Rules -------------- 1. All story based posts will require an image, text can be used to explain the picture but not more then that.
2. Players create a character, any character will work but it must have a few basic attributes. It must be humanoid, and able to speak a language you can include text bubbles in the image try to keep them a decent size, you can use any language but this will require a translation in the text explanation for the viewers as for within the context of the story hopefully someone else's can understand you B).
3. Players can draw another player's characters within their own submissions but not other characters unless approved as a creature in the plot.
4. A Round will consist of a Story broken into 5 segments for an artist to draw. and players can submit several submissions per segment but can only express the view point of the character, it cannot change the plot too much B).
5.Submissions will gain Points for the player which will vary based on my judgment, Points will be the scoring system in the game. The player with the most Points will be the next story creator.
------------------------------------ First Segment: You are a passenger/crewman upon the Cuttlefish a small Cog Ship (links to an example of a Cog Ship). Two weeks out to sea you are hit by a storm... ------ Illustrate What would your character be doing during the storm?
will I die if I touch it for a split second with my hand and then quickly wash it off?
Well I didn't say touching it will kill your character I said swimming in it will. Short term it will feel like you were stung by a jelly fish, the long term effects you wont know till a later segment.
If you use santa, I request that all of his dialogue consists of either Christmas cliches or song lyrics. If I am not allowed to make such requests, then whatever.
Well its your character so anything that relates to your characters personality and such is okay, just remember you got to keep track of the other characters traits too
Like (in the tune of Jingle Bells) "Walking through the sand, I can barely feel my knees, Vacation time is near, and I always pays my fees. But when all this is done, I will now so fairly sure, that all your wishes will come true, though my vision starts to blur... Ooooh.." *faints* Or are you thinking something else?
Something else. As in, Santa can either say things like: "Ho ho ho it looks like someone's been very naughty" "Merry Christmas" "Santa Claus is comming to town" (Christmas cliches)
"Hit me with your best shot!" "On board, I'M the captain. So come Aboard!" (song lyrics)
The song lyrics can be from any song, as long as the song is recognizable.
Should be a little more clear after I post my drawing. Which will be in a few hours, as I have to go buy windshield wipers before it rains and I'm screwed.
So this is the first half of my submission, because I don't feel like finishing it right now. Anyway, I only have one color pencil (red), which is why I chose Santa as my picture. So I know the oil is supposed to be green, but I don't have any green colored pencils, so it's grey.