."

The werewolf begins to throw itself against the cage, shaking it violenty. Foam and spittle flies from it's mouth as it hurls its body up against the walls. Its long claws and teeth grab and scratch at the walls, and find no hold. Michael stares into its eyes which are a new gleaming red, and he sees intelligence... such intelligence... Michael swears it's as if the creature is pleading with him silently... and the it explodes again, ripping at the walls.

Mr. Winters yells, "now do you see Michael why we can't let him out?" "yes sir Mr. Winters.." Michael says doubtfully. Mr. Winters can see Michael's doubt on his face, and he tells him, "Don't worry, the others are more succesful, and able to change on demand and we are even processing different breeds of wolf to use different abilities." Everybody starts to file out of the room, but nobody notices the beginning crack that begins to form where the werewolf has been pounding for so long....

Michael and the group make their way outside over to the jeep. Mr. Winters tells them he has business to do inside, and that they sould proceed without him to their quarters. Salvator can see the worry etched into Michael's face. "hey mate... it's all good, the projects aren't as bad as they seem..." Salvatore is cut off as a shrill scream emits from inside the laboratory. "What the..." Salvatore trails off. Johnson grunts and is already making his way to the back of the jeep where some supplies are stacked. He, Glass, and Lee are already handing out weapons. All that is in the bag is an assortment of handguns and knifes. Michael has a USF shoved into his hands. "Let's move!" "battle formation!" cries out Johnson as they all chamber their rounds and open the doors of the office. Inside they find the rception area a mess. Blood, papers, desks, and chairs are all strewn about in a haphazard mess. They can see the source of blood, the crisp resceptionist from earlier is ripped apart and lying in many different places. Johnson bends down and inspects the body and he looks up. "scratch marks and tears," he sighs. "Werewolf got loose." He looks to Calvert and tells him, "go sound the alarm." Calvert nods and makes his way out of the doors. They are all faced with the option of two doors. "Me, Lee, and Glass will go this way, Rench and Salvator lead that way." Johnson tells them all as he begins to move towards the left door. Salvator looks to Michael, nods, and they both go into the right-hand doorway. they slowly enter the hallway, and proceed down cautiously. After a bit, they come to subject number two's room, and they see that the door was left unlocked by Mr. Winters, and that the cage is broken and shattered. They hear yells coming from farther down the hallway. Light shines from under a doorway, and they push it open.

Inside, they are met with a scene of total chaos. Men and women in lab coats run back and forth, screaming and hiding. In the midst of it all, Michael and Salvator can see a blurry darting form chasing the people. The dart of movement sets on a patiuclar woman, and it begins to rip acrost the floor towards her. Michael raises his gun and fires off two rounds, but each miss the hurtling werewolf the wolf reaches the woman, grabs her, and while she screams loudly leans its head down and rips into her throat. She falls to the floor lifelessly, as gore erupts all acrost the werewolfs chest. Michael fires off a shot, and hits the wolf in the shoulder. The wolf yelps at the sudden intrusion. It looks towards Michael, and their eyes meet, and this time Michael sees no intelligence, only a pure, hatred-viewed, vision of bloodlust. the werewolf begins to charge towards Michael and Salvaotr's position. "shoot damnit shoot!" Salvator yells over the screams as he and Michael click off rounds at the running wolf as fast as they can. The wolf takes hits to the shoulder, one skins its face, two others hit its stomach, and 3 pepper his chest, yet still he runs onwards. Reaching Michael and Salvator's position, he seems to have lost no strength. The werewolf runs forward and grabs Salvator with agile ease, and hurls him against a wall. Michael watches in horror, as he trys to reload his seemingly tiny weapon. His fingers fumble, and instead of continuing to try, he pulls out a combat knife. Michael sees the wolf bend down and rush to the prone form of Salvatore. Michael quickly decides what must be done, and he lets out a yell and charges the wolf. Just as the werewolfs neck bends, it feels the knife sink into its back. The werewolf screams in pain and rage as it turns to face this new opponent. "oh shit..." Michael breathes as he loses the knife when the werewolf whips around with a roar to face him. Michael trys back stepping, but the werewolf bowls over him. the two fall to the ground with Michael underneath the immense mass of the man-wolf. Michael feels the blood of the dead woman on his face, as he trys to wiggle from underneath the wolf.

luckily, the wolf cannot get enough leverage or the right angle to scratch or bite Michael who struggles underneath. The wolf rises up, giving Michael room to race away, but they both know he'll never make it, the wolf can grab him...

