Well. This is a thread where you can post your art.
Here are the rules:
1. No claiming a piece of artwork if it isn't yours. 2. No copying images from Google Images. 3. No making bad comments on other people's artwork. 4. No posting the same image unless it is edited. 6. No inappropriate pictures.
Did you notice I skipped number 5?
Anyway, I don't have a picture right now but I will post one, later.
By the way if there is another thread on this... oh well.
Well, it's a good idea to have an open art thread like this and I would've posted a few drawings here, but since I have my own thread I'll let you guys show up your art. As for the battle, it's chaotic!
Lol. Chaotic battles FTW. I was thinking of many things at the time. I was at chinese school, and I drew something similar to this but it was way more crappier. Anyway. C'mon people post your drawings!
Well, it's a good idea to have an open art thread like this
This whole forum is an open place for people to post their art. If you have art to post, make your own thread. Don't make a thread that has the same purpose as the whole forum. 1337player, why don't you get a name change or a new thread solely for your art?