Rules -------------- 1. All story based posts will require an image, text can be used to explain the picture but not more then that.
2. Players create a character, any character will work but it must have a few basic attributes. It must be humanoid, and able to speak a language you can include text bubbles in the image try to keep them a decent size, you can use any language but this will require a translation in the text explanation for the viewers as for within the context of the story hopefully someone else's can understand you B).
3. Players can draw another player's characters within their own submissions but not other characters unless approved as a creature in the plot.
4. A Round will consist of a Story broken into 5 segments for an artist to draw. and players can submit several submissions per segment but can only express the view point of the character, it cannot change the plot too much B).
5.Submissions will gain Points for the player which will vary based on my judgment, Points will be the scoring system in the game. The player with the most Points will be the next story creator.
------------------------------------ First Segment: You are a passenger/crewman upon the Cuttlefish a small Cog Ship (links to an example of a Cog Ship). Two weeks out to sea you are hit by a storm... ------ Illustrate What would your character be doing during the storm?
Oh my God, The Police Lyrics! Don't stand so close to me... Yeah I'll check about entering, might prove to be quite funny ^^. Fallen'll be a wolf or something like that...A fox maybe so I hope you're good at drawing animals.
Nice job guys very good stuff, I had to go away for a few days and might be gone for the weekend I'll get scores up tonight right after I check my list B)
Well after careful tallying of points here is the updated score
Aknerd 11 Manny 10 King Ryan 6
Manny Has earned a few more points the Aknerd due to a bit better contrast in Color, but the Goat was very funny...Idk whats going on in KingRyan's pictures but they are scary Jim thoughts maybe...
I know it seems like a huge gap in the scores KR but its still only the second round and the improvement Jump much more from one to two in the story context and you sorta fell behind when the others did comic style entries to tell their story. However drawing still can be improved, such as more color for Aknerd, have you tried coloring with some software?
Anyways I'll come up with the next Segment, the scoring section is mostly for content as for style and artistic components they can always help earn you a few more points
I am not gonna set certain points for certain things anymore but rather give them based on how you interpret the Goodluck this is where it gets a little tougher...
Segment 3
After battling through the lagoon you and your comrades come upon a platform that has a stair case leading up to the doorway. You step threw the entry. A Blinding flash consumes your vision and you feel like your body is being sucked in by a whirlpool. Your vision clears of the whiteness that had consumed it for what seem like an second and you wake to find yourself in a place that is not a mechanized prison. Around you are huge strange plants that are of a vibrant colors, violets, cyans, oranges, pinks, and yellows engulf your surroundings. You then become aware that you are ALONE having been separated from your friends. You walk threw the jungle of Strangeness seeing giant bugs that glow like neon signs drinking a illuminated nectar from the flowers of plants, a tiny bear that rolls on a fruit that looks like a beach ball, and a smoking tube plant that exhales a substance that becomes a cloud of cotton candy trapped withing the canopy of the forest.
A day passes, or what seems like a day because there is no night in this place. You wake up surrounded by a tribe of gorillas that wear a make made from one of the beetles you saw earlier. One of them speaks to you. "relevart yhw eavh uoy dedavni ruo sdanl?" Confused from the weird language you try to run away but the apes are faster then they appear and one blocks your way and grabs you in a head lock, while another places a mask that feels sticky upon your face. You look around the jungle looks like a normal forest, the beetles are still large but are not glowing anymore...the same gorilla who spoke earlier says " Traveler why have you invaded our lands?"
What do you do now? Lost in a jungle and captured by a tribe of Gorillas...
For those who touched the green oil you now have a single ability of your choice. Telepathic, Telekineses, or Pyrokenisis...each will have its use in the next segment so choose wisely.