ZZZTTTT the air crackles with electricity as the electro-stick crackles into the wolf's back. The wolf jumps away from Michael and yelps as the stick hits again. Michael scrambles away and looks up to see Mr. Winters keeping the wolf at bay with the electro-stick. Michael runs over to his dropped gun and clicks in the rounds, then chambers them. He looks back in time to see Mr. Winters barely holding off the wolf. Even as Michael starts to fire off shots, the wolf duckd under the stick with lightning-quick speed and he slashes at Mr. Winter's stomach. Winters mouth opens into an odd sort of O as he flys backwards and lies still on the ground. Michael yells as he fires off the rounds in short bursts and clicks. The werewolf runs at him, forcing him to back up. the wolf begins to lose speed, the shots finally effecting him. Staggering now, the wolf collapses in front of Michael after taking a weak swipe at him that Michael easily knocks aside. Michael shields his face, puts his boot on the creatures back, and fires a round into its head. gore and blood splatter upon his boots as he shoves the corpse away.

Michael looks over to Salvator, and sees he's not injured, only unconscious. Michael then turns to Mr. Winters and nearly vomits. Mr. Winter's abdomen is torn open and blood gushes out of his stomach. Michael rushes to his side, puts the the gun down, and trys to use Mr. Winter's suit to stem the bleeding. "Mr. Winters, it'll be ok, we're gonna take you to the medical hospital.." Mr. Winters breathes come in ragged gasps as blood bubbles from his mouth. "i... i can't be one of them.. not me.. my whole life... wasted... don't make me one of those..." Michael thinks back to the virus and tells him. "it'll be ok.. you'll learn to control it.." "Mr. Winters words cut him off, "no cure... and that was an uncontrollable wolf.. and an uncontrollable wolf make another.." Michael only nods as he realizes Mr. Winters plight, locked away all his life even if he did recover from this wound. A new fountain of blood gushes out of his mouth as he quickly reaches over, takes Michael handgun, and puts it to his chin. "Winters don't!!!!!" Michael yells, reaching for the gun. The gun goes off and Michael rests Mr. Winter's head back onto the floor. All is quiet in the room, and Michael is left with the ever-silent corpses.

sorry if somes sentences sound funny, i am half-asleep right now . lolz, hope it's good enough if you read or even skim please comment.

715 posts

heya people PLEASE comment and keep this on first page... i read all your guyses books plz read mine .

3,386 posts

I like it. It is alot easier to read, no more asquaresquare.
I think this is the best update XD Enough detail to get a picture in your head, but you should add the color of the wolfs fur, ect.

Can't wait to see more.


715 posts

the wolf was a grayish-blue TYVM >_>
need one more person to comment please before i do next....
tyvm all meh critics, and s'orters (two and two)

3,386 posts

and if you are desperate, go on the other people profiles and drop a comment on em.

715 posts

Normally, at his point and time i'd be typing up the next piece of my story, but i feel like hell right now -.- i so sick, had like 104.1 fever and just slept and burned all yesterday . i am finally cominh out of this, but i feel like i'm in an odd sort of daze, which makes me feel like i'm high . so yeah, somebody else please comment and when i feel better i go type nore -_-

3,386 posts

Get some sleep child! When you are sick, you should not be on AG! baaaaad Silent! >_<

1,766 posts

Well, I've read all your updates and it's good so far. The name "Mr.Winters" makes me feel like it's snowing O_o
The werewolf thing is new. And so yeah. This is great.

715 posts

yeppers, gonna type as soon as meh sister reads, don't wanna get to far ahead of her. oddly enough, she says she won't read it unless i copyright it -.- . i do not think she understands how it all works -.- she is worried something like KOS and zombie will happen -.- i told her it wasnt good enough as zombie's XD anyways, this is the best i can do for her


3,337 posts

I still like it. I like werewolves. I the kind that aren't cliche
You don't give yourself enough credit, the story is really good! Some sentences could be worded better and you've put some words in that don't exist :P But apart from that, yeah, its excellent.
Please. Please. Please remember to space out the dialogue. It really does make it easier to read!
I hope you get better soon so you can continue

715 posts

what words dont exist? please tell so i don't use in future lolz. and if they're in dialogue they're supposed to be like that because it's how characters talk.

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