This is only an intro, and yes, Vinster, i'm planning on continuing this one. It's ok... well, see for yourself.
The night was black, and damp from the bulging storm clouds looming overhead. The man walked down the street, his boots making a slight 'clop' noise for every step. His overcoat bulged with the weight of its occupier, and looked tattered and torn on the edges. He looked at the sign above his head, which was illuminated by a dim streetlight across the street. A small, black bird perched upon his shoulder. He barely noticed it, and would not let anything break his concentration on the street sign. The bird cawed quietly, wondering what his master was doing. Then, suddenly, without warning, he strode forward and clopped down the street at nothing less then a brisk pace. He glanced at the streetlight, and grinned a sinister grin, and the light flickered out, and it seemed to set off a chain reaction, as all of the lights on the street dimmed into nothingness. The man in the coat stopped just as he was about to hit a sign, and turned to his left, walking into the alleyway of one of the modern buildings. Dissapearing into the night, with his black bird, of which only its beady, brown eyes could be seen.
I don't think Thoad prefers you to call him Thoady...
I don't really mind, but I like it when Cenere and Zoph and mods generaly call me thoadsy. Something of a pet name between friends of mine.
But anyway, this is certainly going somewhere. I'll give you an I out of the IOU so far, because there was a little bit too much repetivity in it. Like when you said "The man", I think it might have been a bit better if it was "A man".
Point being, this is interesting. I can't wait to see what/who this man is and his intentions.