I didn't notice this thread, sowwy, I'm just passing the time here before school today and saw that it was posted in recently.. Slightly ironic that school is making me more active in the forums.. /offtopic
Depressing isn't it?
Yes indeed, but that won't stray me from my insanity in pursuing what doesn't matter.. Mainly what's included in the first stanza.
What I mean is that what you do matters beyond death, in memory.
The memory others have of you is of little consequence if you aren't aware of it. Of course, we all have different beliefs regarding the afterlife; that was only my interpretation.
And I mean immortality in the material sense.
To every beginning There must come an end. Try as you might, You cannot escape it, friend.
Seems an appropriate response. Quick and dirty end-rhymes; people listen more to things put slightly eloquently yet lacking, than things put bluntly but which contain a plethora of information.
As for your poems Kyouzou they are nice. Yes nice. Although my vocabulary has not extended to the mind of a high schooler I can see the point you are trying to get across with these poems. Yes nice. The word agitated in Dreams made the poem a little funny. I can imagine you sitting up or laying down in your bed grumpy. Lawl