This chapter 1 of a story about a AG gamer so heres chapter 1 A AG gamer is playing sonny when the site crashes right whens he at the final boss fight so he grabs the phone and calls the AG office to find out what is wrong but he gets answered with a growl sounding like a zombie so he grabs his headphone shooter gun that goes on zombies heads and make them listen to educational programming then heads off on a epic journey be continued
I'm no Grammar nazi or whatever but... I really think everything in AMW should atleast look correct.
A little trick I learnt is to put full stops in correct areas and start each sentence with a space and a capital letter, even if you add no comma's it looks ok.
The dark man looked at the computer screen as the screen stared back. The man was going into a drowsy sleep that he would probably never wake up out of unless the complete impossible happened and that was not very likely at all.
See how professional that looks? Just capital "I"'s and the full stops in the right places with a space, then capital letter it looks correct.
Now look at this
Would you rather read this
The AG gamer heads towards the armorgames studio; printed on the front of the studio was the armorgames shield and sword, he takes one last look and walks slowly into the armorgames studio, but as he walks in he is attacked by atleast 5 or so AG zombies, luckily he bought a good weapon and he fires at them which makes them fall down to the ground. He looks around at the room he was in. All that was there was a computer. He decides to go towards it. As he looks on the computer he finds out that someone has designed a radioactive virus and it's the virus that is turning everyone into zombies. The AG gamer was smart and he tracked the source it was from a spam email that had been sent to the computer. AG gamer new alot, but this was
Or this
he heads to the studio gos inside and is attacked by some AG zombies he fires them and they falll down to the ground.he sees a computer and finds that it has a radioactive virus thats turning every body into zombies and so he tracked the source somebody got a spam email and caused the virus what will he do to be continued.....
I thought so.
Now I'll do it for the rest of yours.
The AG Gamer learns from his spies that a AG member who hates the stories of armorgames has taken over the armorgames studio. The AG Gamer took the nearest warphole to the pizza parlor; a very fine restaurant in the center of the city and ate some pizza; pineapple and ham. After the AG Gamer ate his pizza he went over to a few friends of his to find the hacker. One of his friends tells him that the person is in ice cream surprise. As the AG gamer walks in he sees a guy with blonde hair with a permanent frown on his face talking to a guy with a paper bag over his face. Oh yeah, and he was holding AG hacked files. The man with the files finally walks away but he tortures the other man with his bad singing until he coughs up the information out of his throat it is time that he knows that the hacker is....
...Orion, yes he is the hacker of armorgames. Who would have thought he would be the one to hack armorgames. The man runs after the other guy; who was throwing out his enter orion music video which is so bad that it nearly killed someone. So the hero throws a shriken at the man with Orion music and the bad guy trips; dropping the hack files. The hero runs over to the files showing off to people on the way and gets them. "YIPPIE YI YO YO" everyone in the crowd roared. "Don't thank me" AG Gamer said "I don't need it"
People always have their own opinions, you can't just randomly say you hate someone for their opinion, yes when I saw the first post I thought bigjacob was just trying to be stupid and spam, but after reading on and on I laughed a little and got on with life, remember kids no need to start flame wars!
Just because this is fiction does not give you the right to malign another user without consent.
The rules still apply to this forum as well as the rest of this site.
General note: If you present your work here on this forum, you will receive criticism, some of which may be negative. At worst it should be frank. Learn to accept it. However, snippy remarks and outright hateful comments are unacceptable and this includes ad hominem attacks disguised as Grammar Nazism.
On the other hand: Everyone should put some effort into their work before posting it, which includes proofreading for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If there are more than enough errors for you to fail on an English paper, then there had better be a good reason.