Let me know what you think of it. I wrote it pretty quickly so try not to be entirely harsh.
The moon was hidden behind the clouds heavy with rain. Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder rumbled as he crouched in one of the many trees around him near the dirt road. Waiting for the King and his men to come by which should be any minute now. And sure enough here they came, but he heard them before he saw them. First the clopping of horses hooves and then the clanking of armor as men marched by. His heart pounded, his enemy was so close the stakes high. If he scored this kill not only would he become very rich, but he'd also become one of the most famous assassin's in all the world. Rain began to fall now, lightning streaked again revealing the kings carriage. And as the assassin had hoped the man driving had a dark cloak his hood pulled up to shield him from the rain. The assassin crept across the branch until he was crouching directly above the road. Turning his back on the carriage he wrapped his legs around the branch and let himself fall his knife ready. The carriage pulled closer yet and the man driving didn't notice the shadow just above him. The blade showed bright in the lightning as he plunged it deep into the carriage drivers throat. The assassin let his legs relax and he fell into the carriage seat. He flipped the drivers body off the side, it hit the ground with a slight thud but the guards walking just infront didn't hear it over the storm. He took up the reins replacing the driver.
He guided the carriage forward, but voices were yelling ahead. The call to halt came and the assassin smiled as he knew his trap had worked. He pulled on the reins and the carriage halted. The guards ahead of him came back and encircled the carriage. Their backs turned on the only real threat. Deciding to have fun with his all to easy part. The assassin jumped down and walked up to one of the guards. "What is the meaning of this halt? My Lord has to reach Sheredsborg by the day after next." The guard turned his head back ever so slightly not stopping his scan of the dark trees and brush before his eyes. "Relax, we found a wagon ahead and a little off the road. The driver has been slain and the horses cut loose." The assassin carriage driver made a disgusted noise. "Why do we have to stop for that? The man is dead there's no need for us to share his fate." Laughing the guard answered him, "This was most likely the work of bandits, we have a couple of scouts heading out into the woods trying to find them. Until then we sit here and wait." The assassin turned toward the carriage door. "We'll see what my Lord has to say about this interruption then we will see how necessary this stop is." The guard payed no attention to this remark and continued to scan the outlying woods. Leaving the assassin an excuse to speak with the king. He knocked on the carriage door. And the familiar voice of King Garrett responded. "Enter." The Assassin opened the door and climbed in. Garrett sat on the left looking out the window. He turned and saw his driver climbing in. "Ah, Harold come to get out of the rain have you?" Playing his part Harold nodded and without warning lunged at Garrett revealing his blade. The King let out a nearly silent cry as his throat was cut and his pockets searched for any valuables. The Assassin wiped his knife clean and put it back inside his cloak. He then reached into a pocket on the opposite side and pulled out a single red orb. With that in hand he opened the carriage door and began to climb out. Dropping the orb on the rug floor while shutting the door. "Fire, fire!" he yelled as the carriage burst into flames. All the guards turned sprinting for the now well roasting carriage. Orders were given, and the men began trying to put out the fire. Even with the help of the rain it would take awhile. The Assassin seeing his job complete slipped away into the stormy night, becoming invisible as he entered the woods.
Excuse me for having trouble with my acronyms. Btw Moon i'ma need the e-mail in a hour or so. i'm waiting on king to tell me what I should do for chapter one. Any suggestions from you?
Here is the next part and I must say its the worst yet and I think it is very sloppy. Please try to enjoy it even though it isn't good, and let me know what you think.
It was a little past noon when he entered Dartmouth. The crowds were at their largest during this part of the day making it easy for him to sneak into the city with a bounty on his head. As he walked with the crowd he notice that most of them were heading in the direction of town square and way ahead he could see a line forming at the entry to it. He had guessed right the hanging was going to be today and probably very soon by the looks of it. The town squares in most cities were very open and easy to access. But unfortunatly for the assassin as he neared he saw walls surrounding this one, and only one arch way on this side of the square allowed entry. Though this was a hindrance upon his mission it wasn't what he was worried about. But he sighed with relief when he spotted only one soldier standing guard. As he neared the opening he pushed to the opposite side of the line hoping the guard wouldn't see him. About half way across someone shoved him, and then another. He tripped over something probably a foot and fell out of the crowd directly in front of the guard. The soldier came forward. "Let me help you up good sir." Before he could protest the man pulled him to his feet. Not wanting to be recognized the assassin turned away and headed for the thinning line of people. "Andre? Andre is that you?" The guard spoke as he grabbed him by the arm spinning him around to get a good look.
