Rules -------------- 1. All story based posts will require an image, text can be used to explain the picture but not more then that.
2. Players create a character, any character will work but it must have a few basic attributes. It must be humanoid, and able to speak a language you can include text bubbles in the image try to keep them a decent size, you can use any language but this will require a translation in the text explanation for the viewers as for within the context of the story hopefully someone else's can understand you B).
3. Players can draw another player's characters within their own submissions but not other characters unless approved as a creature in the plot.
4. A Round will consist of a Story broken into 5 segments for an artist to draw. and players can submit several submissions per segment but can only express the view point of the character, it cannot change the plot too much B).
5.Submissions will gain Points for the player which will vary based on my judgment, Points will be the scoring system in the game. The player with the most Points will be the next story creator.
------------------------------------ First Segment: You are a passenger/crewman upon the Cuttlefish a small Cog Ship (links to an example of a Cog Ship). Two weeks out to sea you are hit by a storm... ------ Illustrate What would your character be doing during the storm?
Well LiveInPeace29 you have to draw your character, it is an art thread so we got Jim and Manny6574 aboard the boat during the storm? Since King Ryan is the only one that has a picture of a boat he has gotten closest to the segment.
Kingryan gets 1 Point
if you would like to redo your picture, you got until the next segment to post it.
1 point for having a boat 1 point for a stormy ocean 1 point for an awesome character pose 1 point for best aesthetic style (fancy word for best looking :P) 1 point for humor
1 point for having a boat 1 point for a stormy ocean 1 point for an awesome character pose 1 point for best aesthetic style (fancy word for best looking :P) 1 point for humor
OO well it looks like manny and aknerd have 3 points, I am gonna give the others that want to play a chance to catch up, I think Santa on a boat in a storm is funny lol so ill give aknerd 1 more point for humor. As for the other one I'll wait and see.
So the scores
Aknerd 4 Points Manny 3 Points King Ryan 1 Point Sporemaniac 0 Points
While thrashing about the sea your little boat hits something, at first you thought it was some rocks but then you look over the edge and its a giant metal fin. Steam gushes out of a blow hole in its back and the thing swims off in front of the ship, then turns around a giant gaping mouth froths threw the surface of the sea swallowing your ship whole and sinks into the depths of the ocean. In the belly of this mechanical beast there is a lagoon of a glowing green oil stretching from side to side where steel walls creak and moans as the gears tumble around in the distance places of this machine. You see wreaked ships scattered threw out the pool and remains of skeletons laying upon a few of them.
You see a distant glimmer of light high in one of the walls of the metal stomach. You and your fellow survivors (The other players) debate about what to do but Jim notices that the green liquid is slowly dissolving the wood hull of your ship. So you and your friends row a small metal life raft towards the light unaware of the presence of more foul things stalking you in the shadows of this mechanized prison.
Illustrate Your Journey across the green Lagoon, you can make a creature that lives in the lagoon and if you want you can fight it. You picture must include the other players also you cannot swim in the Lagoon or you will die, if your character dies you lose, btw you cannot kill other characters only yourself.
Points Awarded for: 2 The Lagoon (must include the stuff I wrote about) 1 For each other characters 2 for Creatures 1 for touching the green glowing oil 1 for the greatest epicness drawn
If you use santa, I request that all of his dialogue consists of either Christmas cliches or song lyrics. If I am not allowed to make such requests, then whatever.