ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMy serious story (for you thoady) ;)

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615 posts

This is only an intro, and yes, Vinster, i'm planning on continuing this one. It's ok... well, see for yourself.

The night was black, and damp from the bulging storm clouds looming overhead. The man walked down the street, his boots making a slight 'clop' noise for every step. His overcoat bulged with the weight of its occupier, and looked tattered and torn on the edges. He looked at the sign above his head, which was illuminated by a dim streetlight across the street. A small, black bird perched upon his shoulder. He barely noticed it, and would not let anything break his concentration on the street sign. The bird cawed quietly, wondering what his master was doing. Then, suddenly, without warning, he strode forward and clopped down the street at nothing less then a brisk pace. He glanced at the streetlight, and grinned a sinister grin, and the light flickered out, and it seemed to set off a chain reaction, as all of the lights on the street dimmed into nothingness. The man in the coat stopped just as he was about to hit a sign, and turned to his left, walking into the alleyway of one of the modern buildings. Dissapearing into the night, with his black bird, of which only its beady, brown eyes could be seen.

  • 24 Replies
844 posts


Ok,nothingness is not a word!I DONT GET THE PLOT OF THE STORY ok what the hell??

Bulging Storm CLouds

Thats sounds more dirtier than it looks,I'm going to asume this guy is a drug dealer with the kind of close he's wearing
overcoat bulged with the weight of its occupier, and looked tattered and torn on the edges
..or maybe even a f**kin pirate I dont know the guys,got a god damn bird on his shoulder!
Well anyways what the f**k was that.....
615 posts

First of all, nothingness is a word. learn grammar buddy. and second of all, sorry i didnt get to finish it yet, i've been busy, and my computer got a virus... :/

844 posts

"None" redirects here. For other uses, see None (disambiguation).

For other uses, see Nothing (disambiguation)

Nothing is a concept that describes the absence of anything at all. Colloquially, the concept is often used to indicate the lack of anything relevant or significant, or to describe a particularly unimportant thing, event, or object. It is contrasted with something and everything. Nothingness is used more specifically as the state of nonexistence of everything.

Ok maybe nothingness is a word but like id know! =P
615 posts

haha, pwned in the face. i'll continue it as soon as i can... i know i keep saying that... xD

5,874 posts

Ok maybe nothingness is a word but like id know! =P

Lol, you just failed on your own argument.

Anyway, what will be-err I mean, when will the next part come out? You still haven't impressed Thoad, "fully".
615 posts

Hey! be patient! the second part is right here. I dont think it's as good as the first part... but that was the hook. soooo... ya. lol

I sprinted down the street, giving it all I had, but I feared it might not be enough. I looked behind me, to see the menacing small shadow, easily staying with me. I ran, and ran, but the tiny shadow just floated behind me. And don't think that it's my own shadow. Because it is not. I stumbled a little on a tuft of grass sticking out between the cement. But I kept sprinting. Once i got to the street, it would be over, the shadow would dissipate in the light. I glimpsed the road getting closer with each step, and even though my body hurt immensly, i ran faster than i ever had before. I ran, and ran, and finally, the street stretched from my left and right. The shadow stopped in its tracks just before it went into the light. I smiled and waved to it. The shadow cawed, and flew away the way it had come from.
"Mom! I'm home!", I was supposedly just now getting home from school. Of course, I had'nt been to school for 3 days. After that stupid bird started following me, I could'nt keep my focus in school. I had no idea why the principal has'nt called my mom to tell her I skipped some school days.
"Mom?!", still, no answer. O.K., this was starting to get freaky. I sprinted around the house, screaming her name, but she never appeared. And her car was still here. That's when i noticed the note sitting on the kitchen counter. It read:
'Dear Jon,
I had to go apply for a job in Florida, sorry I could'nt say bye, but this was very urgent. I love you! -Mo'
After 'Mo' there was a scribble that went all the way down to the bottom of the paper, and went onto the counter. That's when i knew something bad had happend here. I ran to the phone, and dialed 911, but the phone was out of service. What do i do now? I thought. Then i saw a flicker of movement outside the glass door. I went to it, and opened the door. Then i heard a loud thump and dropped to the ground, fading into unconciousness.

615 posts

After reading over it, i found that it was rushed. who agrees with me?

4,689 posts

Bum bum bum! I wonder who smacked him? Better question when will next bit be out?

615 posts

haha, just wait. when im bored, i write... well, that wont be long. xD
im always bored.

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