The assassin having a clear view of the mans face saw he was much older than most of the other guardsmen. He had a grey goatee that was neatly trimmed and dead black eyes just like his own. Strange he thought. His head though it was covered by a helmet revealed small strands of grey and brown hair. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." The assassin spoke quietly trying not to draw any more attention upon himself. The older guardsmen smiled widely obviously not noticing the assassins attempts at discretion as he spoke louder than necessary "Well of course you wouldn't we haven't seen each other since you were a young lad." The man embraced him, and though the assassin didn't appreciate it he didn't mind. This man seemed to know him very well. "Pardon me," Andre said. "Who are you?" The man now laughed, "Oh forgive an old fool I'm your uncle, Partridge Kingsley." The assassin, known as Andre to this man found himself at a loss for words but quickly regained his composure as a man from inside the square began speaking. "Listen to me uncle, if thats what you really are. I'm about to save the man in there from being hanged, I don't have much time." He turned and began to walk away. The man grabbed him again. "Well if you succeed come find me." Andre stopped looked back and then leaned in close to his newly discovered uncle. "Meet me in Comersant three days from now at midnight. Do not let anyone follow you and do not share your destination. Doing so will only lead to your demise. Is that clear?" Though he didn't want to threaten his only known relative, it was a necessity considering he could be lying saying this only to trap him. The man nodded and stepped back to his post as if he hadn't spoken at all to his long lost nephew. Andre, now unfocused stepped through the arch way into the massive gathering of people. All of their eyes were locked upon the three men standing on the hanging block none spared a glance at him as he moved past them. Getting very close so he could get a good view of the men. One had his hands cuffed behind his back head held high. Andre could tell this was Carlin's son Menion, for his eyes were big and brown just like his father's and the cuffed hands were an obvious clue. The man to Menion's left began to read from a piece of parchment in his hands. Andre payed no attention to this for he had heard enough of them to know what was being said. Instead he observed the man on Menion's right placing a noose around his neck. The young man did not blink.
Seeing this Andre began considering his options. He could let them condemn Menion as guilty and allow them to pull the lever risking Menion's neck snapping and if it didn't the sounding of an alarm. Or he could just kill the two men now with only the risk of an alarm being sounded. The assassin knew he would be able to escape with Menion. As most times with these hearings this one being no acception, weren't heavily guarded, just overcrowded. Not having any time left to decide he went into action as the man finished reading the crimes Menion was accused of. Thanking Carlin as he did so for somehow retrieving his weapons from the prison.
"How do you plea"....... the man broke off clutching at a knife buried in his chest. The other man began to shout for help when a knife lodged in his throat sending blood spewing across the platform. As he had hoped the crowd went into panic once they realized what had happened and began making for the exits. Not wasting a second the assassin jumped up onto the wooden platform now covered with blood, and cut Menion free of the noose. Menion tried speaking but was cut off as Andre pulled him by the arm off the block and into the crowd now trying to escape. His heart began pounding even more than it already was as he saw guards move to block the exit. He looked back at the other and saw the same. Thinking quickly he reached into one of the several pouches on his belt, the one in particular had a yellow symbol on it. He removed from it a single yellow orb and tossed it at the guards the two men stood watching as yellow smoke filled the air. "Hold your breathe when we enter the smoke." Andre told Menion. The crowd, after seeing the guards drop to the ground immobile from the yellow smoke stopped where they stood not wanting to share the soldiers fates. Andre took a deep breathe just before moving passed them and entering the cloud of smoke. They had just started to step over the fallen guardsmen when he noticed Menion's arm go stiff. Looking back he saw Menion standing paralyzed. The assassin wrapped his arms around Menion's legs and threw him up onto his shoulder, speaking as he almost fell over with the added weight. "I told you to hold your breathe." He got his footing and carried him out of the town square into the streets filled with chaos.
