I have asked the mods permission on this, and I've decided to make a thread about photography. Photography is a form of art, as we all know. Amy pictures you post here must be your own. Either you took the picture, or you modified it.Photo manipulations have to state the source of the manipulated items. After all, even if you put it together, someone took the time to do the base work with the stock photos for you. The manipulations should also actually differ from the original (taking a photo, putting on two filters and crop it is doing the job wrong)
Remember, this isn't a contest or anything, just a place to post any photography you have done. Please make sure that any pictures you post are, in a way, artsy. Just plain old pictures of your face or anything will be considered spam.
So...have fun. I'll post some pics I've taken later on...I have to find my camera first.
Also, any feedback on the photos is welcome, as long as it isn't spam. And any advice, such as camera angle, color modification, and things like that are welcome too.
Did you take those with a camera shamash? Cuz I see a tag _guillermo on the lower picture.
Of the Photo 1 class pictures I took, [url=http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj146/grahaam/gizmo.png]this[/url[ is mai fav. Just scanned it into computer.
Here's one I took with my cannon powershot. I'm semi proud of it because in reality my cat is super ugly, and she looks normal in the picture. Seriously, people frequently comment on how ugly my cat is.
I like your bug pics, Shamash. The grasshoper has some great colors going on.
Lol I didn't notice the porcupine at first. And the blue eye on the cat freaked me out.
I guess that means he used flash and it reflected in the cats pupil (Due to parts in their eye for night vision).
I have some pictures uploading now as well...
For a second there it looked like paper mache. The colors and the scene is perfect.
Actually, I find it too light and bright. I seriously dought that the scene was that colorful. Perhaps dim it down in a photo editing software. But otherwise, it's pretty nice picture. I've tried to take pictures of birds, but never a butterfly.