im gonna post a story every time i think of a new one... other than that, here is my new one.
The ripping wind ripped at the tent staked into the ground. I looked up, and suddenly saw the stars displayed before me. I grabbed at the tent, but the fast wind didnt let me get a hold on it. My phone was laying open in front of me, for my pet platypus, Billy, had stubbed his toe on my 5lb block of silver, and i called the ambulance. I looked to my right, and saw nothing. But i should have seen my silver Volvo parked by an oak tree. The freakishly large star, i think its called 'the sun' was for some reason, rising in the sky. I looked at my son, sleeping inside the Volvo. Wait, my Volvo is gone, therefore, my son is gone too! I looked, and looked, but for naught. The Volvo was not found by me. Until 3 minutes later, i happend to stub my toe on the tire. I looked down, and saw my son. I sighed, and walked away. As i walked away though, i heard a whistling noise. I looked up, and saw a nuke coming down. 'darn' i said, i had a good life. Wait, no i had'nt. Anyways, i tried digging a 54ft deep hole in the ground while i saw the nuke, i jumped into the hole, and i didnt die. The Volvo was unscathed also, i could'nt climb out of the hole. i dug to the side, and found a deposit of diamond. I was somewhat happy, except that i could not get out of the hole. I died. Now that i am dead, i shall go see my pet platypus, for his stubbed toe got infected by Lou Gherrigs disease. And he died. My son lived. He started driving home, but a hulking black shape loomed in the distance.
you sir, are correct, if it is still happening, it is not over, if it is not over, it has not ended. if it has not ended, the big black shape, could've hurt the kid. and that, my dear friends, is a story for a later date.
actually, that part of the story, sadly, has happend, and there is nothing to stop it. its good though, that he will live happily ever after with Billy.
I have a new one guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lolol
OWEY The heat wavered in the distance, and the wind was still. The heat was unbearable, and the wind did nothing to help. As I said in the first sentence. But other than the hot heat, and the stupid wind, there was: sand. Sand, sand, sand, and a few pebbles and such. But it was mostly sand. Sand got into our clothes, and all that fun stuff. Sand rubbed our skin raw. Usually under our clothes, since it got into them. I was being sarcastic, it is not fun. Trying to survive in the Dirtyllama desert with nothing but our clothes on our back, and 10 gallons of water. O.k., enough of the past, now for the present. *Hands you a box with a ribbon* Oh, wait, wrong present. I am telling you as it is happening, a huge, giant, big shape leaped out of the sand, and ran at us fast. Very fast. Super fast. Like, i could'nt even see it all, it was just a huge, giant, big blur. Then, suddenly, it jumped at me, and I'm not sure wat happend next, but i feel something happening in my lower body. Oh, wait, that's impossible, because, the monster tore my-- *DEAD*
I tryed to put a variation on the sudden end, and give you a hint, like, 'hehehe, hey, its ending in the next 3 sentences' like an annoying bug that will not die, or go away. hahaha, <.< that was a joke, ut really, this one took me the longest. xDD
There was a small child (boy or girl, idk which...) he was small, and she was skinny, but was he did not realize, was that she was the key to the universe! His parents kicked out of the house, and her dog ran away, but the worst part of this story is: HE DOESNT LIKE ICE CREAM. She despises it! I wish i knew why, then maybe i could help him! But her fear was the undoing of him! She opened the refrigerator to get some pizza, and the ice cream attacked him! She was like, dead in like, you know dog, like 2 minutes! dog, and stuff dude. Anyways, his spirit will live on, in the evil carton of ice cream.
TO BE CONTINUED.... (not really cuz she/he's dead...)