There were many guards standing out in the street, but seeing their fellow soldiers on the ground made them uneasy about moving any closer to the entrance. Knowing they would soon notice him and the large man sentenced to death on his back, he threw Menion to the ground, paying little attention to the groan he gave. And quickly pulled yet another orb from one of his pouches this one with a black symbol on it. He threw this one directly into the guards and they all began screaming with pain as the dark smoke surrounded them. Andre not wanting to watch all those men die picked up his immobile companion and hobbled away from the scene and toward the gates he had entered earlier. Far down the dirt road he could see the gates shutting tight. A bell was ringing alerting every guard in the city of the attempted escape. He heard the shouts of men off in the distance and instead of heading for the gate, decided to cross the dirt road and go down an alley which he hoped would lead to the walls of the city. With Menion on his back progress was slow and he found himself tiring quickly his breathing became ragged. No soldiers were chasing them yet and he prayed they didn't start for Menion was to much a hindrance upon his speed for him to escape. Reaching the end of the alley the two came upon another dirt road. Cautiously he stepped out into the street. The wall was not to much farther, he could see it down the alley on the other side of the street. A contingent of soldiers came marching by. He moved back into the shadows of a nearby building and waited for them to pass. Menion began to struggle, "If you want to get out of here stop your fussing." But Menion didn't listen and began to kick, not wanting to get caught so close to escape Andre ignored it and ran to the other side of the road and into the safety of the next alley. The walls were very close now, he could see the steps leading up onto the ramparts. Not hesitating he ran through the alley quickly and out into the open climbing the stairs slowly at first. The shouts from soldiers below made him move faster. He glanced back to see three of them coming up after him. And he could see farther along the wall four more running his way. With no other way out alive he stepped up onto the edge of the wall, back to the ground. The guards behind him stopped one drew his sword and spoke. "Don't be a fool come down from there, just admit defeat assassin you've been had." He gave the guards a broad smile. "You're the fool for thinking you've caught me." He turned and jumped off, to afraid to look down.
I apologize for the double post but I had to make sure that everyone understands that this is my work and it belongs to me. So please don't try and take it.
Sorry it took me so long I just got the idea i wanted. Here it is let me know what you think.
Andre Kingsley sat in a dark corner of the Drunken Knight Tavern, the sun had just gone down and the fire place was already being lit for winter was coming ever closer and the nights were getting cold. The smell of beer and potatoes made him hungry and dying for a drink but he swore against the latter. The Drunken Knight though very old, was in good condition. There were only a few holes in the ceiling which was uncommon in smaller villages like Comersant and it had many frequenters. Andre sat in the corner farthest from the door, and he was angled directly at it. It had been over a week since he'd escaped Dartmouth with Carlin's son Menion who was passed out drunk in the seat next to him after learning of his fathers death, was drooling all over the table and mumbling words inaudible to him. Andre on the other hand was completely sober and expecting his uncle Partridge Kingsley to return very soon from Dartmouth.
During the weeks time Andre had learned many things about himself from his uncle. His full name was Andre Demontresor Kingsley, son of the long dead Harding Demontresor Kingsley. Who Andre, was told by his mother Ellisia, had left them many years ago. But instead was enslaved while protecting Ellisia and her unborn son Andre from a group of bandit slavers. So now Andre and his uncle were beginning their search for Harding, while also trying to find the bandit group who had killed the old man Carlin. That is why Andre was sitting here, Partridge had left some hours ago, heading to the archive library there in quest for information on Harding's enslavement and the bandit gang.
He'd been watching every customer that came in when finally one caught his attention. A very tall man with a shaved head and a small black goatee stepped up to the bar whispering something to the bartender. A minute later he was escorted back deeper into the tavern to one of the many private rooms. Andre was sitting right next to the hall leading back to those rooms. And as the man walked by he noticed that his cloak had the same intertwining silver lines along the edge. He waited ten minutes before the bartender returned. And immediatly went up to him. "Excuse me sir, that man you just took back there I'd like to speak with him." The bartender an older man who's gut showed his love of drinking laughed at him. "That man is the deadliest amongst us here tonight. The only way you shall see him is if you wish to challenge him to a fight, and if you do so you won't live long." Andre, knowing for a fact that he was the deadliest man here and probably in this kingdom gave a laugh that sent shivers down his spine and the bartender. "Tell that man I wish to challenge him but not to the death, I wish to bargain with him." At that moment someone to their right spoke. "Why don't you tell him yourself."
The tall man stood before him. His eyes were full of hate, and Andre could tell this man was not afraid of a fight. And now seeing his face directly Andre noticed two scars crossing on his right cheek, they ran up the side of his face and back down over his eyelids ending at the corners of his mouth. His voice was not familiar but somehow Andre knew this man could lead him to the gang. The man spoke again, "What do you wish to bargain, your life? Please let it be so." Andre paused before speaking. "I challenge you to a fight my good sir. And our bargain, if I lose you can end my life. But if I win you tell me what I want to know." The man stood silent for many moments. Every eye in the tavern rested on the two men. "I except your bargain, meet just outside the tavern tomorrow just after sunrise." The two men stepped forward and shook hands, Andre had to stop himself from flinching at the cold touch of the mans hand. The two parted the man leaving, Andre staying. He looked around everyone was staring at him, mouths gaping. Even Menion was awake and looking halfway sober. Partridge was standing just inside the door, having came in during the middle of things. The bartender clapped his hands together and began singing breaking the dead silence. And everyone went back to their drinking, and story telling. When Andre went back to his table he caught a few people sneaking glances over their shoulders at him. Partridge was sitting across from him now, still in shock at what he'd heard. Andre seeing his uncle not coming around any time soon spoke. "What did you learn in the library?" His uncle looked at Menion and then back at him mouth still open. "Nevermind that, do you know what you just did?" Andre scratched his head, "I challenged some half wit bandit to a duel tomorrow." Partridge made a gastly sound as he gulped down his ale. Coughing and spluttering at his nephews ignorance. "You stupid fool, that is no half wit bandit. That is the secondd in command of the Elburg Bandits. The same bandits who killed Menion's father. He is no fool, and he lives for the kill." Partridge took another long drink. "Did I mention he's one of the best swordsmen to ever walk the earth? And on top of that he is the most evil." Andre smiled, "If he's such a good fighter how'd he get those scars across his face?" Partridge having no answer took another drink and began telling Menion about the large bounty now on his head. But Andre didn't pay much attention he had much more important matters to handle, one of them being the toughest fight of his life.
It was a chilly morning, the light breeze brought with it the cold mountain air from the west. The entire town of Comersant, the men, women, children. All of them were standing along the road waiting for the suns first light to signify the beginning of an epic battle. A single man walked out into the open to stand next to Andre, it was his uncle Partridge. "Be careful my nephew, Halycon is strong." Andre had grown tired of his uncles worries and was rather annoyed by him at the moment. "Uncle leave me be, unless you want me dead you'd better get the hell away from me now." Partridge stepped away whispering as he did. "I fear you already are." It was very quiet, so quiet that Andre could here his own heart beat. It was slow and steady and he was not even slightly worried about the fight ahead. Though many people had come to him last night and early this morning saying their good bye's. He could see the orange glow against the clouded sky, the sunrise was very beautiful and warm this morning and with it's warmth came the beginning of a hard fight.
The battle began very quickly as soon as the sun touched their faces their swords came together. Sending sparks flying through the air. And as the two came close Andre felt the man's strength. How could he have been so strong? He thought, as Halycon swung downward toward him. Halycon was very tall and very lean, but this was very deceptive Andre knew. The two battled back and forth pushing the crowds around them farther back as it's intensity grew. Halycon blocked his attack and sent him to the ground. Not pausing to let him up. Andre being quick kicked Halycon in the stomach. But it seemed to have no effect as his blade came down toward him. Instead Andre rolled out of the way pushing himself to his feet just in time to block another strike. And then the never ending swings began again. Back and forth, the crowd watched in a quiet awe. For they knew they were witnessing history. The fight went on for what seemed like ages. And as Andre fell to the ground for a second time he looked up to see the sun way in the sky. They'd been fighting for several hours now. Neither man losing any of their strength or speed. Halycon swung again and again, pushing Andre farther and farther backwards. And suddenly Andre was on his back again, having tripped over a rock his sword fell from his hand. He looked up to see Halycon holding his sword over his head smiling as he prepared to bring it down.
The sound of horse hooves caught Andre's attention. And he noticed Halycon hesitate and risk a look back. Halycon froze when he saw his master riding up with the entire bandit crew. He lowered his sword, and turned away from his fallen enemy, bowing to his lord. Andre seeing his enemy distracted stood and grabbed the rock he'd tripped over. And with a great force, he bashed it over Halycon's head. The sound of cracking bone filled his ears and then the thud as Halycon hit the ground hard. Andre realized his mistake as he noticed the large number of riders coming toward him, bearing the same cloak as Halycon. The hooded figure leading the group raised his hand for them to halt. Without a single word they did as their master asked. The figure climbed down from his horse with ease. Andre could see a grey beard hidden within the shadow's of the hood. The man stopped next to Halycon's body shrugging his shoulders as he squated and felt no pulse from his second in command. "It tis a shame he died as he did. But I've found the perfect person to replace him." The man pulled back his hood, revealing solid black eyes, long grey hair pulled back in a ponytail. Andre saw the striking resemblance he shared with the man. The man smiled. "Look at you my son, you've gone and grown up on me." Andre felt tears running down his face as he jumped toward his father. Getting the embrace he'd never had before, from a man who until a week ago he'd believed to be dead.