Well after making my poem (witch sucked) I decided to read more (witch I had done) and ask my english teacher to help me in writing things. It's summer here so I met up with him at my school.
Written by LEGEND_beast. Starring Xcalibur45 And Knight_34
The story of "Armor Kingdoms finest"
This was the time when kings had ruled the kingdom's of their own. The time of sickness and horrible deeds. The time where greed for gold was far worse than any other time in history. Here there was battles, not by blood, no weapons but your mind. Arguements were done by discussing them and asking opinions of the villigers. My name is Legend. I have been here a long time. I'm a duke and a ranker here. See many of us stay as serfs and squires to serve and have a living here. But a lot of us too, like to fill the castles and the kingdoms and be Lords and more. One example would be an old friend, the 34th Knight. Everyone calls him knight. And another named Ex Cal. nicknamed that for making a bullet that had helped us in a war. But that has been put aside as said. Yes this is not the perfect place to be exited about. But it's Armor Kingdom, the place where a lot of game to play were invented. And Innovated here.
THAT is the future.
This was when I was a knight years ago...
Horses raged as dragons had stormed through, people were running and all we were doing was waiting for orders. I had been on the ground with my pal were here too. We were running to help then a dragon just fell right infront of us, we did but run! "Throw me a sword!" knight raged out. He had dropped his when fighting an enemy a while back. "I only have one!!!" I screamed back. The dragon was chasing us. I threw a stick at it. Roar went dragon and ate it. Surpirised me and knight were as the dragon did not hesitate to bite it. I turned around to face the beast and had been hit by the dargons claw, hurt I was. I threw my sword to knight and he had scratched the dragon. "THAT'S ALL YOU CAN DO??!!" "You DID NOT EVEN TOUCH HIM!" We screamed at each other. Suddenly a ballista from a higher wall had flung into the dragons body. I saw a club atleast two yards away. Knight was distracting the beast as I desprately tried to reach the club. And again I get, the tail of the dragon land on my face. I grab the club stand, charge torward the dragon, swing it and manage to smack it on the face. Knight runs torwards the dragon with a chance for a good blow on the chest and fails at it. I gaze with my eye twitching as he falls and rolls all over. Suddenly X (Xcalibur45) Had jumped from a tower and knocked the dragon with a raging hammer then shot him crazily. "Knight, don't die!" I cried. "I'm not dead you idiot." he jerks at me, "do I look dead?!" "no.. sorry." Dragon was knocked. We left it there and ran away.
We started to eat in the tavern. People had always disscused about things here. Though after what had just happened barely anyone was here. X was basically a guy with a rifle, sitting with me and knight. "So... us guys, yeah, we killed the dragon huh?" X had started, Knight and I looked at each other. "Of course we slayed it, why do you think it was still breathing huh?" I had blabbered in sarcasm. "So we didn't?" X wondering.. "no, not exactly" Knight replied, smiling in glee.
People started to walk into the tavern and soon it was loaded.
Hm, the battle scene seemed full, with little detail. Make sure to separate different ideas into different paragraphs, and each line of dialogue receives its own paragraph.
Nice for a first update. Good battle details, but work a bit on your grammar. good luck
Yeah made some errors there.
The days went as nothing was happening. The villagers were doing normal farming and that was it.
"Is something ever gonna happen?" Orion asked. (EnterOrion for asking). "I don't think so, It been a few days now" knight replies back but staring at a spoon. "what are you doing? I think your gonna get dumb by doing that." Orion was then starting to stare at knight.
It was evening and getting dark. I was out walking and making myself cozy down at the fields. I here a bang. And it gets louder. I look at where it's coming from. And I see a window and take a peek at what is happening. "you fools, steeling gold from the king?!" A person blabs and shouts. Then I hear murmuring and it was too silent that I couldn't here what they were saying. I step in and see them, they drop bags of gold and pull their swords out. They had unique swords, with writings engraved on them, the handles were nice and solid probably made out of armor crystals. I pull my sword out I had made myself. Out of solid steel and iron. "who are you?" I ask. "You won't need to know" they reply silently. They make the first move, surprisingly elegantly and like a master of swordsmanship. I swing back to repel the attacks. I look at my sword and it was breaking after blocking their attacks. Eventually after fighting my last breath, they cut me in the arm and stab right through my left arm then knock me with the handle. I wake, with the gold next to me, and the king with guard in front of me. "Is that yours?" asks the king with anger and rage. "Sir I-" I was interrupted. "No, Guards send him away!" ...
It was dark, cold, snowing and just unbearable. I realized I was in a wooden platform. A curtain was surrounding me and I felt something around my neck. I had no idea what was happening. I was scared. Suddenly the curtains had opened and there was a crowd and I was outdoors in the cold snowy night. "behold the thieve!" The king was beside me and shouting at the crowd with a bunch of guards with him. "This thieve is to be hanged!!" the crowd jumps as the king shouts.
***at the tavern. "did you guys here what's gonna happen to legend??!!!" shouts another chef around. Knight sees a poster on what was gonna happen, shocked in disbelief, "legend would never!" knight raged. He ran to the scene. Running through town and people and scared to death he was. He saw what was gonna happen. He took a bow and arrow and shot the rope, down went legend. The king had seen what happened and was enraged. The guards chased knight away. I kicked a guard and had taken his swords. Then even more guards had came. I had been fighting them, this was hard because I didn't want to hurt them, I was also trying to sort things out with the king... This was too hard, I ran as fast as I could then I was trapped in the middle of maybe twenty guards. Suddenly X cal jumped out of some house and had shot a lot of guards, the battle became intense. Knight came back and fought his way to me and X cal. we were all in the middle of the circle. "darnit Legend, were screwed!" knight shouts.
really? awesome. I know i'm not one of your greatest friends, but i do consider you a friend lol. if I wrote a story about AG, I would certainly do the same for you.
Oooo...pick me! But wait, I'm not your friend. Let's be friends. =D *So I can be in it* XD XD XD
Anyone can be in it! but just have to know me lol, uhmmm next part will probably have lots of users in . Thanks guys so much!!! i guess i suck at poems but I love writing so I guess I'm not bad at this