THE HORSEY It was a night like this. Except completely different. The noise of horses hooves clopped on the boards of the boat. The boat was sailing to New York, so it could drop off the horses. One horse made a noise out of its mouth, but the trainer hit it, and it fell off balance, and crashed to the ground. It made a loud noise, and woke all the passengers. They were wondering why they were woken by a loud crashing noise, so they all went out into the halls, and started making loud, and weird noises, like, yelling, and others as such. Of course, this scared the horses, and they all jumped up, and fell off balance, and crashed to the ground, making loud noises. And the force of a hundred horses falling onto the boat was too much. And it broke. In half. And everyone died. The end.
You don't know me well yet do you vinster^^ That's how I'm being funny! I act serious and all but it's too make it look all the more funnier. In any case, I thought it was funny, since you know, strop is a ninja poney and all...
Eh... why is everyone going crazy over this story? Honestly... it wasn't the best. The story was REALLY hard to follow, and it was very random too. "One horse made a noise out of its mouth, but the trainer hit it" That makes no sense at all. Why would the trainer randomly hit the horse " and it fell off balance, and crashed to the ground." Well, considering the horse has four strong legs and all... I don't think a single hit would knock it off balance. "started making loud, and weird noises, like, yelling, and others as such." Um... why would the passengers just randomly start scream and yelling JUST BECAUSE a horse fell down... mkay then... "And the force of a hundred horses falling onto the boat was too much. And it broke. In half." That would never break a boat in half. Sorry. "And everyone died. The end." Very detailed ending you got there 0.o -------- Honestly, you need to apply logic into you're stories. And HOW DID THIS WIN AN AWARD?! People have no taste these days...