This chapter 1 of a story about a AG gamer so heres chapter 1 A AG gamer is playing sonny when the site crashes right whens he at the final boss fight so he grabs the phone and calls the AG office to find out what is wrong but he gets answered with a growl sounding like a zombie so he grabs his headphone shooter gun that goes on zombies heads and make them listen to educational programming then heads off on a epic journey be continued
nope its bigjacob's story moonfairy was just giving an example of what a good story should look like with details and punctuation
Either you really hate school, or you are just trying to cover up that you love it. XD
I don't hate it, I don't love it it's nice to see people but I couldn't stand my math teacher this year he put me to sleep (I saw him at Bestbuy and he tried to talk to me it was really weird)
seriously you can't just start a story then leave even though im getting off because its turning back into day light and i haven't fallen asleep I hate my circadian rhythm
And to all of the people who dissed on the... thing, you should be ashamed of yourselves. It could be someone who really wants to write a story, but doesn't know excatly how to, so they posted a quick entry about it, wanting constructive criticism. Now when they look on here, they are going to see a page full of "Fails." and "This sucks." Switch places for a moment.
Thank you Moon fairy. It looks like we showed the haters! *highfive*
Personally I like these stories they make me laugh.
I agree that it is not really GREAT , but give the guy some positive ideas to make the story better , don`t just say 'boo , you suck" and such comments! He atleast tried to make a good story and if you ask me , it isn`t so bad as most of you a-holes think it is!
sorry ive been busy but anyway he heads to the studio gos inside and is attacked by some AG zombies he fires them and they falll down to the ground.he sees a computer and finds that it has a radioactive virus thats turning every body into zombies and so he tracked the source somebody got a spam email and caused the virus what will he do to be continued.....
he learns that a guy who hates armorgames and bigjacob stories took over armorgames so he took the nearest warphole to the pizza parlor and ate some pizza then went to find the hacker he sees a guy talking to a guy whos holding AG hacked files the man with the files walks away but he tortures the other man with bad singing until he coughs up the information out of his throat it is time.He knows who the hacker is it is...
enter orion he is the hacker of armorgames yes who wouldve thought hed be the one to hack armorgames anyway the guy runs after the guy who throwing out his enter orion music video which is bad so the hero throws a shriken at the dude so the bad guy trips dropping the hack files and the hero takes the files cracks it and restores armorgames to glory.YIPPIE YI YO YO.and that is the end yay my second story.