boy, did unseen not know what she was talking about when she said that comment about the next storyline.....
(this is just off the top of my head, cause im bored and cant be playing the real wolfteam right now -.-)
(that indentions for you mitsuki, because you seemed very worried about my indenting before ;D )
National Guard Fort, Pennsylvania, 2014, August 18th, 11:24 P.M.
"UGH!" Michael grunts and winces as the straps of his new
^^ (see the indent? )
armor pinches to a bruise. "That oughtta do you!" cries out the Cheif Armorer, a rather large and brutish man named, "Cal" as he slaps Michael's back, elicting another wince from Michael. "yeah, thanks..." Michael says as he rolls his shoulder which is still aching from the battle with the wolf.
After the fight with the wolf, Michael had been taken to an on-base hospital where they had patched him up. Fortunately nothing was broken, just alot of bruises. Michael later learned that Salvatore suffered a minor concussion. Turning to a mirror to look at his bruises in a mirror, Michaelinspected his amor
An image of a new man reflects in a mirror as Michael twists to observe himself. The new red BattleArmor Michael's been given gleams softly in his eyes as he admires how it curves to his body, to support him. He rolls on his feet and is suprised how well the armor carries him with perfect balance.
"Well, you'll be needing this." Cal says as he hands Michael the withdraw slip for the armor and flips off the lights to the long room full of weapons and ammo as they leave. "See you." says Cal as he watches Michael walk off towards the withdraw section. "And good luck too..." he yells. Muttering under his breath to himself Cal answers. "you'll be needing it boy.. I was one of them black op elites too.."
National Guard Fort, Pennsylvania, 2014, August 18th, 11:24 P.M.
"Subject 59!" The enraged wolf hears from the blaring loudspeaker, as it and its iron cot are wheeled in. Scientists come forwards to inspect the creature, he can feel them so close, their flesh would be so sweet to bite.... their blood so soothing to drink..... In a bloodied frenzy the wolf attempts to rear up and snap and claw at the nearest scientist, but steel and plasteel straps hold the wolf down to the cot. The wolf screams in a feral rage as an electrostick is jabbed into it. to the wolf everything seems so distant, the scientists words, that of a dream, the electrostick, a mere scratch. The Wolf rears its head up to gaze at its tortuers, and indeed itm ust look upwards. The wolf is the first of its kind. A blood frenzied smart wolf, only 3 feet high, but deadlier than most wolves twice its size when in a raged craze.
The scientists withdraw to speak about the capabilities, and effectivness of the wolf. Meanwhile, the smart wolf views the room, calming with the withdrawing of the scientists. Every last detail registers in the wolves intelligent brain. the curving ceiling, the sloping auditorium seats, The very walls present opportunites of escape... and attack....
The wolf's brain hard at work, harldy registers as the cot is wheeled into a plasteel, see-through box, in front of the stage area. The wolves thoughts return as it hears a hiss and click, and the locks on its ankles, arms, and neck are released. The wolf observes the box it is in, tests its strength by pounding against it, then sits in the corner, a plan already formulating in its cunning mind.
What is presumably the lead scientist, steps up onto stage and begins, "the smart wolf is not simply an attack artist, but similarly an acrobat at escaping. with it being the fastest moving wolf yet, and its ability to stick to walls, the wolf can ambush or run near anywhere!" A hand raises in the back of the audience.
well i must go now due to my dad, and guitar lessons. i will try to post later, please leave feedfback, this is very rough i understand seeng as i havent gotten time to edit it whatsoever.
Cheers i guess,