The next update, we are really close now but this is not the last.
you should maybe try to get this published if you can
Do you really think I should try and get this published? Please enjoy.
Andre dove to the ground as a lightning bolt flew over his head, striking one of the guards standing in the circle around him. He climbed to his feet and rushed at Hayden swinging his sword wildly. But Hayden with his new found power side stepped the attack easily and grabbed Andre by the arm. Hayden muttered a few strange words and Andre began to scream with pain as electricity ran through his entire body. He found it hard to move through the pain. After a few seconds of trying to break free he realized Hayden's new powers were to great. Instead of breaking free he tried breaking Hayden's concentration.
"You don't have to kill me...... I think you would find me of great use." Hayden made a hissing sound, which Andre presumed to be laughter.
"The only way you can serve me is if you are dead." Andre felt what he was looking for, it was almost impossible to sense but he felt the pain lessen. And seeing his opportunity he swung his free fist at Hayden, landing a blow on the side of the king's face. He heard another hissing sound and was flung across the room. Sliding into a few of the guards standing around them. One of the soldiers kicked him in the head as he climbed to his knees sending him sprawling to the ground once again. Barely able to move he climbed to his feet. Looking up at Hayden just in time to see another bolt flying toward's him. Andre braced himself for the pain, knowing he could not evade the spell. It struck him dead in the chest stopping his heart entirely. He fell back to his knees head held high. As a sword of lightning appeared in Hayden's hand. Hayden placed the blade on Andre's shoulder. He could feel the sparks running through his body. It was all over and this time he could find no way out. Hayden raised the sword high. A sickening smile spread across his face.
In that moment just before death Andre felt the presence of another. Though he could not tell who it was or where they were. Then suddenly the familiar voice of an old man spoke to him.
"With my dieing breathe I gave to you my power Andre. I have watched over you since waiting for the right time to unlock it's secret's for you. And I feel this is the time." Andre felt a cool breeze fill his lungs. His heart started beating again, the pain fled his body, replaced by a new sensation. One he'd never felt before it felt like strength but was something more. It settled in and Andre grew fond of it very quickly. Carlin spoke again this time weakly, it reminded Andre of the old man just before he'd died. He could picture his pale face, and feel his cold skin.
"My time upon this world is up now, I shall be leaving for the last time. You know what must be done and you have the power necessary to do it. I wish you good luck and perhaps we will see each other again someday. Good bye my friend." With that Andre came back to the scene before him. Hayden was standing above him, still smiling. He hadn't noticed Carlin's presence. And with one quick move brought the sword down toward Andre. He raised his hand to block the blow, closing his eyes hoping the new power was real and not just his imagination. He felt the electric blade catch in his hand. And he felt Hayden's body freeze,
"What is this? You do not have any magic." Andre climbed to his feet still holding the blade. Andre pulled the sword from Hayden who was still in shock. And with one swift motion sent Hayden's head flying into the crowd of guards. The detached body fell backward, blood still flowing from the neck. The soldiers standing around him were all in awe. Their weapons sat at their sides. Andre heard a shout from one of them and they all charged at him. Not knowing what to do he felt the instinct to clap his hands. With the clap, a wave of fire shot out burning the soldiers. The flames were so hot all that was left of them were their ashes. Andre looked to the sky and smiled. For he knew Carlin was watching him from somewhere above.
"Thanks old man." And he walked out of the hot castle courtyard, to stand in the cool breeze just before dawn. His father came running across the bridge with several other men, their weapons held high, voices shouting cheers of victory. It was over Andre thought as his father tackled him to the ground with joy.