I have asked the mods permission on this, and I've decided to make a thread about photography. Photography is a form of art, as we all know. Amy pictures you post here must be your own. Either you took the picture, or you modified it.Photo manipulations have to state the source of the manipulated items. After all, even if you put it together, someone took the time to do the base work with the stock photos for you. The manipulations should also actually differ from the original (taking a photo, putting on two filters and crop it is doing the job wrong)
Remember, this isn't a contest or anything, just a place to post any photography you have done. Please make sure that any pictures you post are, in a way, artsy. Just plain old pictures of your face or anything will be considered spam.
So...have fun. I'll post some pics I've taken later on...I have to find my camera first.
Shamash, does your camera have manual focus? I used to have access to a SLR with manual focus... I really miss it. Just asking because if you managed to get some of those shots with automatic focus, that is impressive (for either you or the camera).
Ive got some GREAT news! my camera battery is coming in in 4 days, so I WILL HAVE A WORKING CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!!! yayz =3 im sorry for the spaz attack there, but i LOVE photograpy. shamash, it seems like you live in a pretty place I can't take pictures like that, cause we don't have many flowers in my yard besides what my mom calls weeds, but weeds are undesireable plants by definition, and i love all plants, so to me there aren't any weeds.
Anyways, I try to go out around the non populated parts of this humidity infested city, and get some good pics, buuuuuut I am grounded for a week T T so you guys will only get to see my front yars. unless you want my back yard, because there is a lovely view of Wal Mart over the fence.
its just automatic but it has a little trick to focus.
shamash, it seems like you live in a pretty place
i really do (: but some photos are from my house some others from my grandmas and the butterfly is from a place far away from the city and i went there for 2 days i didnt know i would have that good surprise and i want to go return but no returning till next year D: