ForumsArt, Music, and WritingI'm back again......hope you enjoy this little piece I just wrote.

84 13620
120 posts

Let me know what you think of it. I wrote it pretty quickly so try not to be entirely harsh.

The moon was hidden behind the clouds heavy with rain. Lightning streaked across the sky and thunder rumbled as he crouched in one of the many trees around him near the dirt road. Waiting for the King and his men to come by which should be any minute now. And sure enough here they came, but he heard them before he saw them. First the clopping of horses hooves and then the clanking of armor as men marched by. His heart pounded, his enemy was so close the stakes high. If he scored this kill not only would he become very rich, but he'd also become one of the most famous assassin's in all the world. Rain began to fall now, lightning streaked again revealing the kings carriage. And as the assassin had hoped the man driving had a dark cloak his hood pulled up to shield him from the rain. The assassin crept across the branch until he was crouching directly above the road. Turning his back on the carriage he wrapped his legs around the branch and let himself fall his knife ready. The carriage pulled closer yet and the man driving didn't notice the shadow just above him. The blade showed bright in the lightning as he plunged it deep into the carriage drivers throat. The assassin let his legs relax and he fell into the carriage seat. He flipped the drivers body off the side, it hit the ground with a slight thud but the guards walking just infront didn't hear it over the storm. He took up the reins replacing the driver.

He guided the carriage forward, but voices were yelling ahead. The call to halt came and the assassin smiled as he knew his trap had worked. He pulled on the reins and the carriage halted. The guards ahead of him came back and encircled the carriage. Their backs turned on the only real threat. Deciding to have fun with his all to easy part. The assassin jumped down and walked up to one of the guards. "What is the meaning of this halt? My Lord has to reach Sheredsborg by the day after next." The guard turned his head back ever so slightly not stopping his scan of the dark trees and brush before his eyes. "Relax, we found a wagon ahead and a little off the road. The driver has been slain and the horses cut loose." The assassin carriage driver made a disgusted noise. "Why do we have to stop for that? The man is dead there's no need for us to share his fate." Laughing the guard answered him, "This was most likely the work of bandits, we have a couple of scouts heading out into the woods trying to find them. Until then we sit here and wait." The assassin turned toward the carriage door. "We'll see what my Lord has to say about this interruption then we will see how necessary this stop is." The guard payed no attention to this remark and continued to scan the outlying woods. Leaving the assassin an excuse to speak with the king. He knocked on the carriage door. And the familiar voice of King Garrett responded. "Enter." The Assassin opened the door and climbed in. Garrett sat on the left looking out the window. He turned and saw his driver climbing in. "Ah, Harold come to get out of the rain have you?" Playing his part Harold nodded and without warning lunged at Garrett revealing his blade. The King let out a nearly silent cry as his throat was cut and his pockets searched for any valuables. The Assassin wiped his knife clean and put it back inside his cloak. He then reached into a pocket on the opposite side and pulled out a single red orb. With that in hand he opened the carriage door and began to climb out. Dropping the orb on the rug floor while shutting the door. "Fire, fire!" he yelled as the carriage burst into flames. All the guards turned sprinting for the now well roasting carriage. Orders were given, and the men began trying to put out the fire. Even with the help of the rain it would take awhile. The Assassin seeing his job complete slipped away into the stormy night, becoming invisible as he entered the woods.

  • 84 Replies
1,989 posts

Nice , I like it! I Can't Wait for more!

3,386 posts

This is really great. I's anticipating the next update! You are doing an amazing job.

231 posts

i liked was should finish the story and then post it all at once

120 posts

Thank you again for the great response to the story, I was just letting everyone know that I am going to update it either tonght or tomorrow. Thanks again.

120 posts

The next update, hope all of you enjoy it.

Andre sat in the Drunken Knight of Comresant once again. But now instead of sitting in a dark corner he sat at one of the tables set in a long row at the center of the Tavern. And now he was accompanied by his father Harding Demontresor Kingsley, known to his followers as Dread.

"My son, it is wonderful to see you again. Andre's father said placing a hand upon his shoulder. And what a marvelous time you chose to come to me. Wouldn't you say so men?"[i/] The whole room errupted with cheers. And the sounds of fists slamming against tables. The tavern's common folk had fled when the Elburg Bandit's had entered leaving the entire establishment at the desposal of the rowdy gang. But Dread had told them all that anything broken or unpayed for by them would be taken from their salaries. And so the men were acting on their best behavior, especially with money at stake. Andre's father leaned in close to him speaking softly. [i]"My son you have killed one of my men. And they expect me to kill you as is common code amongst us. But I am going to do what ever I can to change that." At that moment without giving him a chance to respond, Andre's father stood and the men stopped their chatter. Harding cleared his throat before speaking.[i]"As you all know Halycon, one of our greatest has died."[i/] He paused and let the men say their silent good bye's. [i]"The man who ended his life sits next to me, and that man is my son."[i/] He looked around the room and knew he had their attention. [i]"Under normal circumstances we would trade our comrades life for his killers. But as I'm sure you know I will not let this happen tonight."[i/] He stopped again judging their reactions, no one seemed to have any objections so far. [i]"Instead of taking his life I feel it would be of equal retribution if we asked him to take the life of another. What say you."[i/] Most of the men shouted in agreement but one raised his hand high one Harding recognized as Dargen. He nodded for him to speak. [i]"What if you're just saying this to allow him to escape?"[i/] Some of the men nodded at this. [i]"If my son chooses to flee instead of fulfilling the code.[i/] He took a deep breathe, having trouble getting the words to come out. [i]"I will personally hunt him down and kill him. Fair enough for you?"[i/] And with that his men agreed entirely, for their master always kept his word. Andre was not surprised at this for he knew after killing Halycon that there would be some price to pay. His father turned to look at him. [i]"Do you accept this offer?"[i/] Andre did not hesitate, he nodded to his father and then to the entire room. [i]"But who may I ask, am I being sent to kill?"[i/] His father smiled at him. [i]"The very man who's father you killed my son. I want you to kill King Hayden of Dartmouth."[i/] Andre smiled at his father hoping it didn't look as fake as it felt. His hear was beating fast and he was already worried. Hayden was not a normal man and would prove to be a very difficult target. But none the less he would get his revenge.....or die trying.

120 posts

Lets try that again shall we, I apologize for all of the 's and the double post. If a mod would please delete the first mistake ridden one I would be most appreciative. Thank you.

Andre sat in the Drunken Knight of Comresant once again. But now instead of sitting in a dark corner he sat at one of the tables set in a long row at the center of the Tavern. And now he was accompanied by his father Harding Demontresor Kingsley, known to his followers as Dread.
"[i]My son, it is wonderful to see you again. Andre's father said placing a hand upon his shoulder. And what a marvelous time you chose to come to me. Wouldn't you say so men?"
The whole room errupted with cheers. And the sounds of fists slamming against tables. The tavern's common folk had fled when the Elburg Bandit's had entered leaving the entire establishment at the desposal of the rowdy gang. But Dread had told them all that anything broken or unpayed for by them would be taken from their salaries. And so the men were acting on their best behavior, especially with money at stake. Andre's father leaned in close to him speaking softly. "My son you have killed one of my men. And they expect me to kill you as is common code amongst us. But I am going to do what ever I can to change that." At that moment without giving him a chance to respond, Andre's father stood and the men stopped their chatter. Harding cleared his throat before speaking. "As you all know Halycon, one of our greatest has died." He paused and let the men say their silent good bye's. "The man who ended his life sits next to me, and that man is my son." He looked around the room and knew he had their attention. "Under normal circumstances we would trade our comrades life for his killers. But as I'm sure you know I will not let this happen tonight." He stopped again judging their reactions, no one seemed to have any objections so far. "Instead of taking his life I feel it would be of equal retribution if we asked him to take the life of another. What say you." Most of the men shouted in agreement but one raised his hand high one Harding recognized as Dargen. He nodded for him to speak. "What if you're just saying this to allow him to escape?" Some of the men nodded at this. "If my son chooses to flee instead of fulfilling the code. He took a deep breathe, having trouble getting the words to come out. I will personally hunt him down and kill him. Fair enough for you?" And with that his men agreed entirely, for their master always kept his word. Andre was not surprised at this for he knew after killing Halycon that there would be some price to pay. His father turned to look at him. "Do you accept this offer?" Andre did not hesitate, he nodded to his father and then to the entire room. "But who may I ask, am I being sent to kill?" His father smiled at him. "The very man who's father you killed my son. I want you to kill King Hayden of Dartmouth." Andre smiled at his father hoping it didn't look as fake as it felt. His hear was beating fast and he was already worried. Hayden was not a normal man and would prove to be a very difficult target. But none the less he would get his revenge.....or die trying.

231 posts

this is really getting interesting...keep updateing

4,013 posts

Maybe you could publish this or am I being to nice?

231 posts

Maybe you could publish this or am I being to nice?

i agree..he could try to get it published..
i like this more than alot of books ive read before
120 posts

Thank you everyone for your compliments. Anyway here is the next part please enjoy.

The sun was beginning to set as Andre slipped into the cold waters of the Shalensad River just west of Dartmouth. He could barely see the walls ahead as he drifted through the water. He had several minutes before he would reach the walls and took the time to review his plan. His first goal was to get inside the city and open the gate for his father and his men. After that he would make his way to the castle where he would hopefully kill King Hayden, if he did not succeed his father would have a hard time overthrowing the royalty and taking over the kingdom. Knowing he must succeed, he came back into reality.

The walls were well within view now and Andre could see guards patrolling the tops. The water passed under the stone wall. He took a deep breathe and dove down under the water until he'd reached the other side. Coming up quickly he was careful not to gasp for air for fear the guards standing on the bridge just ahead would hear. Andre noticed the waters moved faster here though he couldn't figure out why and he was under the bridge very quickly. Being careful to make no noise he grabbed hold of a wooden beam. It took a lot of his strength to hold himself there as the current swept past him pulling at him like hands trying to take him along. Listening carefully he counted the number of guards standing upon the bridge. The sound of footsteps to his left made him flinch. Then another set on the opposite side. The same two sets moved around in a circle along the edge of the bridge. And after several minutes Andre could tell that they were always directly opposite eachother and they stopped for two minutes each time to look out across the water. He swung himself from beam to beam until he was able to look up at the guard just above him. The guard was facing him but didn't notice Andre, for he was looking out at the water far down the river not right below him. He pulled himself back under the bridge and waited. The guards moved and traded places. He knew he would have to move quickly. Without warning Andre climbed up onto the railing of the bridge. Grabbing hold of the guard by his neck he pulled him into the water, and with great effort held him under. The man was kicking and punching violently, trying to break free. It had been over a minute he had no more time. With one hand he held the guard under, with the other he retrieved his knife. And with one swift motion plunged it into the water. The water's became black with blood and the man stopped struggling. He let the body float off with the current and climbed up over the railing, dropping silently to the wooden planks of the bridge. The guard was beginning to turn toward him but Andre ended his life quickly. Thrusting his blade deep into his chest. It was fortunate they didn't wear heavy armor he thought, as he slowly dropped the body into the waters. Sighing with relief that he'd made it undetected into the city he moved off the bridge and down the dark and empty streets of Dartmouth toward the gates.

The gate itself was well guarded. Several soldiers stood atop the walls over looking the wooded regions south where his father and his men were lying in wait. But Andre was not worried about them, his concern was the gatehouse itself. From what he could see only one guard stood watch. Standing just to the right of the open doorway. A single torch lit the inside of the room casting a shadow on the soldier outside. The man, to Andre's surprise turned and dissapeared into the gatehouse. He could see the shadow of the man sitting in a chair facing away from the entrance. As he crept up to the door he couldn't help but feel as if this was to easy. Getting closer the man came within his sight, he was sitting at a table quil in hand scribbling on a piece of paper. Andre walked up into the room not bothering to be quiet. "What do you want?" The guard spoke, still writing intently. Andre spoke quietly "Your life." And before the guard could turn to defend himself he was lying face down on the table, blood pooling around his head and dripping onto the floor. The gate was opened by a simple pulley system the only problem was it made a terrible noise which would indeed alert every guard on the walls. Andre, thinking quickly, grabbed a small white orb from a pouch on his belt and walked out of the gatehouse. He looked up the wall and tossed the orb over. A bright flash of light exploded up onto the walls blinding every guard looking out toward the woods. Not only was this a distraction to the guards it was also a signal to his father. And quickly he moved back into the gate house turning the crank that would open the doors. The shouts of men were coming from somewhere outside, but Andre was not worried as he heard the pounding of hooves charging through the open gates. A single man came into the gate house. Andre placed a metal bar in the crank to hold the gate open as his father spoke to him. "You have done well my son. Now you must go and pay the price for Halycon's death." Andre looked at his father worriedly. "Something is wrong here father, they made it to easy for me to get here." His father looked back out the door. The sounds of battle had begun. "Son you are to quick to question. Just accept that you got lucky. Now go, we do not have much time, Hayden will no doubt try to flee the city by way of the river." His father drew his sword and lept into the battle outside without another word. Andre followed close behind but with a different task, and let his worries fall away with his fathers reassurance that he'd gotten lucky. Now it was time to kill Hayden he thought as he slipped away from the battle back toward the river and the looming castle across it.

120 posts

The next update, were getting close to the finish now, sorry for such a short post.

Andre was surprised when he reached the river that Hayden was no where in sight. His father had been wrong, or Hayden had escaped already. Not wasting any time Andre sprinted across the bridge toward the open castle gates. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw no guards standing watch. Something was very wrong here, he crouched down and listened. Nothing but the battle raging behind him. Knowing he must move on Andre stood and walked in through the open gates. He was in the outter courtyard, the sound of metal boots on stone made him draw his sword. But before he realized what was happening it was to late. He looked back to see guards blocking the path he'd come from, and the gates were shutting now as well. Men carrying bows and arrows climbed up onto the walls, ready to fire at Harding and his men. Andre knew he'd fallen for yet another trap and swore to himself that if he made it out alive he'd never go against his instincts again. He was standing near the center of the courtyard. Guards surrounding him on all sides, weapons ready to strike. But then the guards parted ahead of him. And a single man walked out into the open space. Andre could not see him well in the night light. But then torches appeared around the circle, forcing the guards to step back. The flames cast an odd shadow across everything, making it seem as if even the walls were alive. Andre froze when he recognized Hayden standing on the opposite side of the circle. "Well, it seems I've caught you once again Assassin." Hayden hissed the words. "But this time I promise not to let you escape." Hayden raised his hand's into the air, chanting words Andre had never heard before. A large cloud formed over the open courtyard and lightning began to strike Hayden's outstreched arms. Sending streaks of blue light down his body. Andre found himself unable to move. He'd never witnessed magic before and up until this day he had never believed it existed. The lightning stopped and the cloud dissapeared. Hayden stood before him, his eyes a dark blue color. His entire body was wrapped in the moving currents of electricity. Knowing he was going to die, Andre decided to put up one last fight. He grasped his sword in both hands, waiting for the inevitable to come.

231 posts

woah..this is getting very good..with the magic and all..its so captivating..keep it up
and this is one of the most captivating stories ive ever read..i dont want to stop reading but theres nothing more to read..hahah..
you should maybe try to get this published if you can

120 posts

The next update, we are really close now but this is not the last.

you should maybe try to get this published if you can
Do you really think I should try and get this published? Please enjoy.

Andre dove to the ground as a lightning bolt flew over his head, striking one of the guards standing in the circle around him. He climbed to his feet and rushed at Hayden swinging his sword wildly. But Hayden with his new found power side stepped the attack easily and grabbed Andre by the arm. Hayden muttered a few strange words and Andre began to scream with pain as electricity ran through his entire body. He found it hard to move through the pain. After a few seconds of trying to break free he realized Hayden's new powers were to great. Instead of breaking free he tried breaking Hayden's concentration. "You don't have to kill me...... I think you would find me of great use." Hayden made a hissing sound, which Andre presumed to be laughter. "The only way you can serve me is if you are dead." Andre felt what he was looking for, it was almost impossible to sense but he felt the pain lessen. And seeing his opportunity he swung his free fist at Hayden, landing a blow on the side of the king's face. He heard another hissing sound and was flung across the room. Sliding into a few of the guards standing around them. One of the soldiers kicked him in the head as he climbed to his knees sending him sprawling to the ground once again. Barely able to move he climbed to his feet. Looking up at Hayden just in time to see another bolt flying toward's him. Andre braced himself for the pain, knowing he could not evade the spell. It struck him dead in the chest stopping his heart entirely. He fell back to his knees head held high. As a sword of lightning appeared in Hayden's hand. Hayden placed the blade on Andre's shoulder. He could feel the sparks running through his body. It was all over and this time he could find no way out. Hayden raised the sword high. A sickening smile spread across his face.

In that moment just before death Andre felt the presence of another. Though he could not tell who it was or where they were. Then suddenly the familiar voice of an old man spoke to him.

"With my dieing breathe I gave to you my power Andre. I have watched over you since waiting for the right time to unlock it's secret's for you. And I feel this is the time." Andre felt a cool breeze fill his lungs. His heart started beating again, the pain fled his body, replaced by a new sensation. One he'd never felt before it felt like strength but was something more. It settled in and Andre grew fond of it very quickly. Carlin spoke again this time weakly, it reminded Andre of the old man just before he'd died. He could picture his pale face, and feel his cold skin.
"My time upon this world is up now, I shall be leaving for the last time. You know what must be done and you have the power necessary to do it. I wish you good luck and perhaps we will see each other again someday. Good bye my friend."

With that Andre came back to the scene before him. Hayden was standing above him, still smiling. He hadn't noticed Carlin's presence. And with one quick move brought the sword down toward Andre. He raised his hand to block the blow, closing his eyes hoping the new power was real and not just his imagination. He felt the electric blade catch in his hand. And he felt Hayden's body freeze, "What is this? You do not have any magic." Andre climbed to his feet still holding the blade. Andre pulled the sword from Hayden who was still in shock. And with one swift motion sent Hayden's head flying into the crowd of guards. The detached body fell backward, blood still flowing from the neck. The soldiers standing around him were all in awe. Their weapons sat at their sides. Andre heard a shout from one of them and they all charged at him. Not knowing what to do he felt the instinct to clap his hands. With the clap, a wave of fire shot out burning the soldiers. The flames were so hot all that was left of them were their ashes. Andre looked to the sky and smiled. For he knew Carlin was watching him from somewhere above. "Thanks old man." And he walked out of the hot castle courtyard, to stand in the cool breeze just before dawn. His father came running across the bridge with several other men, their weapons held high, voices shouting cheers of victory. It was over Andre thought as his father tackled him to the ground with joy.
3,386 posts

Wowza. I like it. But if you were to publish, you would really need to elaborate lol.

120 posts

But if you were to publish, you would really need to elaborate lol.

I'm well aware of that unfortunate prospect . But I thank you for letting me know anyway.
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